Translation: QIHM Writer’s Letter to Fans
The main writer of “Queen In-Hyun’s Man” left this letter in JHW’s DC Gall on June 9, 2012.
posted by Aisling InGwa couple
안녕하세요 작가 송재정입니다… ^^
Hello. This is writer Song Jae Jung…^^
보내주신 선물, 잘 받았다는 인사 드리기 위해 글을 씁니다.
I am writing this letter to let you know that I received your presents well.
예쁜 머그컵은 작가들 셋이 나누어가졌구요, 위트 넘치는 신문도 잘 읽었습니다.
We divided the pretty mug cups among the three writers and enjoyed the witty newspaper.
막회 대본을 비교적 빨리 넘기는 바람에 막방까지 너무 많이 남은 시간 동안
We had a lot of time until the final broadcast because we handed in the final script a little earlier than usual.
저희 작가들이 임시갤을 즐겨찾기 해놓고 눈팅 열심히 한 거, 모르셨죠? ^^
We writers were reading up on people’s comments. You didn’t know that, did you? ^^
케이블 드라마를 하면서 정말 기대도 안했던 여러분들의 열렬한 성원,
We didn’t expect much while doing a cable drama but because of everyone’s support,
한주가 바뀔 때 마다 놀랍게 커지는 반응들을 눈으로 확인하며
and the weekly growing response,
당장이라도 감사한 마음을 전하고 싶은 마음 굴뚝 같았으나
we wanted to immediately thank everyone.
매회 스포를 일부러 피하시며 100퍼센트 드라마를 즐기시려는 분들께 작가의 출현은 너무
But we thought that maybe the writers’ appearance
큰 고난..(?!)이 아닐까 싶어 막방을 기다려왔습니다. ㅎㅎ
would be too much of a trial..(?!) for those who were avoiding spoilers, so we waited until the final broadcast. Hehe.
두달간의 열정적인 성원과, 소중한 선물에 대한 감사와 더불어서
In addition to our thanks for your passionate support and precious presents,
몇가지 말씀올리고 싶은 것은…
a few words that we want to say…
일부러 찾아 돌려봐야 하는 채널 특성상,
In this case of having to purposefully find the channel (refer to note 1) to watch,
여러분들이 본방을 봐주시는 것 자체가 이미 넘치는 애정이며,
the fact that you watched the live broadcast is already a sign of overflowing affection,
1퍼센트의 그 시청률이 얼마나 순도높은 것인지 알기에 감사하는 마음으로
and because we know that the one percent rating is extremely high,
실망시켜드리지 않기 위해 스탭들과 배우들이 그간 정말 많은 고생을 했습니다.
the production staff and actors worked hard to not disappoint.
누구보다도 고생한 김병수 감독이 그 노고에 합당한 찬사를 받길 바라구요,
To Director Kim Byung Soo, we hope that he receives the praise he deserves for his hard work,
(로코의 영재..라는 말로는 표현이 부족한 듯 합니다 더 화끈한 별명 없을까요^^)
“Number one in romantic comedies”…I think this falls a little short. Isn’t there a better nickname?^^)
촬영, 편집, 음악, 액션, 조명, 미술, 등등
Filming, editing, music, action, lights, art direction, etc…
모든 분야의 스탭들이 너무나 열성적으로, 또 뛰어난 실력으로 대본의 헛점을 메워주시며
Everyone on the production staff worked passionately with their exception skills to fill in the holes of the script,
드라마의 완성도를 높여주셔서
and they raised the quality level of the drama.
그간 제가 시청자처럼 두근거리는 마음으로 방송시간을 얼마나 기다렸는지,
To excitedly wait for the broadcast like a viewer,
그리고 작가로서 그럴 수 있다는 것이 얼마나 축복받은 일인지를, 알려드리고 싶네요.
and the fact that I could do that as a writer…I want people to know that this is a blessing.
스탭여러분들, 너무나 감사드립니다.
Thank you so much to the production staff.
그리고 배우분들…
And to the actors (refer to note 2)…
애초에 저희 작가들이 이 드라마를 구상할 때, 이번에는 그야말로 판타지,
From the beginning, when we writers were conceptualizing the drama, we were determined to write a fantasy,
정말 멋진 남자와 정말 사랑스런 여자의,
a truly wonderful man, and a lovably woman
백퍼센트의 사랑을 마음먹고 그려보자 했었습니다.
with 100% hearts of love.
그러니 이 드라마에서의 진짜 판타지는 부적도 타임슬립도 아니라,
So the real fantasy in this drama is not the talisman or the time-slip
완전무결한 김붕도라는 남자 그 자체였습니다.
but the absolutely perfect man named Kim Boong-Do.
애초에 그런 의도로 만들어진 붕도와 희진은,
Boong-Do and Hee-Jin were purposefully written as so from the beginning,
연출과 배우들에 의해 더욱 더 매력이 얹어져 여러분의 넘치는 사랑을 받게 되었으나
but through the direction and actors, they became more charming and received overflowing love from everyone.
이 백퍼센트 완전무결한 남자의 판타지에 매료된 분들께
To people who were enchanted by this fantastical 100% absolutely perfect man…
어제 오늘 인터넷의 화두(?!)로 떠오르신 두 배우분들.., ^^;
The two actors who were the topic of conversation all over the internet yesterday and today…^^;
자연인으로서의 배우들의 삶을 인식하는 것은,
While I am a “free” (refer to note 3) person, the reason I am writing about this is because
어쩌면 당혹스러울 수도, 달갑지 않은 분들도 있으신 듯하여 몇마디 덧붙이자면,
I think there may be people who are perplexed or unwelcoming.
대본이나 연출의 힘, 그리고 연기의 기교가 아무리 뛰어나더라도
Even if the script, direction, or acting skill is good,
연기자의 진정성이 없으면 그 캐릭터는 절대 생명력을 얻을 수 없습니다.
if there is no true and sincere attitude, a character will not be able to come alive.
여러분들이 사랑하신 붕도와 희진은, 지현우씨와 유인나씨의 진정성, 진심으로 인해
The Boong-Do and Hee-Jin you guys love, their absolute perfection came alive because of
그 완전무결함이 비로소 생명을 얻게 된 것이고,
Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na’s true and sincere attitude to the characters.
그리고 저는 개인적으로 그 분들에 대해서 잘 모르지만
And although I do not personally know those two very well,
배우들이 캐릭터를 올곧게 표현하고자 하는 진정성, 진심, 열정이 당연히 먼저,
Actors definitely put first (Joonni’s note: I put the emphasis here) their passion to honestly and realistically portray the characters,
그리고 혹 자연인으로서의 감정이 생겼다면, 캐릭터의 마음과 동화된 후의 자연스런 과정이라 확신합니다.
and if, as “free” people, feelings developed after they assimilated with the characters’ hearts, I think it is a natural thing.
그것은 작가가 자신의 대본으로 만들어진 드라마를 보면 당연히 알 수 있는 확신이며,
This is something that a writer can definitely see when they look at drama made from their own script.
그 선후(先後)는 결코 바뀔 수 없습니다.
That order of events is something that can’t be changed.
그러니 배우분들도 자신의 개인적인 이유로,
So if the actors, because their own personal reasons,
본인들이 열정으로 연기한 캐릭터들이 변질되고, 퇴색된다면 너무나 슬퍼하지 않을까 싶네요.
find that their characters are spoiled or discolored in other people’s eyes (refer to note 4), I think they would be sad.
붕도와 희진의 사랑은
The love between Boong-Do and Hee-Jin
저희들이 혹시 지루한 일상을 살지도 모르는 여러분들께 드리는
is our gift to people who might be finding life a little boring-
한여름 밤의 꿈같은 짧은 판타지입니다.
a short fantasy of a midsummer night’s dream.
먼지 낀 책장에 꽂혀있다 언제든 꺼내 봐도 나를 판타지의 세계로 온전히 인도해주는
Like a fairytale book from your childhood that you take out from a dusty bookcase
어린 시절 즐겨 읽던 동화책처럼,
and will always transport you to a fantasy world…
우리들의 삶이 변하고, 곁에 있는 사람이 변하고, 터전이 변해도
While our lives, the people around us, and the even the land we stand on change…
어느 시간, 어느 상황에도 변함없이,
Whatever the time, whatever the situation,
플레이버튼을 누르는 순간, 여러분들을 2012년의 5월의 시간, 지상최고의 미녀와 선수가
as soon as you press the play button, we hope that it take you back to May 2012, the time when
사랑하던 시간, 그리고 그 사랑을 흐뭇하게 지켜보던 시간으로, 인도하길 바랍니다.
“The World’s Most Beautiful Woman” and “Player” loved, and the time when you watched them with delight.
열정적인 성원, 감사했습니다.
Thank you for your passionate support.
행복하세요~ ^^
Please be happy~^^
작가 송재정 올림.
Writer Song Jae Jung.
Note 1: The writer is referring the fact that this is a cable channel for which you have to pay for and won’t be available to anyone, anywhere.
Note 2: I use “actors” to refer to both actors and actresses.
Note 3: What the writer means by “free” person is someone who isn’t bogged down by rules and expectation from society, and acknowledges people’s freedom to express what they feel. So the writer is implying that while she doesn’t want to comment upon what other people are free to express, she is because she wants to clarify a few things.
Note 4: The writer wasn’t very clear here, I thought, so translating it was hard. So what I think she is trying to say is that while it may seem to people that JHW or YIN are just working off their emotions from their characters, (and she acknowledges that this is may be true…), it doesn’t mean that their feelings are any less real since they approached their characters with a true and sincere attitude. So she doesn’t want people to now look the at the characters of BD and HJ and see JHW or YIN’s personal feelings because the actors tried very hard to make the characters themselves come alive. Their feelings were for the characters and story first, they are professionals after all, and whatever their personal feelings for each other, that came second.
Link to letter: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.ph ... amp;page=1&bbs=
I hope my final note explained a lot because my interpretation of what the writer is trying to say expresses how I feel about RL celebrity couples and shipping.
Whenever I watch a drama and find that the actors are having incredible chemistry on screen, of course I get excited when I look at BTS cuts or photos. But I think, “They look good together,” rather than “They should be together” or “They are already together.” I consciously don’t participate in RL-shipping conversations during a drama. I feel like if I add my voice to the fervent conversation that often grows out of control, I would be hurting these actors that I have come to appreciate for their skill. I want to appreciate what the actors do as actors, and not think that their personal feelings are what is creating the chemistry. I am aware that of course personal feelings will have some kind of effect on their acting, but I also want to acknowledge the fact that actors are capable also of separating what they do as a job and what they feel personally.
I know everyone’s reason and level of attachment to RL-shipping is varied and I appreciated it all. So I will translate, and deliver news when and how in a way that I know may not satisfy some shipping hearts but in a way I believe is not shoving words and thoughts onto actors and situations I have no real knowledge of. You see, I sometimes hate the Korean media and netizens, and just don’t feel that they deserve to be translated and spread around. I want to translate facts, not speculations.
And as always, please respect the time and effort that went into translating this. Please credit and link to this blog when you take out.
source: http://joonni.com/2012/06/10/tra ... -fans/#comment-2237
I was tearing up while reading the letter. Writer Song fighting!!!
The best part was -
"So the real fantasy in this drama is not the talisman or the time-slip but the absolutely perfect man named Kim Boong-Do."
[ 本帖最后由 Kit09 于 2012-6-11 08:50 编辑 ] |