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Three Musketeers: Episode 6
by HeadsNo2 | September 23, 2014 |
Well, that outcome was probably inevitable, even if it does little to soothe all the burning questions still surrounding Sohyeon and Mi-ryung. Apart, both of them make for intriguing characters we can’t quite get a full grasp on, and if this is what we got from their first moment together, then it’s time well spent. More, please.
There’s no way of knowing whether the doe-eyed look Mi-ryung sported was at all genuine, because while I can believe she can put on a femme fatale act in front of everyone else, it’s not so inconceivable that she’d find herself reverting back to whoever she was when she was with Sohyeon. At the same time though, we saw them lock eyes during that ceremony a few episodes back, and if looks could kill, then this show would’ve been a whole lot shorter.——————
The thing is, I don’t feel like I know Mi-ryung well enough to say that she was definitely faking it or definitely not (or perhaps she wasn’t and then woke up, nobody’s perfect), which is something I like about watching her. She’s predictable in some ways and not in others, a trait she shares with the similarly-intriguing Sohyeon. His reactions are a little bit easier to guess and read, even if it’s still so unsettling just to watch him carry himself as a man of great principle when his past brings up so many questions, least of which might be: Who ARE you?
So on the one hand, I have to respect a character who can make me want so badly to forget how morally repugnant he might’ve once been (or had to be, or was coerced to be), but on the other hand, this conflicted feeling is a lot harder than knowing exactly how to feel. Sohyeon just seems like the kind of hero you’d want to be rooting for unequivocally, and I love that this show simply won’t let us do that. Part of the mystique is going to lie in the show’s ability to tease us without giving it all away halfway through the run, which I’m not too worried about if this is where we’ve ended up for now—this show is by no means perfect, but it seems to have a good grasp on which side its bread is buttered.
As far as Dal-hyang’s change of heart goes, if it’s true that he had no idea what trick Sohyeon was pulling (and I think he didn’t), then it makes Sohyeon’s cheating kind of terrible of him, doesn’t it? Sohyeon may have had his reasons and Dal-hyang’s best interests at heart, but he basically instigated a major personality shift that wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t resorted to unapologetic trickery—even if the results were good. Far be it for me to complain when puppy-eyed bromance is suddenly thrown my way, but if I had to make a bet between the two of them based on moral integrity alone, the only way Sohyeon would see a single cent is if it passed him on its way to Dal-hyang.