Kim Ha Neul’s drama comeback in “Road No.1″
Kim Ha Neul is scheduled to comeback on TV and participates in MBC 60th Anniversary of Korean War – special magnum series, “Road No. 1″ (directed by Lee Jang Soo-Kim Jin Min; with Han Ji Hoon as the scriptwriter).
According to Kim Ha Neul, her character will appear as this strong, influential heroine. And according to the production company, Logos film, they’re very positive in casting Kim Ha Neul. From her side also has confirmed positively that Kim Ha Neul has been preparing for the role as she finds it very interesting.
“Road No.1″ will have a backdrop of Korean war 60 years ago, picturing strong promises of love and friendship, intending to impress its viewers with something so epic. What is it like to be destined to love one man, but through wounds and sacrifices, fate leads to another era beyond what the eyes have seen. They have also confirmed the male lead to be cast by So Ji Sub, which told that he fits the character beautifully.
Director Lee Jang Soo was the PD of “Stairway to Heaven”, and “the Sweet Life”, as well as “Time of Dog and Wolf”. While PD Kim Jin Min was responsible for co-directing the drama as he directed the mega-movie “Taekgukgi). The production has planned out their schedule between January-May 2010 and aiming for June next year broadcasting.
Kim Ha Neul to be So Ji Sub’s partner
Which just ups the ante on the upcoming drama series, “Road Number One”. Actresses have apparently been fighting tooth and nail behind the scenes to get this role opposite of So Ji Sub (I mean who wouldn’t) in what will be a series about the 6.25 Korean war. Critics are anticipating this drama series to be in the vein of the highly acclaimed HBO series “A Band of Brothers”. ”Road number One” will start filming in January and is set to premiere in the summer of 2010.