后记★昨晚乘风破浪一直录到5点 WG是嘉宾
FR silis7noy2@soompi3 K5 R. D5 u5 T+ }: I! a
Win Win recording was in Everland amusement park from midnight yesterday to 5am this morning, a fan account:
3 W& o: t$ w+ H. y x3 `1 \"... When the shooting started with the band singing, the Wonder girls entered the stage and Taengoo's face lit up brightly, she stood by Yoobin looking awfully happy to see her kekeke they definitely seemed real close hehe
[4 U! D, ?/ @8 _% H2 h% d3 o5 dTaengoo so cute shaking that shaker instrument thing and being all happy hehe
0 @% a5 G8 Z% E+ X, @7 ^... During when cameras were off Taengoo was cold and covered herself in blanket and kept disappearing somewhere, and Wooyoung and Shinyoung were entertaining the audience with their funny skits hehe.7 [' B L! s- ?
The set was so cold maybe because of the waterfall nearby, and Taengoo wore skirt with bare legs she was trembling. There was a heater in the back and I thought it was on but wasn't, Taengoo later had to ask someone to turn it on...
. o& C; _6 L) N ^* o: ]- P) L2 cSunye, Yoobin were lively with the recording but Hyerim's a rookie so she still seemed to be getting used to cameras. Taengoo and Wooyoung continued to cheer her "Don't be too nervous~" keke.
" }3 f% z: q2 i! R2 ZThere was talk about Sunmi and Wonder Girl members seemed sad, Taengoo was listening sadly almost seemed to tear up at one point.. Yoobin couldn't continue talking...$ m' D8 j8 H; X. @5 q0 q0 x
Wonder Girls left early for Mubank recording. Watching the recording SNSD and Wonder Girls are really impressive to go through with these tiring recordings..."
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昨晚乘风破浪在Everland娱乐公园录制,从午夜一直录到今天早上五点 9 B3 E9 c9 q' P
拍摄以乐队唱歌开始,当Wonder girls进入舞台的时候,Taengoo的脸变得明朗起来,她站在俞斌旁边,看起来看到俞斌非常高兴,她们肯定非常亲密,呵呵。1 t# V' j# ^ f7 W
Taengoo非常可爱地摇着那个金属沙铃的乐器,一直非常开心。摄像机关机期间,Taengoo很冷,还用毯子裹着自己,然后不见了,不知道跑去哪里了,佑荣和申英演搞笑短剧逗观众们。0 H) \( |+ o( [$ o$ O
8 ^& y9 a+ o6 ?+ C3 y1 n. M先艺、俞斌录制的时候很活跃,但是Hyerim(Wonder girls新加入的成员)还是个新人,所以她看起来还在适应摄像机。Taengoo和佑荣一直在鼓励她说“别太紧张”呵呵% A/ K \$ _5 d5 ~( q; [
有关宣美的谈话,Wonder girls的成员看起来很悲伤,Taengoo很伤心地听着,在某个地方差不多要哭了,俞斌也无法继续讲下去
3 _+ a! q) q, U9 \ F# _) r为了音乐银行的录制,Wonder Girls提前离开了。看了这次录制,录影很累人,少女时代和Wonder Girls都顺利完成了,真的让人印象深刻! |