Most memorable scenes/lines, suggestions and questions to director/cast
Things are happening quickly in Korea as the koreans have over 1000 names on their list now (ahhhh where are the overseas fans?? ><)
Some uncertain loose ends need to be tied up in Korea though but I should be able to come up with an announcement soon within the next day. Watch this space^^
The company who hold copyrights to SKKS have passed the ball to ENE for the production of the SKKS dvd (Yes this is the same company who produced the director’s cut dvd for You’re Beautiful and over the past year, they have also produced the dcut for Prosecutor Princess, Chuno, Pasta, Personal Taste and the special edition dvd for Cinderella’s sister). There will be a meeting today from a representative from the dvd cafe with ENE so I should be able to confirm whether it is going to be dcut very soon (by the looks of it it is).
It is still absolutely essential for overseas fans to show their interest to ensure ENGLISH SUBTITLES. So please do send me an email if you’re interested if you have not done so already.
In the meantime, as for all dcuts, your opinion as a SKKS fan is needed for the production of a good dvd that fans will be satisfied with. So please list:-
(1) Your most memorable scenes and lines (for the commentary)
(2) Things you would like to see to be included in a dcut dvd
(3) questions you have for the director or the members of the cast (for interview)
大意是..你想在D-CUT DVD看到些甚麼呢?若有意見提出可以告訴CECILIA,他會整理後幫我們向製作公司反映!
(1) 令你最難忘片段/場境 (這個是放在演員的影評裏面的)
(2) D-CUT DVD裏想包括的東西
(3) 想問導演跟演員的問題 (訪問部份)
11月1 日
Newest update about the dvd
首先是已確定會出版劇集的DVD (普通版),但導演版DVD就還未確實。跟ENE會面後,看來他們偏向想先出版普通版或是一個豪華版,而不會有導演版DVD。那你會問這有甚麼分別呢?
看來是ENE並不想製作導演版DVD,他們要求我們找到3000個有意預購名單才會考慮製作。(他們怎至挑戰我們若能集齊5000名額,我們要甚麼也可以!!) 現階段還有很多複雜情況,但希望我們能在這周來解決。
我們現階段需要的是大家的名字 (參與)。告訴他們我們要導演版DVD!!! 告訴他們我想看到4人幫 (有天、敏英、鐘基跟亞仁)坐在同一房間中說說他們拍攝時的趣事。告訴他們我想聽聽他們說他們拍攝成均館時經驗之談,告訴他們我們想看那些發生了又未必公開過的事。
More info coming shortly!
Things are moving quickly in korea and ENE has announced they will be producing a ‘Uncut’ version of the dvd. However, they have promised if the number of people who are interested in a dcut reaches 2500, they will switch from this ‘Uncut’ version of the dvd. There are alot of details coming in so I will translate and explain the difference between a director’s cut dvd and this ‘Uncut’ version + all the details involved. If you hear anything about the dvd elsewhere and are confused, dont worry, I will clear that up. I will update by tomorrow so please watch this space.
But for now, the most most most important thing is still your names. That list really has to grow! Aja aja fighting!!
PS. I have been receiving alot of ppl’s suggestions for the dvd via email, please post them under the related post so everyone can read them too!
來源: http://scandaldvd.wordpress.com/ |