原贴:http://www.anjaewookhkforever.co ... amp;show=0&man=
转自香港心旭旭 非常感谢在美国拉斯维加斯的Stella和西雅图的fanny的分享!
(2006年04月17日)中午后Stella 走出酒店,在门口遇到几个来自菲律宾的游客,他们见到有人在拍戏便问Stella 谁在拍.她说是在旭,他们眼睛立刻亮起来问是否‘安在旭’.原来他们也很喜欢小皇子.Stella 二时回酒店那些游客便给她看他们跟在旭的合照,照片里的在旭打了条红领带.呦! 这小子真厉害,粉丝遍布全世界,势不可挡.中午3:40 收到Stella 打来的电话,她一直边笑边嚷“他很可爱、很可爱啊……….”在旭和她们刚见过面.化了淡妆和上了唇彩的在旭俊不可言,左耳带了小小的钻石耳环, 浅灰色西装白色领带显得身材修长,卷卷的头发向上梳师呆了.温柔又贴心的在旭一直笑咪咪的和林妈妈用中文和英文说话. 他用中文说他知道她们昨天已经来了.Stella对他说“在旭你应感到自豪,世上能有多少艺人会有这么年长的影迷从老远来看他,妈妈应是你最年长的影迷”.在旭听了就一直笑,这时工作人员走来叫在旭拍戏,他仍面露温和的笑容乖乖的站在林妈妈身旁.后来更一齐拍照,初时在旭叫妈妈不要站起来,见妈妈执意便赶快用双手扶起她.一直到工作人员再三崔速才用英文说”我要走了”.临别握手时左手是垂在身前伸出右手,态度恭恭敬敬。
林妈妈已91 岁,四代同堂,视在旭如孙辈.在旭给她的印像十分十分好,她一直说这孩子很讨人爱,很可爱,很有礼貌.
在旭、Opba、小皇子、少爷: 你真乖啊不枉我们疼你一场,你对老人家的尊敬不只令她心感温暖,我们粉丝团都很感动,很有面子,以你为荣.我们并没看错人, 以后会更疼你的.我远在西雅图接到Stella 的电话时比她还兴奋高兴.
傍晚6:00 的戏是在酒巴内拍摄, 不准进去参观。
明天星期二一整天都是外景.在 The Strip 上拍.星期天22/4下午移师到荷李活,之后才返韩国.
在旭: 拉斯是沙漠,户外十分炎热,要小心啊,记着多喝水和吃水果, 增取休息。
韩国粉丝 Jenny 和 Kyung 继续接棒报导
再一次感谢 Stella 为我们奔走,
~ 西雅图后勤记者 fanny 晚上 10:00绝无夸大的报导~
(Stella 大姐, 真有你的,
胆大心细面皮厚, 我甘拜下风。
说不完的感谢, 相信这次在旭宝宝会带给你很愉快的回忆
回程时小心, 到家后再旭
~亚舅妈梦幻组合出马必胜 ~ Yeah ~~~
At noon time when Stella was leaving the hotel, she met a group of Philippine tourist. They asked who was filming in the hotel. Stella told them it was Jae Wook, their eyes immediately lighted up and asked if she meant `An Jae Wook’. It turned out that they also like the Little Prince a lot. When Stella returned to the hotel at 2:00 p.m. those tourist showed her their group pictures. Jae Wook was wearing a red tie. Good for you, Jae Wook, having fans all over the world, you’re now a non-stoppable force.
I again received Stella's call at 3:40 p.m. She was laughing and speaking at the same time, saying “he is so cute, so cute......”. They have just met Jae Wook. He has light makeup and lip gloss on, a small diamond ear-ring on his left ear. He looked very slender in a light grey suit with white tie. Jae Wook was wearing a sweet gentle smile while communicating with Grandma Lin in both Chinese and English. He told Grandma in Chinese that he already knew they have arrived the day before. Stella said to him “Jae Wook, you should be proud of yourself, how many artists could have someone of this age come all the way to see him. My mother should be your oldest fan”. After hearing this Jae Wook kept on smiling tenderly at Grandma. At that time the staff came to ask him to leave but he still stood quietly besides Grandma. When they took pictures, Jae Wook told Grandma to remain seated, but when she insisted he immediately helped her up with both hands. The staff came for him again, he then told Grandma “I have to go” in English. He shook hands with Grandma and sister, putting his left hand in front while extending his right hand in a most respectful way.
Grandma Lin is already 91 years old, has great-grand children. She sees Jae Wook as her grandkid. Jae Wook has given her a very good impression; she keep on saying that he is a very lovely child, very respectful.
Jae Wook, Opba, Little Prince: you are so good to be true, no wonder we all love you so much. The respect you gave to the elders not only warms her heart, we are also moved and very proud of you. We have chosen the right person and will keep on loving you forever. Though I was in Seattle, I felt happy and overwhelmed when talking to Stella on the phone.
6:00 shooting was at the bar, watching was not allowed.
Tomorrow's shooting will be at ` The Strip’ the whole day. The group will then leave for Hollywood in the afternoon of the 22nd, then return to Korea when shooting is done.
Jae Wook: Las Vegas is a desert, it is extremely hot outdoor, please take care, drink lots of fluid, have lots of fruits, and get as much rest as possible.
We will consider this mission of tracking down our Little Prince as fully completed. Both of us were so worn out in the past couple of weeks, we now have decided to retire, switch off our computers and cell phones and take some rest before finding some other fun things to do. We will let the two young and pretty Korean ladies Jenny and Kyung to continue reporting on Jae Wook's latest update when they arrive Vegas tomorrow. Please give them your greatest support.
I hereby wish the Little Prince a smooth and happy filming, and have a safe trip back to Korea. Thank you Stella once again for all you've done for us, happy driving back to home. Best regards to your mother and sister. Applause and cheers for you – HIP HIP HORRAY!
Bye now everyone, see you in August
(~ reported by fanny at 10:00 p.m. in Seattle ~)
(Stella, the courageous woman, thank you so very very much, you should receive a `Gold Jae Wook’ award. I believe Babe Jae Wook will leave you a lot of happy and warm memories. Take care on your return trip and call me when you reach home. )
[ 本帖最后由 zhuantie 于 2006-4-19 17:52 编辑 ] |