本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2015-11-8 13:06 编辑
The situation with Yuki has an epilogue at Junko’s home where Takane finally voices his utter bafflement at why literally everyone keeps bothering his “girlfriend” and involving her in their love drama.
“Those languishing persons. Either men,women, or children, I don’t get what they’re trying to do.”
It’s basically Takane’s WTF reaction to the fact that his future wife has a harem of men trying to take her away from him, as if he didn’t already have enough problems without them.
“Don’t use the word ‘friend’ for your own convenience.”
‘Friendship’ and ‘friends’ are recurring themes in this episode. Actually, I think the more accurate translation would be “Don’t use that word (friend) so lightly”, because it shows more what Takane actually means by it. The definition of friendship is different for everyone and for Takane, who has been so lonely all his life and who has only now begun to make friends, the concept of friendship is something deeper and more meaningful than for most people. For him it’s not merely a collegue or someone you meet at everyday-basis. Plus now HE is JUNKO’S FRIEND - she called him that and it’s unacceptable for him that she would have the same relationship with Mishima or some other man, because for him their friendship is something special and only theirs.
“You see, I love you too much. I can’t let you get away from my sight again. Whatever time of the day, I can’t be without you by my side.”
(星川)“妳知道的,我太愛妳了,我不能再讓妳離開我的視缐。無論何時,我都不能没妳在我身邊。”( )
Awww, he is so sweet and adorable when he is trying to lecture her! On one hand, Junko is lucky to have such a stalker-suitor considering her penchant for getting herself into sticky situations - first the club, then the kiss with Mishima and now Yuki - she needs someone like Takane who developed his own Junko-radar and who would probably follow her to the edge of the world.
OMG! KABEDON!! First, it was yaoi and now this! I love this show’s manga meta! Takane is really trying every single thing he can think of to get to walk with her down that aisle, isn’t he? Though, my favourite moment is when he yanks her to him and they are so close to each other - the air is literally cracking with the chemistry! I HAVE FOUND MY OTP OF THE YEAR!
花語 - ANTHURIUM(不知道中文花名叫什麼哈) - “我想要妳”和 “心痛的苦惱”
TAKANE HAS OFFICIALLY BECOME THE AWESOMEST THING THAT HAS EVER AWESOMED! The first thing in the morning, after their epic falling out, he marches in front of the ELA school with another gorgeous bouquet of flowers and waits the whole time until Junko comes, ready to apologize and beg her for forgiveness. It’s Anthurium, also called tailflower or flamingo flower, and its meaning is “physical desire” or “being in agony from heartache”. It’s not coincidence that all the flowers he gives her are red - the significance is clear - for him it’s always about love, passsion, desire and longing.
Anthurium,又叫尾巴花或火鶴花,花語是“肉體的慾望”或“身陷心痛的苦惱中”。他给她的花都是红色的不是巧合 - 意義很明確 - 對他來説永遠都是愛、熱情、慾望 和渴慕。
However, not only doesn’t Junko give him any opportunity to apologize or to explain himself, she barely even lets him speak and gives him the silent treatment. I adore the classroom scene - TAKANE BEING THE EAGER AND DUTIFUL SCHOOLBOY WITH A CRUSH ON HIS ENGLISH TEACHER AND SITTING IN THE FIRST ROW PUTTING UP HIS HAND, showing off his vast Halloween knowledge, and she keeps totally ignoring him! LOL! He takes advantage of the situation and tries to present her the tailflower with its hanakotoba meaning, clearly remembering how she asked about the hanakirin he gave her, but gets rejected yet again. He is totally at a loss and if his day couldn’t get any worse Junko got a new noisy friend defender in Momoe who he needs to deal with and then even the flowers get “stolen” from him by a zealous receptionist when he tries to ask her to hand them over to Junko. Other men would have given up after such rejection but we have long since estabilished that Takane is not other men - he is in a category of his own. His heart practically shatters after each failed attempt yet he’s still going in like a trooper.
花語 - 花麒麟(我照英文字意直翻)- “別那麼殘酷” 和 “快吻我”
He actually knows about the language of flowers (hanakotoba = 花言葉 = the Japanese floriography and system of the meaning of flowers which often differs from the ones we know in Western culture)!!! And this information puts the fact that Takane is giving Junko flowers on regular basis into a completely new perspective! If you saw the additional preview screencaps I had posted yesterday, you might have noticed he will bring her flowers again, this time probably to seek her forgiveness - I’m so curious which flower it will be! At the beginning, he gave her red roses (benibara), flowers that say “I love you” and a symbol for love and passion. Now, when Junko asks him about the flowers he gave her earlier, he pretty much admits his closet romantic status when he proceeds to explain to her its meaning. It turns out HE GAVE HER THE VERY FLOWER THAT REMINDS HIM OF HER AND ALL THE THINGS HE WANTS FROM HER AND LOVES ABOUT HER!!! THIS IS PRETTY MUCH A SHIPPY HEAVEN! Hanakirin, also known as euphorbia milii, Christ thorn, Crown of thorns, is covered with thorns and represents independence and the ability to withstand adversity; it says “don’t be cruel” and “kiss me quickly” because the shape of its blossoms resembles lips.
他真的是知道花語這方面的知識的。 (日本的花語學叫 hanakotoba = 花言葉 ,是跟我們所知道的西方文化的花語是不一樣的!!!) 所以我們從這幕得到了新訊息: 星川平常送給潤子的花都是有含意的。。。最開始(第1集)他送給她红玫瑰,花語是“我愛妳”,象癥着愛和熱情。現在,潤子問他之前(新娘修行第1天)送的是什麼花時,他却進一步説明那花的花語其實就是承認了他外表冷静但心裏是愛着她的。原來他送她的那朵花就是讓他想起她的花,還有他想從她那裏得到的東西和對她的愛!!! 花麒麟,又叫虎刺梅,基督的刺 或 荊棘之冠,表面布满了刺,代表 獨立和抵抗逆境的能力,花語“別那麼殘酷” 和 “快吻我”是因爲它的花型跟嘴唇很像。
“It’s the language of the flowers! It wasn’t me who said it!”
He becomes so adorably defensive and embarrased, feeling guilty for what happened last night. Did he just admit to her that he tried to kiss her last night and punished himself with a cold shower for it afterwards?! Because he totally did! So Takane really meant it literally when he said he hates lies.
That scene in the car! Swoon! Is that actually his way of teasing her?! Plus an epic excuse to get so close to her! I love it! Because you can tell that it was a totally deliberate move from him considering he could have simply told her to close the door properly herself. |