한혜진 "핑클 멤버 될 뻔 했다" 깜짝 고백
[정명화기자] 배우 한혜진이 인기 걸그룹 핑클의 멤버가 될 뻔했던 사연을 밝혀 화제다.
한혜진은 24일 방송된 KBS2 '해피투게더'에 출연해 핑클 멤버 제의를 받았던 사연을 공개했다.
한혜진은 "데뷔 전 핑클 멤버 오디션 제의를 받았지만 당시 좀 도도했었다"며 "'나는 배우가 될 거에요'라며 제의를 거절했다"고 말했다.
이어 "제의를 거절했는데 얼마 후 진짜 핑클이 나왔고 핑클이 잘 되자 속상하기도 했다"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.
한헤진은 또 미녀스타 송혜교와 고교 동창이자 핑클 멤버 이진과는 1년 선후배 사이라고 말해 눈길을 끌었다.
이날 한혜진은 새 드라마 '가시나무새'의 홍보차 김민정, 주상욱 등과 함께 출연해 솔직담백한 이야기를 들려줬다.
Actress Han Hye Jin talked about how she could have been a member of the popular girl group, Fin.K.L.
She came out on KBS2 "Happy Together" on the 24th and told a story about how she was offered the position to be a member of Fin.K.L.
She said "I was told to audition for Fin.K.L, since I was a good candidate but I was a bit too arrogant. I said 'I want to be an actress' and rejected the offer."
She continued, "I rejected and then Fin.K.L came out soon and they were a big hit, so I was somewhat sad."
Han Hye Jin also talked about how she graduated from the same school in the same year as actress Song Hye Gyo, and 1 year apart from Lee Jin.
Han Hye Jin came out with the cast of the new drama "The Thorn Birds," Kim Min Jung and Joo Sang Wook to promote the drama.
by dongie
[ 本帖最后由 忍者心动 于 2011-2-25 13:02 编辑 ] |