(中文摘譯)金來沅精湛演技 讓[你來自哪顆星] 起死回生,收視上升
2006/5/23 Mydaily(摘錄)
英譯: soompi/Janeiro:
中譯: hyu
鄭麗媛演出的你來自哪顆星 因為男主角金來沅使得這部劇更加出色亮眼
你來自哪顆星 也由於金來沅的精湛演技而使得本劇獲得收視佳績
The heroines of Mon-Tue dramas, Son Ye jin, Jung Ryeo Won, and Han Hyo joo… How about their grades?
The three Mon-Tue dramas, which began in March, were enough to catch the audience’s eyes because they had good producers and stars, especially heroines who have their own characters.
Now that SBS drama ‘Alone in Love’ is over on the 23rd, we can measure how good the three heroines - Han Hyo Joo of KBS ‘Spring Waltz’, Jung Ryeo Won of ‘MBC ‘WSAYF’, and Son Ye Jin of SBS ‘Alone in Love’ – have been in each drama.
For the sake of convenience, they can be graded according to their acting and popularity of their drama separately. Firstly, Son Ye Jin did a pretty good job in both parts. Playing a divorced woman, she displayed the character Eun Ho quite well and this gave her the opportunity to get out of her ‘innocent’ image.
Secondly, Han Hyo joo of ‘Spring Waltz’ tried her best but the drama completely flopped. In the drama she showed her potential, but she needs to build her own image to appeal to the audience to become a star.
Last but not least, JRW, the ex-singer, became popular due to the success of the sitcom ‘Hello, Francesca’, and the drama ‘My Lovely Kim Sam Soon.’ However, she had to face a lot of criticisms in the drama ‘Autumn Shower’ followed by the two mega hit works.
The drama ‘WSAYF,’ where she played a heroine, did quite well because of the main actor(KRW). With co-star KRW, she played two roles, KRW’s dead lover, and the lover’s sister in the drama. JRW, who disguised herself as a country bumpkin, showed her different image, but her acting was still monotonous. In addition, she seems to depend on her co star too much, which she has to overcome. The ratings of the drama were not bad because of KRW’s great acting.
정려원이 새로운 각오로 임했던‘넌 어느별에서 왔니’에서 남자 주연의 열연 덕분으로 기사회생했다. 옛애인을 잃고 절망에 빠진 영화감독역을 한 김래원과 연기를 한 정려원은 이 드라마에서 김래원의 죽은 애인과 그 애인 동생 1인 2역을 해냈다. 부모와 떨어져 강원도에서 자란 처녀 복실역을 한 정려원은 촌스러운 시골처녀역을 맡아 색다른 분위기를 느끼게 해주었으나 여전히 단조로운 연기의 측면을 드러냈다. 또한 상대 남자 배우의 의존도가 여전히 높아 자체 경쟁력을 키워야할 과제도 해결해야한다.
이 드라마는 김래원의 열연 등으로 시청률면에서 선방했다. |