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发表于 2023-9-5 13:56
1 z3 `8 g! D# F3 d/ {5 d; H; f$ _- Z; ~' ^ t
https://www.douban.com/people/red./status/4362293728/?_i=3893088GB8xCr0) e# z* S% c+ L( a& ]
梁朝伟哭是因为李安这段话。/ X# e5 v1 h3 A9 Z @; C) l
x- _* ?, z* X$ [5 K$ M
. U5 @6 G9 q a1 Y( [, [9 i2 |5 d/ S/ B! y/ E% `4 K
世界电影界大多数人只知道Tony是王家卫那些令人陶醉的电影中的浪漫男主,但他们很少知道这位超级巨星所扮演的角色的广度,从艺术片到国际大片。无论是宽泛的喜剧、动作片还是严肃的戏剧,他总是呈现出迷人的表演,是亚洲观众中最受喜爱的演员之一。, \6 ^4 b5 o0 i8 f+ R4 n$ n
6 V& t( n" K2 ?' {9 u他获得了许多奖项和荣誉,每一个都是当之无愧的,因为任何一部电影只要有他的存在都会被提升。从我个人的经验来看,Tony是导演的梦想。他的眼睛里有一种电力,不仅仅是他的物理眼睛或技能,而是透过它们闪烁的灵魂。他一个眼神就能说出许多演员用一整段独白都说不出的话。这是一个能让你通过他来梦想和想象的灵魂。
9 B; `3 u! l$ W# N8 x8 H+ D8 n8 i) i# ]2 a I' _
他是那种能引出你最好和最坏的一面的演员,对于导演来说,这其实是同一回事。很难用言语表达,但就像你隐藏的秘密自我,甚至是你隐藏的挣扎和困惑,在你眼前活生生地展现出来,迫使你真实地面对它。他越深入地投入一个角色,就越能诱惑你去追求更多,这会消耗你的一部分。我只能想象他作为一个艺术家喜欢受苦。/ Y" n7 Z% ?4 c. b7 u- o
+ ]8 t/ }1 r* a- p Q- M6 S
% o4 z, s/ ?' t' D; a# N/ Q3 B" O
# y; J+ c" |8 Y/ s# ?1 f: ~* A他不断分享那种脆弱性是他如此伟大的原因。在我看来,他这么做并不是为了得到赞誉。他就像水,不努力地填满最低的地方,他为人服务。他不仅为导演,还为整个演员和工作人员提供创意动力。他自己站着为灯光做替身,因为,你知道,这样可以节省时间。在布置之间,他不会回到他的拖车里,而是站在片场观看人们工作。有一次我问他:“你为什么不去休息?”他说:“聊天或八卦浪费气,阅读使我的眼睛失去光泽,而睡觉很无聊,所以我看着人们,看看我能帮忙的地方。”
3 B3 c; q7 G) {% d! \+ l8 B7 \) W4 x# f6 l* I
还有一次,他找到了我们的摄影师Rodrigo Prieto。我们正在布置一个Tony打开门并向里看的镜头,摄像机从开门的焦点转到他脸部的特写。从技术上和表现上来说,这是一个非常困难的镜头。Rodrigo带着眼泪走到我面前,因为Tony问他:“我应该站在哪里?”他说:“我从事了很长时间的职业生涯,走遍了全球。从来没有人问过我这个问题。人们根本不知道那个镜头有多难。”如果这不是导演的梦想,那是什么?
. q' m! t8 c9 V4 I( v4 |: g1 b; k5 Z( G! p
$ v; W! C& J/ Z" z% ]
: d" _* d. t; T2 _1 _4 c我只是觉得自己很幸运,能成为那种魔法、那个更大的画面的一小部分,今天我们在这里庆祝。我非常高兴在威尼斯电影节80岁生日上为梁朝伟颁发这个终身成就奖。
) a! k* ^6 M- y2 J- V! w# a9 t3 ?1 k3 y. Y4 j! y2 M
(C…4 译,原文为英语 source:浩爾譯世界 )
/ _6 i( D: X W6 k: v
9 E8 x4 r- u) [0 }+ z4 m4 X/ |0 G6 J#梁朝伟获威尼斯电影节终身成就奖#
- S5 x5 l* M7 m* s4 n2 q李安致辞原文:" F( o* Q4 P2 |* c7 E& Y) `7 r! w
World cinema knows Tony mostly as the romantic lead from Wong Kar Wai’s intoxicating movies. But little do they know the range of roles this superstar plays, from art house to international blockbusters, whether it's broad comedy, action or serious drama, he always delivers enchanting performances and he’s one of the most beloved actors among Asian audiences. He holds so many awards and honors, all of them very much deserved. Because any movie can be elevated simply by his presence. : n# _6 u4 |# T
& T9 Z, Y* M" u; g+ {9 P7 k
Speaking from my personal experience, Tony is a director's dream. There is something in his eyes that's electrifying, not just his physical eyes or skills but the soul that shines through them. He can say more in one look than many actors can with a full monologue. That's a soul that can entice you to dream and imagine through him. He's the kind of actor who lures the best and the worst out of you, which for a director is actually the same thing.
+ K* T$ G- J9 B9 u/ s& L3 R( m% d2 t v4 H; h5 M
It's hard to articulate but it's like your secret self, even a struggle and confusion that you're hiding, comes to life right in front of your eyes that forces you to deal with it honestly. The deeper he dives into a role, the more he seduces you to push for more, and that takes a part of you. I can only imagine, I can only imagine that he likes the suffering as an artist. }( } ?$ F+ v8 Y1 u$ |, s, L
: Z* }5 A0 w+ x) t ~There was a day on set on my movie “Lust, Caution” when I had a meltdown because of an emotional scene. Tony walked up to me, he touched my shoulder, whispered in my ears. Director, we expose skin, you expose something else, you have to take care of yourself. We always think that directors help actors, but sometimes it's the other way around. That really gave me strength. It's both terrifying and meaningful when someone that good and genuine embodies a hidden part of you. # E3 k) ^. w/ L5 m6 F
: j5 I. Y# Z# K
His willingness to constantly share that vulnerability is what makes him so great. It appears to me he doesn't do it for the credit. He's like water, filling the lowest places without striving, and he serves. He facilitates the creative force, not just for the director but the whole cast and crew. He does his own stand-in for lighting because he knows it saves time. Instead of going to his trailer in between setups. He will stand around on set to watch people work. One time I asked him, why don't you go rest? He said, I want to see how I can help. I told him, don't waste your energy, because I need you to shine on camera. He said, chatting or gossip wastes Chi, reading makes my eyes lose their luster, and sleep is boring, so I watch people to see where I can help.
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There was another time, he got to our cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto. We were staging a shot where Tony opens the door and looks in, and the camera pulled focus from the opening door to a close-up of his face. It was an extremely difficult shot to get right technically and with the sparkling performances. Rodrigo came up to me with tears in his eyes because Tony had asked him, where should I be? He said, I've had a long career and shot all around the world. Nobody ever, ever asked me that question. People just don't know how hard that shot is. If that's not a filmmaker's dream, what is?
1 g; Y, o' x/ N4 `9 n1 Z3 P7 x( _0 r6 ], b! @4 B, Y+ B
When you're that talented and you have the natural look, that's a gift. But to share it with kindness and to facilitate it in others, time and again, that's a lifetime achievement. Being a great actor demands a love of the craft, and being a star requires you to function as inspiration for others, like a kind of modern royalty. Tony does both outstandingly well. He provokes our imagination that we can all dream through him. It's a certain spirit I wish I could articulate and present to you, but I can't, because it's beyond words.
4 o8 s* S( R$ x! @! O& [' g0 N$ [9 N8 Y- t4 @ c0 h) O
I just feel so lucky to have been a small part of that magic, that bigger picture that we're here to celebrate today. It is my great joy to present this Lifetime Achievement Award, on the 80th birthday of the Venice Film Festival to Tony Leung.
8 e* n2 Q& Z2 t- o# S" [5 g+ M! O
* W) } h0 j( D( F; ]9 s# d梁朝伟获奖感言原文:
, W! Y( v( {& h; M9 }6 e! ^" YAng, I know you will make me cry. Wow, can you give me a minute? Thank you so much, Ang. Such lovely compliments, especially coming out from my most respected director and a very good friend of mine. And, thank you Venice International Film Festival. This is really a great honour.1 X; l# q; ~) j/ D
! T. s7 @* P5 f# rFirst and foremost, I would love to express my gratitude to my dearest wife, Carina Lau, for her love and constant support. My family, my friends and fans all over the world.
! K9 a9 y" c: L- e: u7 R. l! d" C# c
I’m so grateful to have been raised in Hong Kong, as well as being nurtured later by the Hong Kong movie industry in general where my acting career began. And I also want to share this honour and give thanks to all those wonderful people who I have worked with over the past 41 years because this is a tribute to them as well. And of course, to Hong Kong cinema. ' M# W; f% D' m3 t" b
- O* h( J4 l* D4 z: V4 J; {Thank you very much.
; _/ ~* [: m1 C' d. i \8 x8 T5 D u* F3 q: X5 _
Gracias. ) c' p/ ^$ C8 u0 t- E& U
5 X+ @. O+ o& E. M1 f) l8 x李安颁奖/老梁获奖视频:
7 T2 o& j2 u; i; ehttps://weibo.com/u/5803667682 |