這兩集沒有蟠桃親的文字速遞, 那偶就貼一小段第55 集的英文速遞吧, 或許有親想知道這一幕的對話內容
皮蛋跟德曼在那個看台上的對話, 皮蛋一直眼紅紅的, 最後差點兒還哭了......
BiDam: Your majesty. How do you intend to deal with YuShin?
SeonDeok:Is that why you are here? You are curious?
BiDam: If you cannot abandon YuShin
SeonDeok: If I cannot...
BiDam: I will protect YuShin. You will continue to receive petitions to behead YuShin. And patriotic Hwarang and warriors will also agree. Therefore, minister of audits, BiDam, will use all that is in my power to to quiet them. If you give me permission, I will save YuShin's life.
SeonDeok: YuShin's life. And in return, all I need to do is marry you.
BiDam: Your majesty....
SeonDeok: I did not realize YuShin's life was worth so much. Is not that what you desire? No?
BiDam: Yes. Indeed. That is what I desire. However, I do not wish to barter with love.
SeonDeok: Love. It is truly a warm and yet leisurely word.
BiDam: Grant me this command. If you command me, for you, I will save YuShin. Your majesty.....
SeonDeok: I will not give the command. Withdraw.
哎......被心愛的人如此嘲諷, 還不留情面的拒婚了, 難怪他要傷心的
(是啦, 他用庾信的性命要脅女王在先, 但偶偏心皮蛋, 所以不會覺得他有任何不對的, 呵呵。。。) |