Oscar的歌迷原來是FT ISLAND的歌迷 哈哈
一個參加FT ISLAND 演唱會時,意外地遇到秘密花園拍攝, 這篇後記原封不動轉過來了
Just wanna share Secret Garden drama scene when I went to FT ISLAND CONCERT!
I was surprised to see when YSH came out when LGK FT ISLAND LEAD SINGER call his name.
And they were making some scene from the SG drama.
We are in the audience when YSH was singing on the stage and HB and one of the actress were in the audience also.
ENJOY! One thing YSH was so nice to the audience and he's the joker on the stage Love him though 在舞台上的OSCAR對歌迷很好 還是個玩笑大王
He was even post for us 尹尚賢還會擺POSE讓歌迷拍
And fliming HB and actress are talking something I don't understand a words... I was very close to HB..but we're not allowed to take the pixs anymore..
歌迷很靠近玄斌, 但是不允許拍照的..所以只能拍到這兩張
My batteries was ring out when they filming Lee Phillips and HJM..
Hope you all enjoy it and kind of new experience to me though
Cr. and thanks to khin myint from soompi
Cr, benzene from soompi
[ 本帖最后由 jessiefang 于 2010-11-16 10:32 编辑 ] |