preview of ep16
세나는 슬픔을 내색하지 않은 채 애써 담담하게 숙희의 장례를 치루는 승우가 못내 걱정스러운데, 승우는 세나의 따뜻한 위로에 그제서야 마음 편히 눈물을 흘린다. 소식을 듣고 내려온 진희는 분향만 마치고 서둘러 떠나려 하지만 그런 진희를 윤수와 만나게 해주기 위해 따라나서는 세나를 오해한 승우는 기분이 언짢아진다
승우의 미국 발령 소식을 전해들은 세나는 충격을 받아 어찌할 바 모르는데, 윤수는 승우가 의연한 척 굴어도 세나에 대한 감정이 더욱 깊어졌다는 것을 깨닫는다.
한편, 정일과 혜림은 승우를 위로해주기 위해 신혼집으로 오게 되고, 아직 부모님께 별거하고 있는 사실을 말하지 못한 세나는 당황해서 승우에게 연락을 하는데...
Sena is worried about SW, who is rather emotionless all throughout preparations and the actual funeral of his mother. Sena talks to him and comforts him and it's then that SW is able to release all his emotions that he'd built up (he cries a lot). JH rushed to the funeral upon hearing about SW's mom's death and he tries to leave as soon as all ceremonies are over. Sena tries to help him and YS meet so offer to go with JH, but SW misunderstands this guesture.
SW was picked to work in America and Sena is extremely shocked and confused when she hears this. (She's confused because they're supposed to get a divorce so it shouldn't matter, but she still loves SW and so doesn't want him to go.) SW tries to act okay with all this but YS can tell that SW has come to love Sena A LOT.
On the other side of town, Sena's parents come to the window house to comfort SW, and because they don't know that SW's moved out yet, Sena hurriedly calls SW, not ready to tell her parents yet.
credit: ooobloopbloopooo@soompi |