


楼主: eerr

【RAIN】【綜合整理】★▓聚云画雨▓★P2245 10.10MBCRAIN回归特辑预片-HOT and CUTE









发表于 2007-7-3 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
비 공연취소에 中팬들 "비 책임없다 90%"  
[마이데일리 = 베이징 이용욱 특파원] 中팬들, "비, 마음고생 심할것, 우리 구름이 뭉쳐 비를 내리자" 中国粉丝说:“RAIN心里肯定很痛苦,我们云儿聚在一起下起雨。”  



同样其他网民也受到了打击 ,特别是叫做catrina_rr的网民表达了焦虑:“说恶意的也吧说残忍无能也吧总之是件滑稽的事情”并希望:“RAIN虽然让大家失望了但我们云要团结在一起再次让雨在世界上下起来。”  

portal 搜狐网站也在2号实施了“一小时前取消演唱会RAIN该负责任么?”的问卷调查,表示了别人的关心。田芳(韩流频道首席编辑)通过调查结果表明:“中国网民同意‘因为RAIN只是受害者,根本谈不上责任的’占90.95%,主张RAIN当然应该和主办方一切承担责任的只占9.05% (这部分四捣乱者大家直接忽视。。。)。”  



而且在在这个portal 的RAIN特辑新闻中一天之内出现了400多篇文章。大部分都是祝福RAIN和表现出鼓励的心意,表露这样的心声“RAIN因为此事会伤心或者受挫的。”  

翻译:Rain_No1    转自R吧









发表于 2007-7-3 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
[03-Jul-07][中國時報] Rain上YouTube 親訴委屈

亞洲小天王Rain原定於美國時間6月30日在洛杉磯舉行「Rain’s Coming」演唱會,卻在離開場只剩一個半小時前因故取消,不僅引起粉絲譁然,也嚴重影響個人信譽,更被認為可能有損韓國形象。Rain在砲聲隆隆下,緊急親自錄製視頻,在YouTube網站上吐露委屈。

Rain演唱會臨時取消的原因眾說紛紜,演唱會主管公司說,由於演出地點不允許使用帶來的演出設備,所以無法舉行演唱會;然而當地演唱會負責人卻指出,取消原因是因演唱會門票銷售情況不理想,兩萬席座位僅銷售了5000張左右,無法回收回本。而日前美國一家唱片企畫公司「Rain Corporation」就Rain的英文藝名向內華達州法院提出了侵害使用權訴訟,Rain方面也曾以此為由,推辭美國演唱會計畫。


Rain即將前往德國加入「駭客任務」導演新片「Speedracer」的演出陣容,洛杉磯演唱會將是他參與好萊塢拍片之前的最後一場演出,備受關注。為了挽救被砲轟的危機,Rain以「RAIN USA TALK」為題,錄製了長達4分多鐘的視頻,親自說明演唱會取消的原委,並表達歉意:「原本決心一定要呈現最頂級的演唱會,沒想到事與願違,由於運作上的問題,演唱會被迫取消了。我們到達現場時,竟然連舞臺設施都沒有布置好。儘管我竭盡全力,但沒能和大家守約,真的感到非常抱歉。」他並強調:「最讓我感到委屈的是,我個人什麼都決定不了。我會在最短的時間內,給大家呈現最完美的演出。」



[ 本帖最后由 爱上 于 2007-7-3 12:59 编辑 ]








 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
[03-Jul-07][LA Times]Rain's world tour is clouded by snafus

Forced to cancel his L.A. show, the South Korean pop star blames miscommunication, technical difficulties and vows not to slow down.

By Chris Lee, Times Staff Writer
July 3, 2007

South Korean pop superstar Rain blamed local concert promoter V2B Global for technical difficulties that resulted in the cancellation of his performance Saturday night at Staples Center — the last in a string of planned U.S. shows in the singer-dancer-actor's "Rain's Coming" world tour that failed to go on as scheduled.

But viewed another way, the show's last-minute cancellation can be partially attributed to a breakdown of the K-pop phenom's celebrity industrial complex. Miscommunication between his various American tour promoters, as well as Rain's recent changeover from his powerful talent manager, Park Jin Young, to a new manager accounted for at least some of the confusion that led to the technical trouble that stopped the show.

The missed concert — for which 77% of available tickets were sold, according to Ticketmaster — could push back his efforts to establish his pop stardom in America by as much as two years.

"The local promoter didn't set up everything," Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-Hoon, said through an interpreter Sunday. "When I came to the venue, the LED screen couldn't be set up. I have rain falling in the concert — that couldn't work. The stage wasn't set up, there were no lights, no sound. I wanted to do a great show. But yesterday, I couldn't get on stage."

V2B's Chief Executive Andy Kim, however, tells a very different story, insisting the tour's original promoter, StarM, pulled the plug on the show after discovering the production would not be able to use Rain's massive Korean-made LED screen — a central component of his stage show — because it didn't conform to American electrical standards.

"It was a safety issue on the equipment they provided," Kim said. "But the real reason the concert was canceled is the Korean team didn't move quickly enough to make an alternative plan.

"They kicked me, the local promoter, out of meetings they were having with management," he added. "Then at 5:30 [Saturday], Staples wants me to approve a press release saying the concert has been canceled. StarM didn't consult me. I didn't know until I saw the press release."

Rain, 25, part of the globally popular "Korean Wave" movement and often referred to as "the Justin Timberlake of Asia," said he felt sad and angry about disappointing fans, some of whom had traveled from Tokyo, Hong Kong and Seoul for the performance.

"I'm feeling ridiculous about the situation," said Rain. "I came here [to Los Angeles] two weeks before the concert, prepared everything and had a press conference. Then the stage wasn't set up. I couldn't even sing."

The cancellation comes as the capper on what the Korea Times called "perhaps the most ambitious and expensive world concert tour by any Korean artist" and on the heels of postponed Rain concerts last month in Honolulu, New York, Atlanta and San Francisco because, Kim said, tour organizers hadn't anticipated the difficulties of transporting the singer's 28 18-wheel trucks worth of stage rigging and 96-person entourage from Asia.

The "Rain's Coming" tour — and specifically, the Staples Center gig — was Rain's last professional attachment to JYP Entertainment, the management firm owned by his former manager, Park, a former pop superstar in his own right who Rain let go in May. (His new manager, Dong Won Cho, quit JYP to work for Rain.) JYP sold the rights to the American tour stops to another Korean firm, Revolution Entertainment, which in turn parceled them out to promoters including Click Entertainment in Hawaii and V2B Global. In January 2006, JYP oversaw Rain's performances in New York and Las Vegas, which went off without a hitch.

On Saturday, StarM, the tour's original promoter, put out a news release that explained the technical concerns that it said stopped the concert and accused V2B Global of financial mismanagement.

"Literally, the stage structure wasn't set up until one and a half hours before the show," the statement reads. "Moreover, it was ordered that none of the electronically related tour equipment (LED screen, conveyor belt, stage setting generator, special effects pump, etc.) brought from Korea could be used because of the Staples Center provision based on the electronics security and fire services act."

It continued: "The fundamental problem was the local promoter V2B Global's financial status. The local production team wasn't paid on time …."

Kim denies the allegations, countering, "We paid cash to everyone at the show."

At 6:30 p.m. Saturday, just an hour and a half before show time, notices that the concert had been canceled went up at Staples Center. Hundreds of fans lingered at the venue for hours afterward, however, some crying, many chanting Rain's name and all waiting for any word of what prevented the singer from taking the stage.

"I couldn't believe it. I had been looking forward to it for so long," said Michael Ryan, 17, who drove from San Diego for the concert. "It was like waiting all year for Christmas and then not getting anything."

At around 12:45 Sunday morning, the singer met with some 200 fans who had flown in from as far away as Thailand, Canada, Japan and Vietnam in the restaurant of the Wilshire Grand Hotel to personally apologize. "He wanted to show fans how much he cared but you could see he was very devastated," said Jay Yarbrough, 40, from Pocono, Pa. "People were crying. They cared more about Rain being upset than about missing the concert."

Rain said he hoped to record an English language album in the next year but acknowledged that it could take up to two years to get that project off the ground. And it will be at least two years before he can return to perform in the United States. Nonetheless, he remained sanguine about making good on his desire to become the first Asian superstar to cross over to an American audience. "I learned a lot of things from this situation," Rain said. "I'm angry and sad but it's not going to slow me down. What I'm going to do is make it perfect with the American promoters and do it step by step next time."

Dismissing the notion he was disappointed about having to forestall his dream of becoming a "worldwide superstar," the singer pointed out his debut Hollywood film role in the Wachowski brothers' big-budget action-adventure tent pole film "Speed Racer" will put him in the American limelight inside of a year (the movie is set for release in May 2008).

"I don't worry about it," he said. "I'm shooting a film. I'm going to show my character in that film. I don't feel a failure."








发表于 2007-7-3 13:26 | 显示全部楼层
Stayed in the Same floor with Rain and dancer...

Source: lillean @ Rain-USA

Hi my name is Mai...my cousin and I came to LA to come watch Rain concert but we hear it was cancelled...we were really sad and hurt...we asked around saying why they cancelled there should be someone to come out and tell us why..when we heard why they cancelled we were really mad just like Rain..and sad too...we came to the staples center around 5 pm...and stayed there till 8 ish...then when back to the hotel where everyone stayed...we heard that the meeting will be at 9 so we went to our room for a bit...some how i saw Rain's dancer...i asked him is Rain staying that this hotel..he say yes...but didn't know which floor he stayed in...
so we just went to our room which is in floor 11..when we were walking i saw Rain's dancer which is a black gurl..i asked her that what happen all she say was i don't know...but i saw Rain's dancer which is a guy...i asked him if we can go see Rain and tell him we still gonna support him no matter what...he was standing there thinking should he do it or no..so i think he called Rain or i don't know..to ask if we can come in to see him... i guess they let us go see him cause he say we could...so me and my cousin follow rain dancer to his room where he stayed...i guess it was 6 door away from us..we when in and saw Rain was crying and mad...we were talking to him..in english...his translator help him wat we were saying...we told him not to be sad...we are sad too but we have to be a strong person no matter what...and don't look down at yourself...we say we will always supporting him no matter what happen...we talked to him about maybe 18min...then they told us to leave...so we when back down to the Fan meeting that was gonna open..we just standing there with almost tears coming but we have to let it go....

This is the side of my story if i say something wrong..i apologize...
hope everyone is doing great...i know everyone is sad,hurt, and mad..
but we have to let it go and be a strong person...
we are still supporting Rain no matter what happend...^^


from 笑语









 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 13:42 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2007-7-3 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
[7/3] LA 事件後 再看某人的專訪後 感覺很無奈


今次LA事件如果真是如報導中賣票不理想, 應該不會輕易取消吧......
再且如果是場地不能使用那些器材, 應該在簽約時已知道吧......
正如Rain說:  『即使舞台不堅固, 即使只有一名觀眾,我也想表演』
還有最大問題就是Star M 沒有足夠資金、經驗去Handle一個這麼大的Project.

為了呈現最精彩、最好的舞台表演給所有Fans, 而每天要練習12小時呢......
今次事件, Rain徹底被騙了, 絕對是傷得最重的一個.

根本上這是一個陰謀, 在最後一刻才宣佈取消,
讓Rain令韓國人覺得他未到World Star......讓他令人難看......
某人認為目的已達, 暗裡偷笑吧.....
但是某人實在太看小Rain, 雖然他是發掘Rain的, 這點不可抹殺他的功勞,
每天只睡2、3小時, (可能會有的, 但少之又少)
無疑今次LA 事件對Rain來說真是一個沉重打擊,
但Rain不會那麼容易就被擊倒, 只會借今次事件來警惕自己要比以前做得更好、更要靠自已的實力來令人認同他的真正World Star地位.

再看著某人的專訪標題, 還以為某人會為Rain站出來說好話, 相反他還要插多一刀,
當知道LA Concert 取消後, 我自己心裡很難受,
再看了這篇專訪, 簡直不敢相信某人在這個時候雪上加霜..........

某人說 “他只要會英語,就一定能在美國市場成功。”

Rain不想學好英文嗎? 但某人公司接的工作實在太多了吧.......
根本工作量之多, 不是一般普通人能做的.

說實話Rain的英文比以前進步了很多, (以前他唱英文歌的咬字不太好)
正如1月份在H.K.的Concert已見咬字清淅, 還帶點美國口音,

某人說 “坦率地說因為Rain是巨星,所以他在的時候,JYP無暇做其他事情。他走後,隨著JYP在美國成立分公司,可以專心培養新人了。” 這是什麼廢話???
真的是這樣嗎? 那怕是除了Rain外, 沒有第2個人能為某人公司賺錢吧.....

某人的美國分公司, 資金相信大部份都是Rain賺來的吧......

我們必需要知道全世界只得一個Rain (鄭智薰),
Rain is the best.

就像最近替中國拍的福馬食品廣告, 葉茂中先生的後記........

葉茂中先生說: 『看來這個大男孩成爲亞洲的小天王是有道理的。』

在韓國也有很多前輩、導演、工作人員、一起拍劇、拍電影的拍檔都讚賞Rain, 而後輩就要跟他多多學習. 在國外也有Artist對他讚賞、佩服.
無論台上台下都是帶著真誠, 將自己最真的呈現出來.....

正如Rain 說 “我什麼都決定不了,實在是太委屈了!”
希望今次LA事件後, Rain會變得更好.........
往後的路還有很長, 但是Rain是不倒的, 要繼續努力.........
只要繼續堅持自我, 問心無愧, 那怕再有什麼問題也能一一化解.....

Fans們心中的Super Star, World Star........










 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 13:50 | 显示全部楼层

studioM离开的2月美国代理商公司的'revolution 娱乐'22亿5000万韩元销售了美国地区pi的今年的季节 音乐会版权。
即,应该给(对)revolution给予了pi的美国 旅行版权转包。
当初pi的美国公演是与世界 旅行主管者公司的studioM有了北美公演版权的revolution 娱乐.
而且V2B全球的被迫知道了对公演版权50万美元根据stay脉搏 中心加冕费支付现金动员产生问题,担任照明等舞台设施的转包企业等确实不能支付。
不但对了为了是此次的公演的情况非公演的版权非常高(贵)是也不能象与规模的stay脉搏 中心7千张(件)多的收费票销售收支帐相合1万2千席不太而且V2B全球的自己承认了的那样没有公演规划经验在舞台设施与LA的时候规定相合一样地确实设置的实情。

是studioM为了pi的商标权关联诉讼的雇佣了带领700人多的律师的seipasusho这个美国的大型low farm所属律师5,6人来,个在重要的LA公演之前与法律上的表面对应粗糙的。
由于以也没有LA进行象stay脉搏 中心公演一样的大的规模的公演的正确了的韩国人营运公演业者即使也没有几处也发出不合道理荒唐的公演版权这样的公司的状况在studioM里(上)提供版权费的话V2B全球的保证了这样的理由选择了这个业者的这样的事不是责任有的文艺表演规划公司的姿势。








 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
[3-Jul-07] V2B對LA 演唱會取消的聲明

V2B Global Inc.,
801 N. Brand Blvd, Suite 850
Glendale, CA 91203
T: (818) 291-9909
F: (818) 291-9921
Official Statement for the Cancellation of the Los Angeles concert at Staples Center
on June 30th, 2007.
As the local promoter for Los Angeles, V2B Global would like to apologize to all the
sponsors, fans, concert goers, and media that were affected by the last minute
cancellation of the Los Angeles concert at the Staples Center. V2B Global exercised all
possible options to continue with this concert; however, STAR M (Korean Production
Team) from Korea unknowingly to V2B Global cancelled the show without our consent.
With a strong group of sponsors, fans, media to support us and nearly 80% [7,318 tickets
sold out of 9,429 seats available (per Ticketmaster on 06/30/07)] of the venue filled we
were in a perfect position to commence with this concert.
As the local promoter and the company in charge of arranging all local production
requirements, we hired a production manager by the name of Mark Russo who has over
35 years of experience in putting on world class productions for some of America’s top
artists from various genres. V2B Global stands by its word that all the local production
companies handling staging, video, audio and lighting requirements were paid a deposit
to begin the work and the remainder paid in full (by cash) at load-in time (beginning
2:00AM on June 30th, 2007) in accordance with our agreement with each production
company. With this understanding each production company showed up on schedule with
all the necessary tools and equipment to complete their portion of the agreement and
provide production services in order to allow the local promoter to complete the show.
V2B global began production work on lights, sound, and stage from 2:00AM and was
brought to a halt at approximately 12:45PM due to a LED screen provided by STAR M.
Upon further review into the reason for the halt, V2B found out that Staples Center
(which requires that all electrical components be U/L certified) had refused to allow the
installation of the LED Screen to continue because of safety issues arising from using non
U/L listed certified equipment. To get final judgment on whether the LED screen could
be used or not, a local city building and safety inspector was called to make the final
determination. Against the advice of the local promoter and Staples Center, STAR M
continued to halt production on their portion of the production until the inspector arrived.
At 3:45PM the inspector arrived and within 20 minutes explained that this is a “non U/L
certified equipment and therefore, he could not authorize this equipment or any other
equipment without the U/L certification to be energized with power for safety reasons.”
This resulted in the LED Screen, chain lift motors and conveyor belts from being used
during the show due to non conformity with U/L certification. From 4:00PM to 4:45PM,
STAR M production managers had an internal meeting (excluding the local promoter) on
how to resolve this situation. During this time Staples Center had advised STAR M to
remove the non-approved LED Screen, chain lift motors, and conveyor belts from the
stage and commence production because of a constrained time schedule. STAR M
requested from Staples Center more time to meet amongst each other therefore causing
further delays with the production schedule. During this time the local union and other
companies hired by the local promoter were commencing with their duties as if the show
would continue. By 5:00PM the local production team and the local union had
successfully removed the LED screen, conveyor belts, and chain motors from the main
stage, completed the construction of the main stage, begin the construction of the 2nd
stage, finished all lighting installations, finished all sound installations and began
working on the remainder of the video screens (provided by local production) and stage.
At 5:30PM a Staples center representative contacted me (V2B) for an approval on a press
release draft stating the cancellation of the concert. A cancellation I was not aware of nor
consulted about by STAR M or Rain’s Management. Upon communication directly with
Staples Center, it was told to me that STAR M had instructed Staples Center of their
withdrawal of this concert due to production issues.
V2B feels that STAR M’s incompetence to commence with an alternative show plan
without the use of the approved LED screens, chain motors, conveyor belts and
consistent halting of production for useless meetings resulted in the failure to complete
the production requirements. Despite numerous interruptions by STAR M to our local
production team we (V2B, local union and production) were still able to complete the
installation of lights, video (Local Production provided), sound, pyrotechnics (with
permits by LAFD) and over 80% of the stage excluding the non approved production
equipments. As the local promoter I know we have done everything in our power to work
and complete the production requirements and were ready to proceed with the concert as
planned (even at a financial loss to the promoter) for the fans, media, and sponsors who
have shown their dedication to support this show.
On behalf of V2B Global, I sincerely apologize to all the fans, media and sponsors for the
unfortunate circumstances that led to the cancellation of this concert. We have instructed
all of the authorized ticket venue locations to allow for processing of refunds, so please
contact the location where you purchased your tickets to request a refund.








发表于 2007-7-3 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
V2B Global 的官方声明

V2B Global Inc.,  
801 N. Brand Blvd, Suite 850  
Glendale, CA 91203  
T: (818) 291-9909  
F: (818) 291-9921  
Official Statement for the Cancellation of the Los Angeles concert at Staples Center  
on June 30th, 2007.  
As the local promoter for Los Angeles, V2B Global would like to apologize to all the sponsors, fans, concert goers, and media that were affected by the last minute cancellation of the Los Angeles concert at the Staples Center.
作为LA当地制作方,V2B Global 对于在最后关头取消的LA公演,向所有的赞助商、云、会场工作人员和媒体致以道歉。
V2B Global exercised all possible options to continue with this concert; however, STAR M (Korean Production Team) from Korea unknowingly to V2B Global cancelled the show without our consent.  
V2B Global 尝试了所有可以的途径来维持演出,可是,STAR M公司在未经过V2B Global同意的情况下单方面取消了演唱。
With a strong group of sponsors, fans, media to support us and nearly 80% [7,318 tickets sold out of 9,429 seats available (per Ticketmaster on 06/30/07)] of the venue filled we were in a perfect position to commence with this concert.  
As the local promoter and the company in charge of arranging all local production  
requirements, we hired a production manager by the name of Mark Russo who has over  
35 years of experience in putting on world class productions for some of America’s top  
artists from various genres.  
作为当地制作方,我们负责所有当地制作要求,我们雇佣了为美国的一些顶极艺人创造国际水准制作的有35年经验的Mark Russo作为制作总监。
V2B Global stands by its word that all the local production companies handling staging, video, audio and lighting requirements were paid a deposit  
to begin the work and the remainder paid in full (by cash) at load-in time (beginning  
2:00AM on June 30th, 2007) in accordance with our agreement with each production  
V2B Global 承诺:按照我们于所有当地的制作公司的协议,包括负责舞台,录像和灯光所需的费用已经事先支付,并且全部以现金的形式支付(时间为2007.06.30 上午2点)。
With this understanding each production company showed up on schedule with  
all the necessary tools and equipment to complete their portion of the agreement and  
provide production services in order to allow the local promoter to complete the show.  
V2B global began production work on lights, sound, and stage from 2:00AM and was  
brought to a halt at approximately 12:45PM due to a LED screen provided by STAR M.  
V2B global从凌晨2点开始了关于灯光,音响和舞台的搭建,但是在下午12:45分时暂时停下了,原因是STAR M提供的LED屏幕。
Upon further review into the reason for the halt, V2B found out that Staples Center  
(which requires that all electrical components be U/L certified) had refused to allow the  
installation of the LED Screen to continue because of safety issues arising from using non  
U/L listed certified equipment.  
在对暂停的原因寻找中,V2B发现Staples Center (U/L 要求其所有的电力器材取得资质认可)已经不允许继续装配LED屏幕,原因是器材没有通过U/L的认可,会有安全隐患。
To get final judgment on whether the LED screen could  
be used or not, a local city building and safety inspector was called to make the final  
determination. Against the advice of the local promoter and Staples Center, STAR M  
continued to halt production on their portion of the production until the inspector arrived.  
在讨论决定是否要采用LED大屏幕后,当地的一个负责城管的安全调查员被要求作出最终决定。在此官员到达现场之前,STAR M在对于当地制作方和Staples Center的意见不理会的情况下,对其所负担的制作部分暂停了建造。
At 3:45PM the inspector arrived and within 20 minutes explained that this is a “non U/L  
certified equipment and therefore, he could not authorize this equipment or any other  
equipment without the U/L certification to be energized with power for safety reasons.”  
This resulted in the LED Screen, chain lift motors and conveyor belts from being used  
during the show due to non conformity with U/L certification. From 4:00PM to 4:45PM,  
STAR M production managers had an internal meeting (excluding the local promoter) on  
how to resolve this situation.
这个决定导致了LED屏,锁链提升传动机和输送带(这些装置均未通过U/L认可),从下午4:00到4:45分,STAR M制作人开了内部会议(不包括当地制作方)来讨论如何解决。
During this time Staples Center had advised STAR M to  
remove the non-approved LED Screen, chain lift motors, and conveyor belts from the  
stage and commence production because of a constrained time schedule.
在此期间,Staples Center已经建议 STAR M从舞台上移除这些未经许可的LED屏,锁链提升传动机和输送带。
STAR M requested from Staples Center more time to meet amongst each other therefore causing  
further delays with the production schedule. During this time the local union and other  
companies hired by the local promoter were commencing with their duties as if the show  
would continue.
STAR M要求Staples Center 给予其更多的时间来促谈,结果导致了制作日程的更加延误。在此期间,制作方雇佣的相关人员在考虑演出是否能继续下去。
By 5:00PM the local production team and the local union had successfully removed the LED screen, conveyor belts, and chain motors from the main  
stage, completed the construction of the main stage, begin the construction of the 2nd  
stage, finished all lighting installations, finished all sound installations and began  
working on the remainder of the video screens (provided by local production) and stage.  
At 5:30PM a Staples center representative contacted me (V2B) for an approval on a press  
release draft stating the cancellation of the concert. A cancellation I was not aware of nor consulted about by STAR M or Rain’s Management. Upon communication directly with  
Staples Center, it was told to me that STAR M had instructed Staples Center of their  
withdrawal of this concert due to production issues.
在下午5:30,Staples center代表给我(V2B)一份关于同意取消演唱会的决定书。而这个决定STAR
M和Rain的经济公司根本没有告诉我们。在与Staples Center直接沟通后,发现是STAR M已经通知 Staples Center取消这次演出,原因是制作问题。

V2B feels that STAR M’ incompetence to commence with an alternative show plan without the use of the approved LED screens, chain motors, conveyor belts and  
consistent halting of production for useless meetings resulted in the failure to complete  
the production requirements.
V2B认为:STAR M没有作出演出的应急变动方案(不用LED,传送带等),并且执意要暂停工作而去开无用的会议,结果导致失败。
Despite numerous interruptions by STAR M to our local production team we (V2B, local union and production) were still able to complete the  
installation of lights, video (Local Production provided), sound, pyrotechnics (with permits by LAFD) and over 80% of the stage excluding the non approved production equipments. As the local promoter I know we have done everything in our power to work and complete the production requirements and were ready to proceed with the concert as planned (even at a financial loss to the promoter) for the fans, media, and sponsors who have shown their dedication to support this show.  
抛开所有STAR M对于当地制作团队的阻碍,我们(V2B,当地社团和制作方)仍有能力完成灯光,影像,音效等的工作,这些占所有搭建工作的80%以上(不包括不受许可的器材)。作为当地制作方,我觉得我们已经尽力完成了要求的制作工作,并且做好准备迎接即将见面的歌迷,媒体,对于演出坚决持。
On behalf of V2B Global, I sincerely apologize to all the fans, media and sponsors for the unfortunate circumstances that led to the cancellation of this concert. We have instructed all of the authorized ticket venue locations to allow for processing of refunds, so please contact the location where you purchased your tickets to request a refund.
代表V2B Global,我郑重对所有歌迷,媒体和赞助商诚挚道歉,并且开放退票。



[ 本帖最后由 断云依水 于 2007-7-3 22:17 编辑 ]








 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
[03-July-07] [朝鮮日報] [世間萬象] 朴鎮英 (有Rain)

[世間萬象] 朴鎮英

文=本報評論員姜仁仙 (2007.07.03 18:29)  






chosun.com中文版 chn.chosun.com








 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 21:49 | 显示全部楼层


종종 가는 일본 음악 웹사이트에 갔다가 읽은 글입니다. 글쓴이는 멕시칸 아메리칸으로 오피엄 시에터에 일하는 친구분이 있으셨고 이 글은 그 분의 허락을 받고 올리게 됩니다.


Neway...A friend of mine who works at the orpheum spoke to a V2B Global tech guy, who was involved in the Rain show. The V2B guy told my friend at 4:30pm to tell me not to be too dissapointed if the Concert was cancelled. when asked why he said that he said they couldn't set up the big center screen, and with the game on the night before they didn't have enough time to set up. They needed at least 2-3 days. They hadn't even had the equipment inspected by this point. A fire department official was all ready telling them that they were not going to be able to use a lot of the pyrotechnicks they had in the show and city officials were NOT happy with stage. Too many code violations. They guy (who didn't really know who Rain was) also told my friend in no uncertain terms that he felt sorry for the singer. His bosses were telling everyone to be VERY hush hush about the whole thing (they didn't want word of this to spread to the Rain camp) they were trying to fix things.  

어쨌든지간에..........오피엄 시어터에서 일하는 제 친구가 V2B에 일하는 기술공에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 연유를 듣게 되었습니다. 4시 30분 즘 기술공이 제 친구를 통해 레인 콘서트가 취소되어도 실망하지 말라고 전하라고 했다더군요. 연유를 묻자 공연 전에 있었던 경기 때문에 중앙대의 큰 스크린을 설치할 시간이 없어서 그랬다고 하더군요. 최소한 2-3일은 필요했다구요. 기기들을 제대로 점검하지도 않은 상태였습니다. 소방관계자들도 공연에 많은 장치들을 쓰지 못하게했고 시 관계자들도 무대가 맘에 들지 않았다고 하더군요. 규정을 너무 많이 어겨서. 기술공(비가 누군지 모르는)은 비에 대한 유감을 표시했고 V2B의 윗사람들은 비 측이 이것에 대해 전혀 모르게 침묵으로 일관했고 자기들이 알아서 해결하려고 했습니다.

在 orpheum工作的我的朋友与参与rain演唱会的V2B(LA承办方) 技工的聊天中得知一些情况。V2B技工在 4:30pm 让我朋友转告给我,如果演唱会被取消也不要太沮丧。当问起原因时,技工回答,由于前一天的赛事,他们没有足够的时间去搭中央大屏幕,他们搭舞台至少需要2-3天的时间。在那个时候,他们甚至还没有检查舞台设备。消防部官员已经通知过他们(当地承办方)在演唱会不要使用烟花技术,而市政厅官员对舞台也不满意。由于违章的条目太多,技工(他不认识rain是谁)十分明确地对我朋友说,他觉得对不起歌手。他的老板(当地承办方)让所有人对所有细节保持沉默(他们不想让rain团队知道此事),而是想要自己私下解决。

Apparently when Rain was FINALLY told about this whole mess was around 6:00pm. He was all ready getting dressed and was excited about the show after spending three hours going over the dance moves again with his dancers. Not wanting to cancel the concert he said he would still go out on stage and sing. He didn't care if the pyro or big screen worked. he wanted to do a sorta accoustic thing. city officials were adamant that the show must be cancelled and would not let him do this. The stage being incomplete anyway they said it would be dangerous to him to do this as well. He then said fine to remove the stage, he would sing just on the basketball court. But to tear down the whole stage, even half would take forever....V2B said no. When Rain tried to go outside to speak with fans, even though he didn't speak english, security had to hold him back. They were all ready letting everyone know the concert was cancelled and they feared that the fans would tear him apart. (yeah right). This was when he got in a fight with a security guard and was yelling at one of the V2B people in charge.  
비는 댄서들과 몇 시간 동안이나 안무를 맞춰본 끝에 옷도 다 입고 쇼에 대해서 흥분하고 있었을 즈음, 6시 즘에야 비는 이 사실에 대해서 알게 되더랍니다. 콘서트를 취소하고 싶지 않아서, 화려한 무대 장치가 없어도 콘서트를 할거라고 버텼더랍니다. 어쿠스틱 콘서트라도 괜찮다면서. 시 관계자들은 그렇게 할 수 없다고 했고 무대는 어차피 완성되지 않았기 때문에 공연 자체가 위험할 거라고 덧붙였답니다. 비는 무대를 치워도 상관없다고, 그냥 농구 코트 위에서 공연을 하겠다고 했지만 이미 설치된 무대를 다 거두려면 엄청난 시간이 걸릴 것이기 때문에 V2B는 단호하게 거절했다고 합니다. 그리고 나서 비는 밖으로 나가 팬들과 대화하려고 했지만, 안전요원이 그를 막았답니다. 밖에서 이미 사람들에게 공연이 취소되었다고 알리고 있었기 때문이죠. 그 때 나가면 화난 사람들 때문에 비가 봉변을 당할지 아무도 장담할 수 없을 테니까요. 그 때야 비가 안전요원들과 싸우기 시작했고 V2B 관계자들에게 소리를 질러대기 시작했답니다.

当rain最终得知这些所有混乱的时间是约在6点左右,他那时已经花费数小时与伴舞排练完舞蹈,也换上了衣服,正处于开演的激动中。他不想取消演唱会,他还是坚持上台去唱歌,他不在乎没有烟花技术或者中央屏幕,他想进行类似accoustic(不插电)演唱会。市政厅官员坚持要取消本次演唱会,没有让他进行。理由是,舞台本身不完善,所以如果进行的话对他构成危险。rain说好,那就把舞台撤离,自己在篮球场演唱,但如果要撤走舞台需要很长时间,所以V2B一口否决了。之后,雨想到外面要与粉丝对话,即使不是用英文,但安全员把他拉回来了。他们已经通知了演唱会取消的消息,所以他们怕粉丝会阻止他离开。这时,rain与安全警护员发生了推挤,也与 V2B 主管发生了争吵。  

Soo...long story short my friends connection in V2B was able to clear up and put in order a lot of the rumors that were going around. I would've shared all this with you guys earlier but I didn't want to spread more rumors. Not until I was sure. But since all these rumors were all ready leaked around I decided to put out what this V2B tech guy said happened. My friend didn't tell me all this until sunday morning. He didn't really believe that any of this was true...he thought it was too stupid to be real. But there you go.  

그래서........지금 막 돌아다니고 있는 루머를 해명하려고 제 친구의 이야기를 올립니다. 더 일찍 올릴 수도 있었겠지만 더 많은 루머가 나올까봐 확신할 수 있을 때까지 기다리고 있었는데요, 어차피 루머가 너무 많기 때문에 그냥 올립니다. 일요일 아침까지 이 이야기를 해주지 않았거든요. 그 친구도 이 모든 일이 사실이라고 믿기에는 너무 황당하다는 입장이었나 봅니다.



[ 本帖最后由 eerr 于 2007-7-3 21:54 编辑 ]








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