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发表于 2013-12-5 16:57
本帖最后由 kaolaxiaoniu 于 2013-12-5 17:04 编辑 # `3 H2 U n2 v4 ~: C/ F$ C
gig88 发表于 2013-12-4 18:10
) F4 H: N4 Z8 Q c3 \发觉我不够积分,不能点评 只能这样回复了。。。6 ~( J6 P% x" K4 K/ c$ N- F7 x
& Q+ r% Z, H7 D) \' ]+ u D哈哈哈哈!很开心加入讨论~韩国综艺貌似都做很好 ... + F, l9 L+ r8 G! V0 a9 _6 L; d$ c
" @5 _! j! |5 t, E
參賽者訪談节录$ ]; }# \/ d8 v6 F+ ~7 y+ X
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/27413406911 [" D4 B# _5 r/ P! H$ i8 y
原翻譯:femacca K8 V! |4 f2 Q9 R' c+ S
# B" ?" f8 x4 \2 N3 [Producer: I've called BoxeR before in season 1. There was the guest special and I called him occasionally asking him to appear on the show. At the time he was the coach of a progaming team, but he retired soon after. Then he called me first saying he could appear on the show and that's how he joined the cast.": H/ M4 ~! W. l. y& Q+ C- \
节目PD(“PD”):我第一季的时候就联系上BoxeR了 说是有个嘉宾特辑(应该是指诈欺赛马II吧)邀请他上节目。当时他正在担任职业电玩队的教练,不过不久之前刚离开了。之后他就致电给我说他可以上节目了,就这样成了第二季的参赛者。2 i% l/ Z& ^; [; o7 R
. I0 `$ U/ o) l- a$ oSangmin: It's the first time I've seen Noh Hong Chul on a broadcast with a stiff face. He has no confidence and there's no soul in his laughter. I think observation skills are my greatest weapon and in my eyes, Hong Chul is incredibly tense.! m$ n$ R. a5 k4 j7 o3 y$ B+ q
李相旼(“李”):这是我第一次看到卢上节目时的表情如此僵硬,对自己完全没信心,连笑的时候都很空洞。我最大的优点就是我的观察力,而在我看来,卢真的是非常紧张。; v4 [8 T# i3 _% r6 ]; k
/ G6 L' D) ?4 Q
Sangmin: Since season 2 is after season 1 has been aired, a lot of very smart people have joined the cast. They must have also analyzed the broadcast so they all have a high understanding of the games. I could relax in season 1, but I have no room to do that now. The contestants have a very strong determination to win. I think Lim Yoon Sun is especially amazing. Season 2 has been very taxing on me., a! m3 w8 T7 x: c; t
李:和第一季相比,来参加第二季的都是非常聪明的人选。他们有机会可以仔细专研第一季的节目,所以对节目和游戏有非常深入的了解。我在第一季感觉很轻松,可是在第二季里完全没有那么悠闲的时候。参赛者都有很强的胜负欲,特别是林允善,她真的很厉害。第二季让我觉得很吃力。 K* o& I! V) h+ y U' O1 `# V
$ _" \+ i4 i' Q* Z9 ]
Sangmin: Since this a reality show there's not much time to think. I think YellOw is especially quick at using his brain.
$ O% t' ?# d" L/ Q3 F李相旼:既然是个真实节目,就没什么可以思考的时间。我觉得洪榛浩脑筋转得特别的快。
7 }' g. U6 o1 X9 ^* {* U# [+ Z3 B( k* Q; _8 p3 _) g/ |' c/ m
Yoo Jung Hyun: It was really hard for me to adjust to the atmosphere since it's been so long since I was last on a broadcast. I thought I had suffered everything when I was a congressman, but on 'The Genius 2', much younger kids were doing it so it was more annoying. So I really didn't want to come to this press conference, but since it was in the area I just popped by to say hello. I'm also really annoyed that they're not giving us food. I've never felt refreshed after a recording.I want to give hope to old people. Gura fell in episode 6, and people were saying that they thought I'd be eliminated in the 2nd or 3rd episode. How ridiculous., \6 _4 z$ r5 g: c, S$ Y
刘正贤(“刘”):我很久没出现在镜头前了,所以一开始时很不适应。我以为以前当议员是已经经历了很多考验,可是在《THE GENIUS 2》里有那么多年轻一辈的参赛者(让我承受压力),让我觉得更恼人。我原本想缺席今天的记者会,可是反正我人在附近,所以就来打声招呼。我也很不满节目单位竟然没有提供食物,每次录完节目都觉得精神萎靡。我想给年长人带来希望。金九拉也是在(第一季的)第六集才被淘汰,可是大家竟然猜测我在第二或第三集就会被淘汰。太可笑了吧。
4 V7 P4 J# S4 n) N5 P" A+ Z* I4 g【按:呃 我猜想这前议员讲这段话时应该是带着开玩笑的语气吧?】0 l: M* n, M/ G& ~
( {6 L8 g4 t+ {
Nam Hwee Jong: I don't feel any competition with Seoul University., N" z9 _, q( Z6 k' F
Lee Doo Hee: I think I'll be cursed a lot after the articles go out, but I don't pay attention to local universities. I applied for KAIST and was rejected before, so whenever I see a KAIST student it's a bit sucky.
* D. N3 ~) t) N; W南辉钟(“南”):我不觉得首尔大学(指李斗熙)有给我带来任何竞争感。6 R" i0 I& d. D: I
李斗熙(“熙”):我觉得这样说可能会被人骂,不过我真的没关注本地大学学府。我申请过KAIST被拒,所以每次看到KAIST的学生(指南辉钟)都觉得不快。* v# C J% [6 ?, e, [
3 i/ _0 V5 v5 p
YellOw: Since season 1 was the first time the program aired, I was busy feeling things out. This time, everyone's prepared and determined. The competition is fierce. I wanted to show the aura of a champion, but it's really tough for me. It's really intense and fun.& W4 P* M f+ t" [
洪榛浩:第一季是节目的首播,那时我就一直忙着厘清状况。这一季大家有备而来,抱着必胜的决心,竞争非常激烈。我想要展现冠军的气势,可是真的感到很吃力,真的又紧张又好玩。' g$ c& x1 g4 n, r( y; a! T! C, v; [; L
) x2 D& w9 X. W6 BProducer: There were some people talking about the fairness of YellOw and Sangmin appearing on the show again, but because our program is a variety show, we thought mostly about how to make it fun for the viewers., D1 I+ ?/ D0 w$ [' Q/ O! c
- Y) {( i1 Z/ r: U
: D; o- G, w# o8 F- _( FNoh Hong Chul: The other contestants make their presence known, but for Doo Hee it's like he's there and then he's not. It's like he's not there, but then he's got his hands in something. So people were really surprised. I didn't really expect anything from him, but I now understand why he joined the cast.
& O- Y4 `+ S6 o/ z' U$ ]9 c卢洪哲:参赛者都想突出自己的存在感,除了李斗熙,像是偶有出现,可是却忽然又不在视线内,但是又好像手里有什么法宝似的,让人觉得意料之外。我开始并没有对他有很多期望,可是我现在了解他参加节目的原因了。
* j W- ?9 w0 n
% o( }/ Y# B% |8 R3 MNoh Hong Chul: Because of my personality, if I'm acquainted with someone I tend to stay in contact for a long time. So I've stayed in touch with Lim Yoon Sun over that time. Although we don't get to see each other often, we do occasionally have dinner. I also had an advantage because I knew Lim Yoon Sun's tendencies. In a way I started out with more information. It was good for me in the games because I knew how she reacted when she's worked up.
; w' N2 ]7 N' m/ @4 Q: u s卢洪哲:照我的个性,如果认识了一个人,我会一直和他保持联系,所以之前结识林允善后,间中还是有联络。虽然不常见面,偶尔还是会出来吃顿饭,所以了解她的习性,也比其他人多了些优势。玩游戏时我也比较有胜算,因为我知道她激动时会做什么样的反应。
- k( A; O7 A9 E, E1 V, Q& J6 i. o9 z0 o+ Q* p% A/ K$ f$ a5 b
Sangmin: It won't be easy to overcome YellOw's progamer temperament. The other cast members struggle to maintain their focus until the end of the game, but YellOw doesn't falter until the result is decided. In season 1, YellOw became a different person whenever there was a death match. Whenever the odds become unfavorable, other people would lose their concentration, but YellOw quickly brushes it aside and returns to a normal state of mind.
- R a; I4 w) L; C李相旼:职业电玩家都很能沉得住气,那种精神让洪榛浩成为让人非常头痛的对手。要在游戏中持续集中精神和保持高度的专注力到结果揭晓,是件很困难的事。大家都应对和挣扎得很辛苦,除了洪榛浩,不到最后一刻都不放弃。第一季的时候,洪榛浩在DEATH MATCH时会变成另外一个人似的。情况不乐观的时候,很多人都会集中不了精神,不过洪榛浩却能很快恢复状态。' _! k$ V- j% ?' _# G5 i7 a# m( N
) h: S& {. `' JYoo Jung Hyun: There's no word to describe YellOw. There's an over 10 year difference between us, but within the games, that age difference isn't allowed. Outside of the show he's extremely formal, but in the program he calls out to me with "hey" and it makes me really not want to face him. If I was to choose who I didn't want to face the most in a death match, it would be YellOw. If I end up meeting YellOw, I want to surrender.
0 o. s$ l# |# i: {刘正贤:没有一个词能够形容洪榛浩。虽然年龄相差超过十年,可是游戏里是不看出这种年龄差的。在镜头外他对我用很正式的尊称,可是节目里却用(平语)“嗨”,让我不怎么想面对他。如果要我选最不想在DEATH MATCH里遇到的对手,那肯定是洪榛浩。如果要我面对他,我一定会想马上投降。$ _# @( O a, p E8 o( D
0 p! B2 f3 L: r( o1 GYoo Jung Hyun: I think BoxeR joined the show just to beat YellOw. Having a definite goal is BoxeR's character and in order to achieve this goal he seems like a flexible and sly guy with something to hide.9 Q; o; } p+ b8 p9 K/ a; ^5 g
刘正贤:我觉得林耀焕参加这个节目的唯一目的只是为了想打败洪榛浩。林耀焕因性格使然,做事一定会有个明确的目标,而为了达到这个目标,他应该会非常变通也会很狡猾,好像有所隐瞒。 \; |6 l V$ N) B/ K, ]+ d
& n# j6 m+ M! M& Z$ [Jaekyung: After watching season 1 I had deified YellOw. He was a godlike existence. But after seeing him in person, he was a really scary person. I felt very afraid.' ^# ^3 ~: y) w% L
栽经:看了第一季后,我就完全把洪榛浩当作神一样的膜拜,他就像是神一般的存在。可是亲眼见到本人时,觉得他是个很可怕的人,让我非常畏惧。' [4 E5 d" I1 w1 Z4 \$ y9 }
* D" O- G9 y& Q
BoxeR: In a game I control the units with my commands within the game. But in 'The Genius 2' I have to face people I don't know well and resolve things through words, but I have no experience in this sort of thing. Since I'm not very knowledgeable about these things I'm getting caught up in stuff. I think I need to collect my thoughts and prepare well. Only then will I be able to take down the huge mountain in front of me. So I want to go through the death match multiple times to show my skills to people.# R( b3 J) _$ H, X- y: g% x
林耀焕:在电玩游戏里,我可以靠(用键盘和滑鼠)指令操控游戏里的部队。可是在《THE GENIUS 2》里,我得学习面对不熟识的人和靠言语来解决事情,而我对这方面完全没经验。既然我对这类事情很陌生,我就一直陷入谜团。我想我需要好好整理思绪和做好充分的准备,才能跨过像山一样的巨大考验。所以我想借由进入DEATH MATCH来向其他人展示我的实力。
$ V: a: z/ Q) f8 ^; S" l, }* o+ x+ L/ D2 j+ y T0 {2 w3 W, x" b
Producer: Since it's a reality show, the cast occasionally unconsciously says things swayed by their emotions. While filming, the words "Shut your teeth" came out of YellOw's mouth and it was so unfamiliar to me that it left a big impression.. s1 J3 _% z' \2 H) M
PD:既然这是个真实节目,玩家们有时情绪失控时会潜意识的说些平时不常听到的话。录影时,当洪榛浩说出了一句我没听过的“阖上你的牙”时,印象很深刻。3 L5 i4 d* l) O* x; x# M, O. }0 ^
$ c9 M# R$ E: ?9 P
Noh Hong Chul: YellOw is really friendly. He curses with people he's never seen before. It gave me the impression that he was a very open person with a good personality.
$ E. {5 }4 i( ~1 r0 X/ q: K卢洪哲:洪榛浩是个非常友善的人。他可以对从没见过的人说粗口。(全场爆笑~)给我的感觉是个非常直率、开朗、性格很好的人。3 f# A- M4 h \- ]0 H- W$ }
/ w: Z" b- |- CLee Da Hye: The male contestants really don't care about their image. They act in ways that make me question whether you can really act that way. They're good at lying and betraying people and never trust others. I was surprised that there were people like this. YellOw is a character who's sharp, says what's on his mind and is skilled, but you just can't hate him. Even when he says something bad, it doesn't feel offensive. He has a humane charm that makes you unable to hate him. I think he'll get to the top 3 easily.
/ w2 }! ]( Y4 S李多慧:男性玩家们真的很不顾自己的形象。他们的行为有时真的让我质疑:真的能这么做吗?说谎、欺骗、背叛、猜疑,无一不做。我很诧异竟然会有这种人。洪榛浩很精明,有话直说,有才能,可是就是让人无法讨厌他。他即使说了一些不怎么好听的话,还是不会让人觉得不快或被冒犯。有种很人性的魅力,很难让人对他产生反感。我觉得他能轻易的进入前三名。! \2 Z. Q" U: w [0 y p2 H! @
/ E$ I8 r) d3 G+ q( X8 y(Sunggyu thinks Eun Ji Won will win)# J% p5 x3 N/ z8 p$ J
Eun Ji Won: Why? I don't think I'll be able to win. I think I'll just be a prop that's helpful when people ally together. I'm not confident I'll be able to survive a 1v1 death match, so I don't think I'll be able to win.
9 p! D0 y. u, M9 f' i8 eNoh Hong Chul: I've known Eun Ji Won for a long time, but in this game he has a charm that's difficult to hate. Greedy people tend to attract scorn, and I've known Jiwon hyung for a long time, but he acts in ways that make me wonder whether he has any greed at all. If you see him being harsh, or worked up, or being greedy in this show, that will become Jiwon's Achilles's Heel and it will come back to bite him like a boomerang in a death match.
s& F$ `2 d/ I: ^& r \(圣奎认为殷志源会是第二季的赢家。) m$ }; B, V$ b& R! d
殷志源:为什么呢?我自己觉得胜算不大。我想我应该只会成为联盟时一个有用的盟友。我没自信能在一对一的DEATH MATCH活下来,所以应该不会赢得第二季。
3 l% G3 h; l. Z8 {% D5 X) H: x卢洪哲:我认识殷志源很久了,可是在这个节目里,他有种让人难以对他反感的魅力。贪心的人一向都会招损,可是我认识了应支援那么久,他总是让我怀疑他到底是个有贪念的人吗?如果你看到他在节目上变得苛刻,激动或是贪婪,那一定会变成他的绊脚石,让他在DEATH MATCH的时候得到教训。
$ [* b2 k4 G$ j
+ B! m+ T1 a4 F! m1 e) l( z/ |$ GNam Hwee Jong: I was a Zerg player and a fan of YellOw, but after meeting him in person we were just friends of the same age and it was great to see his human side.
: E1 c; U8 ^9 {" {3 H南辉钟:我是个ZERG玩家,是洪榛浩的饭,可是亲眼见到他之后,就是同龄亲故/朋友的相处。能看到他人性的一面真的很好。
# y% P) ^; D* I @8 d7 e- ]. \" {
Lee Da Hye: YellOw reminded me of Go genius Lee Sae Dol. He's smart and has a down to earth charm that makes it impossible to hate him.: B+ b" Y7 F. s; u
% u/ A/ e5 M( P8 {- e1 S) F$ k6 \( d
YellOw: Because Sangmin hyung's such a good speaker, there are many occasions where I look back later and a lot of things that he said that were just stupid, but I couldn't help being swayed by him. It would be really great to have him on my side, but I'm much more worried that he's aiming for me behind my back.
3 {. w e8 F) `/ m, }洪榛浩:李相旼很有说服力,我回想以前很多时候他说了一些其实没什么道理的话,可是我还是忍不住会被他影响。如果是和他在同一阵线还没关系,可是如果他是在我背后插剑,那我就会担心。
& N* i( G& Z' p4 ]7 |
: a! }1 ~- z" a$ ASangmin: I joined the show again because I'm desperate for the prize money. Out of the 13 contestants, there's probably no one who's as desperate for the prize money as me. I said this in season 1 as well, but I want to co-produce the next season of Mnet's 'God of Music' with the money. I want to win this season no matter what and make 'God of Music 2'. I don't know why they're making boring shows like 'Enemy of Broadcasts' instead of 'God of Music 2'., l2 x4 m) J$ \0 W+ i" v
李相旼:我再次参加节目的目的是因为我很渴望得到奖金。在13个参赛者里,应该没有那么像我那么急需要钱的人了。我在第一季提到过了,我很想用这笔钱来联合制作下一季Mnet的“音乐之神”,所以无论如何一定要赢得这一季的奖金。我真的不知道为什么(Mnet)会制作那么无聊的(李笛和John Park出演的)《放送之敌》,而不是新一季的《音乐之神》。
! j; F1 W$ ^) K- J$ t( C4 u- a% Y( p6 E
(Asked about who's better looking)
6 D% @* h: I @( s
; U# x6 f9 h* L7 n; VBoxeR: There's the pros and cons of me being tall and YellOw having better proportions. I can't say who's better.* O' T( I o+ K. S4 h
YellOw: Looks are subjective. BoxeR is tall but he has a big head and I have better proportions but I'm short. To be honest, I think I'm better looking.! N4 N3 Q( n3 p
(被问及谁长得比较好看)( ^, O/ y. Y0 G7 {" a: N
: U( r. _+ @/ v$ s0 f6 |/ r# }洪榛浩:外表是很主观的。林耀焕长得高,可是头很大。我比例比较好,可是身高矮小。说老实话,我觉得我长得比较好看。
' t3 \+ ~4 T( s' {6 `' \
, N) B: G+ B; K$ B% A$ K8 d(Talking about BoxeR YellOw rivalry)
7 O% ^$ z ]- I/ j/ n4 \YellOw: That's nonsense. Before I retired, when we faced each other near the end I won most of the time. From that moment on, BoxeR was nothing to me. BoxeR isn't my rival. Isn't it just BoxeR who thinks we're rivals?
2 P9 Z8 \2 [8 @( G! _( z: v v(谈到BoxeR和YellOw之间的“恩怨”)
9 Z9 g6 k J- \6 B2 `洪榛浩:那一切都是废话。我退休前和他的多次对战,大多都是我获胜。从那时候起,BoxeR在我眼中算不了什么,BoxeR根本不是我的对手。认为我和他是对手的,应该只是BoxeR单方面的错觉吧?
/ w* z3 Y. v4 \$ I/ a; g; s: p* v& F/ F4 O8 T: {
Producer: Most of the games in 'The Genius' are based on tabletop RPGs. What this means is that you can't simply understand the rules and use your head. You need to have conversations with the other contestants and form relationships to play out the games. Also, because you're forced to play with other people, a "person's charm" plays a big part. The people that viewers have good feelings towards are likely to be well liked by the other players too. Since personal relationships and conversation are such a big part of it, these things are likely to be the key to victory. It's meaningless to differentiate between male or female. 'The Genius' is simply about 'people you need' and 'people you don't need' (laugh)." D5 J5 o" K+ |. O. h- `# E: T
PD:《THE GENIUS》里大部分的游戏,构想出自于电玩的角色扮演游戏。这意味着你不能不了解游戏的规则而只是单靠用脑力来玩游戏。你需要不断的和其他的参赛者交流和培养关系才能玩好游戏。因为游戏必须和其他人交流,所以个人魅力是个很大的成败点。那些观众喜爱的参赛者,通常也会引起其他参赛者的好感。靠情感交流和互相交谈的部分,都是致胜的关键。区分男性或女性是毫无意义的,在《THE GENIUS》里只分成“你需要的人”和“你不需要的人”。(笑~)$ b! T" `+ a5 s# s
% U- }; z; R" R& m# P! xProducer: This time we worked in cooperation with a board game company which introduced us to a lot of new board games for use as references. After season 1 ended in July, we prepared 12 main match games and 10 death matches in 3 months.
0 K/ n6 D( h5 Y4 z9 a/ Z s. D8 YPD:这次我们和棋盘游戏公司合作,公司介绍了很多新款的棋盘游戏作为参考。第一季在七月结束后,我们花了三个月的时间来设计第二季的十二个MAIN MATCH的游戏和十个DEATH MATCH的游戏。3 T* ]# e% w6 `# v9 `
/ W7 ]$ q9 M( F5 Y0 [$ d5 iProducer: We gave as much consideration as possible to make sure that a wide demographic could understand the games. I thought that we needed to improve the understanding of the games. When the game had complicated rules, we carried out an advance rehearsal. Of course, if a rehearsal is meaningless or a rehearsal would lessen the fun of the game, we didn't do this and played the game straight away. But it wasn't very easy to shine a light on the tangled up relationships with simple games. So even if people don't understand the program's rules at all, I hope that we'll at least be able to make it fun.* @( L) {: A/ d- P7 D/ U0 b0 v' G
PD:我们尽可能把游戏设计成能让普罗大众都能理解的游戏规则和玩法,我觉得有必要让游戏更容易理解。如果游戏的规则比较复杂,我们会预先彩排。当然如果彩排变得没有意义,或减少了游戏自身的乐趣,那我们就省略彩排的部分,直接进入正式的游戏。不过要厘清游戏的难易度和关系的复杂性很不容易。所以即使有人完全不了解规则,那我们希望至少能把游戏弄得好玩。! I U' M& L2 N) S, K
4 L) {' \9 O8 X& O5 h( q/ D w3 k
Sangmin: Sunggyu and I still keep in touch. I don't see anyone in season 2 to form a partnership like I did with Sunggyu. It won't be easy to win.& ] `& M8 x, T: N
* @. [9 t2 b) D2 I, E# S, l
# E0 c9 C7 ], [: p3 [3 nJaekyung: I was really impressed with Sunggyu's role in season 1. So I wanted to get advice from him. Luckily, Sunggyu and I go to the same hairdresser, so I decided I was going to make sure to ask him if we met. But after it was decided that I would be on the show, Sunggyu left on a concert tour. So I still haven't been able to get any advice.
7 f5 w* D3 T0 Q% f) f$ ], P! o栽经:我非常欣赏圣奎在第一季的角色定位。我和他刚好都是光顾同一间发廊,所以想说有机会一定要向他讨教。谁知道当我确定出演第二季的时候,他刚好就出国巡演了,所以到现在都还没机会碰面。
+ W1 P; {2 R5 K+ G1 A, a/ z j b/ R! q' o( l$ ^
Lee Da Hye: Since I'm a pro, I'm very competitive. I hate losing. If I go to a death match, I want to face a strong opponent so I want to play against YellOw./ I) A2 e0 O0 h3 Z
李多慧:身为一个职业选手,我有非常强烈的胜负欲。我很讨厌输的感觉。如果进入DEATH MATCH,我要面对一个强大的对手,所以会想和洪榛浩一较高下。
9 P+ V! F! f) n9 Q' X) E( r
* T: J* N1 d: W& U, d& P& mYellOw's pledge - If the first episode gets ratings over 2.22%, YellOw will give away one of his prized possessions.
( L6 k' A; p: X洪榛浩的承诺:如果第一集的收视率破2.22,他会送出一份自己珍藏的物品。3 H- P$ E+ `. ?0 J6 G! Y2 z
1 x$ }9 k: {+ e- e9 m) i2 o
5 o, l+ e" L3 s) h
: T0 ?. l' w3 ]3 |- v(转自:TEAM LIQUID 讨论区) |