这两天的新闻:“雅拉因为头球中的服饰被引起关注,被选为Lanvin服装秀的主模特,今天在首尔SoGongDong Lotte 酒店将走秀”
Ara is Picked by Lanvin Collection as Best Style Icon
Ara is receiving attention for becoming the main model for the Lanvin Collection after wearing its clothes on Heading to the Ground.
Ara plays the role of Kang Hae Bin in the drama "Heading to the Ground" and is getting noticed for her bright character. Not only does Ara get to become the main model in the Lanvin Fashion Show, she is probably going to be getting free merchandise for the drama.
"Lanvin focuses on the younger generation while still having elegant clothes. We felt like Ara's spunky personality but elegant demeanor and piercing eyes would be a great asset to the fashion stage." "On September 15, you will be able to see Ara in Seoul's SoGongDong Lotte Hotel modeling for the launch of the Lanvin collection."
Ara, being the main model, will open and close the fashion show. Afterwards, you will probably be able to see her wearing the collection in "Heading to the Ground."
Ara plays the strong role of Kang Hae Bin who has everything that she can possibly want because of her rich family. She has the brains and beauty and wants to become the greatest soccer agent alive. She captures the attention of the viewers with her alacrity and fresh twenties look.
We are all looking forward to continue watching Ara in MBC's "Heading to the Ground". |