本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2014-10-26 17:41 编辑
http://forums.soompi.com/discuss ... 2/#Comment_27899982
About her drama co-star Kam Woo Sung, Sooyoung said, “Sometimes my heart flutters because I don’t know whether he is acting or if it’s real,” as she reminisced on the heart fluttering scene from episode eight.
It’s the scene where Dong Ha smiles at Bom and when Bom asks, ‘Why?’ he answers, ‘Because you’re pretty.’
就是那場東禾對着春天微笑時 春天問他:“為什麼?” 他回答:“因為你很漂亮。”
Sooyoung said, “Dong Ha sunbaenim kept making NGs maybe because he couldn’t remember the last line but I was so thankful. I was happy that I could see his gaze again,” and added, “My mouth opens automatically when I see Kam Woo Sung sunbaenim’s acting so the director had to give me a extra direction. I’m close to Kam Woo Sung sunbaenim in real life. I would like to win the Best Couple Award (from year-end award ceremony).”
秀英說,“也許是因為他不記得最後一句台詞,東禾前輩不斷NG,但我還是很感謝他,能再看到他的凝視我很快樂,“ 她補充說:”當我看到甘宇成前輩演戲時,我會自動張嘴/不自主的張嘴,以致於導演不得不給我額外的指導。我在現實生活中跟甘宇成前輩很親近,我想贏得最佳情侶獎(在年終頒獎典禮上)。“
She also shared brought up future episodes of Spring Days of My Life saying, “Some sad and heart wrenching things will happen,” and added, “I hope that the viewers can be healed and consoled through ‘Bom-Dong’ couple overcoming their hardships.”
她還提到了“我人生的春天”未來劇集的内容 分享說,“有些傷心和痛苦的事情會發生,”並補充說:“我希望觀眾透過‘春東’夫婦克服他們的困難中可以得到醫治和安慰“。
Lastly she said, “The drama is almost over. I feel sad when each day passes, to the point where I want to hold on to time. Please show your love for Bom and Dong Ha’s heart warming love story.”
最後她說,“劇已接近尾聲。每過一天我就感到悲傷,悲傷到我想要把握當下。請對 春天和東禾温馨的愛情故事 獻上你的愛。“
You may find the full article here http://mwave.interest.me/enewswo ... d-with-kam-woo-sung
PS:原來一直NG的事是在説第8集東禾喝酒後的那段。。 |