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发表于 2007-5-10 21:47
Fan Account in Spain
其实上个星期我已经知道bi仔在5-10号之间会来Valencia参加这个America Cup. 不过呢, 我还是拿不定主意到底去不去, 因为:
第一, Valencia不是小地方哦~
第二, 不知道应该去那里找他
第三, America Cup有好多个VIP zones
最後, 我还是决定不去了... 但是中午过後情况却改变了...
我妈妈和我去 "El Corte Inglés de Colón" 接妹妹放学. 那时候大概是3时左右吧, 有3个东方人跟一些辣妹在一块, 然後我妈妈突然说: "看!! 是Rain!!" 我一转过头, 碰!!! 真的是 bi仔!!!
於是乎, 我们3个人马上走过去看清楚. Yoohoo! bi仔和两个壮壮的男生在一起. 我用英语告诉他我们都是他的huge fans, 其中一个男生就问我们怎麼认识bi仔的, 我们马上大喊 "Full House"! 结果, 倒是那两个男生一直跟我们说话, bi仔自己静静的.. 他戴著毛帽和黑超, 好像不想被认出来 (这里都没有这麼多fans, 这个笨小孩还在30多度高温下做这种打扮!) 我问他可不可以合照, 他说不行因为肖像权的关系. 所以我问他要签名, 他很爽快就给我和妹妹签了好几样东西.
bi仔好像比较怕生害羞, 但是他的真人真的很可爱喔!!
好啦, 这是我用webcam拍下来的签名. 不好意思, 不是很清楚的说...
这个世界这麼大, 竟然给我在那里遇见他... yoohoo!
==== 原文 ====
Fan Account in Spain
Rough Translation (my husband and I did this over the phone while he was at work, so it's not a word-for-word translation):
Last week I found out that Rain was coming to Valencia from the 5th to the 10th of May for the America Cup. But I hesistated to go find him because:
-Valencia is huge
-Don't know where to find him
-The America Cup has many VIP zones
So I decided not to go find him...that is up until this afternoon...
My mother and I had just picked up my sister from school, and we had just left "El Corte Inglés de Colón" (a venue there) at about 3 pm when there were 3 orientals with hot-looking girls and then my mom said, "Look, it's Rain!" I turned around and Bam!! It was Rain!!!
So the 3 of us started going towards them and approaching them. Yoohoo! Rain was with 2 of his bouncers (very macho and well-built). I spoke in English (and me with my camera--kill me now!) and said we were huge fans of his. One of the guys then asked me how we knew of Rain, and the 3 of us yelled together "Full House"! The 2 guys kept talking to us while Rain appeared to be 'dry' (huh?). He was wearing a wool hat and sunshades while trying to disguise himself (there aren't a lot of fans here in Spain but he still didn't want to be recognized even though it was about 30 degrees Celcius outside!). I asked for a photo with him, but he said 'no' due to photocopy rights. So I asked if I could get his autograph instead and he autographed a few things for me and my sister.
He was so full of himself and not very sociable!! And the worse of it all is that he's way cuter in person!!
Alright, here's a photo of the autograph with my webcam. Sorry it's not very clear or good.
credit: Snowy & ann4rain @ Rain-USA
Translation: JAV (husband of dsl99a@Rain-USA)
中译: jjbug @RAIN吧 |