


楼主: 志燮obba

【2004KBS】【对不起,我爱你】【已播毕】【苏志燮 林秀晶 郑庆浩 徐志英】一楼提供多









发表于 2004-11-25 16:39 | 显示全部楼层

러브스토리 인 하버드
大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 16:51 | 显示全部楼层


原文见 http://home.comcast.net/~purpletiger86/Episode5.html
“Sorry, I Love You” : Episode Five
::Word for Word Translation (Script)::
(The episode starts off with Eunchae’s big sister and her mother putting make-up on Eunchae’s face while she is sleeping. Eunchae’s little sister is at her desk studying english. Eunchae wakes up.)

E: Who are you?
E’s Big Sister: Can’t you recognize your mom and sister.
E: Ehˇwhy are you guys staring at me? Is there something on my face?
E’s Little Sister: There is. No joke, there is a huge amount of stuff on your face. (continues to study her english.) Can I help you? Yes please. I wonder if we can borrow our strategˇ
(Eunchae gets up and looks into the mirror and gets shocked.)
E’s Mom: Ah Alright Alright! I already made a promise. Today in the afternoon at Seoul Hotel first floor coffee shop. (describes the guy that Eunchae’s mom arranged dates with for Eunchae. Don’t know what she exactly said.)
E: Who?
E’s Big Sister: The guy who you are going to see for a date.
E: Am I set up for an interview marriage, mom? (basically a date)
E’s Mom: Alright alright. If this date gets cancelled, I’m going to dig a hole and burry myself.
E’s Big Sister: It’s not a threat. Mom looked at a coffin awhile ago.
E’s Mom: I looked at a blackish copper coffin.
E’s Little Sister: Give up mom. If Song Eunchae goes on this dateˇthan I’ll immediately go into Seoul University. Can I help you?
E’s Big Sister: Well yeahˇIf Eunchae goes on the dateˇthan I’ll give you this bed mom.
E’s Mom: Yah yahˇif she goes on this dateˇyou be my mom.
E: I’ll go on the date.
(All of them gets shocked.)
E: If there was good news like that, you should have told me sooner. If I think that person is good, can I propose to him first, mom?
(All of them are speechless. Eunchae is looking in the mirror styling her hair.)

(Eunchae and her date Scene.)

E: Do you not like me?
Man: It’s not that I don’t like you. You’re just not my type.
E: What is your type?
Man: It’s hard for me to sayˇ
E: Do you want to draw it than?
Man: Hahˇoh wow.
E: How can you tell whether or not I’m your type or not when it hasn’t even past ten minutes? If you look at me closelyˇI might be your type.
Man: I know from just looking for one minutes.
E: How can you know in just one minute? A human. Impossible.
Man: I just know!
E: It doesn’t make sense.
Man: Why doesn’t it make sense?
E: It doesn’t.
Man: It does! Oh Gawd!
E: Okay tell me the truth. What exactly don’t you like about me?
Man: How can I tell you that.
E: Tell me. It’s okay.
Man: Oh gawd. Since you said so. I don’t like the way you look.
E: How do I look like?
Man: Oh jeez. Look at the mirror. (stands up) Let’s pay the coffee separately okay? (walks off on eunchae.)
(After the man leavesˇeunchae looks in her little mirror. She walks out of the hotel. Next scene is with yoon and minjoo.)

Y: Oh Minjoo. I have to go to the broadcasting station fast so I don’t think I can take you home.
MJ: Oh it’s okay. That’s why I brought my car too.
Y: (kisses her on the cheek.) I’ll call you. Go home safely.
(Yoon leaves while minjoo gets into her car. There is a knock on the car window. It’s moonhyuk.)

MJ: What’s the problem?
(moohyuk kicks the car.)
M: Ladyˇget out.
MJ: Lady?!?!
M: Youˇwhere do you put your eyes when your driving!
MJ: Look here guy.
M: My baby is stuck underneath your car.
MJ: What?! (she ducks down to see what’s underneath her car. She shouts.) Ah, oh no.
M: Hurry and pull your car up.
(she cries.)
M: Can’t you hear!
MJ: I didn’t know. I didn’t know. When I was parking, I didn’t feel anything. I didn’t know.
M: Pull over.
MJ: Sorry. I’m very sorry. I’ll pay you. (pulls money out of her wallet.) If this is not enough, leave me with your bank account number. You know who I am right? I’m Kang Minjˇ
(Moonhyuk gets close to her.)
MJ: What is this? What do you think your doing? Are you trying to toy with me? But, you picked the wrong person man. I’m kang min joo!
M: Shut up and pull over. Get out of my site in one minute lady!
(She gets into her car and drives away. Moonhyuk takes off his disguise and calls up yoon.)

M: Chaeyoon.
Y: Oh brother. Where are you? I called you several times.
M: Where are you?
Y: Broadcasting station. Can you come here?
M: Am I officially your manager from today?
Y: Yah! The offical work starts from tomorrow.
M: Wait for ten minutes. I just got in the taxi so I’ll be there soon.
(Moonhyuk is driving and looks at the stuffed animal dog that is covered in red (blood looking) stains. He throws the dog out the car window which flies past Eunchae’s face when she is walking on the street. Moonhyuk looks at her.)

E: Awwˇwhat a sad doggy. I will wash you up cleanly.
(Eunchae pets the dog and Moonhyuk still stares at her. Flash back. The next day, Yoon and his mother’s scene. The alarm clock goes off and the mom is very annoyed.)

Mom: Oh goodness why is that sound coming all the way in here. Samchae, wake up! Jeez. Oh~There is a picture shoot today. Hey Yoon. Son. Wake up. Wake up and wash up so that we can go have our picture shoot. Okay? Hey, your not going to wake up? Really? Erhhˇwake up wake up.

(eunchae’s mom is cleaning yoon’s house and hears yoon’s mom trying to wake up her son.)

E’s mom: Hehˇwhy don’t you just go out with your son. (she stares at the big protrait of yoon and his mom. Eunchae’s mom throws a rag on yoon’s mom’s face. Eunchae’s mom goes into her daughters room and turns off the alarm clock.)

E’s Mom: Disgusting disgusting. Although I gave birth to all of youˇyou guys are so sad! (hah, I don’t know how to translate this part too well!) There’s a fire. There’s a fire. FIRE!
E: Stop lying mom.
E’s Mom: Did you wake up?
E: I was awake awhile ago.
E’s Mom: Then why did you act as if you were sleeping?
E: Just because. I didn’t want to open my eyes so I just lazily stayed put.
E’s Mom: Yoon and his momˇToday there going to have a photo shoot.
E: Yah.
E’s Mom: Are you sick? Ohˇlook at the sweat. You have a fever!
E: I’m a little sick I guess.
E’s Mom: Do you think you can go? I mean what is wrong with you?
E: I’m okayˇI’ll feel better soon. (grabs the toy dog.) Hello doggy. Did you sleep well? Hehe.

(Scene: Yoon’s mom exercising-Yoga. Eunchae appears.)

E: Did you sleep well?
Mom: Oh good morning. Eunchae, can you wake up yoon? I can’t do anything to wake him up.
E: Is he still sleeping?
Mom: Yah. He slept in the morning. He said he dreamed of a ghost. He came into my room and slept with me.
E: Oh.
Mom: Oh Eunchae!
E: Yes?
Mom: Youˇdon’t tell minjoo about yoon’s situation.
E: Oh what?
Mom: Of him not being able to sleep alone when dreaming of something scary. Still being afraid at that age. Okay?
E: Okay. I won’t tell.

(eunchae goes to wakeup yoon.)

E: Yoon wake up. You have to go to a photo shoot. Wake up your late. People are waiting. Are you going to cancel it?
Y: YahˇI’m going to canel it. Cancel.
E: Wake up Chaeyoon. Ah, our yoon is nice.
Y: ArghˇI’m not nice~~
(thinks of something to have him wake up.)
E: You know about the Kong Kong Ghost right? The ghost who died falling down from a three story building. The ghost who walks on its head like kong kong kong. The kong kong ghost is searching for the person who pushed her. The name is Chaeyoon. (gets close to his face.) Kong Kong Kong. Just now, it opened the door and entered in. Kong Kong Kong. Ah, it’s in the hall. (yoon getting scared, lol.) Kong kong kong. Goes up the 2nd flight of stairs and goes into Yoon’s room. (makes a door knob opening sound.) He’s not in here. Kong kong kong. After that, goes back downstairs. Kong kong kong. Finds out that Yoon is in his mom’s room. Kong kong kong. Kong kong kong. Hey yoon. There is someone laying down right next to you. (eunchae begins to run off.) Sleep well with the kong kong ghost. I’m going.
Yoon: (Sits up scared.) HEY!

(Eunchae and Yoon outside. Yoon clings onto eunchae from the back.)

E: Hey Yoon.
Y: Yah?
E: Why don’t you get off of me and go.
(He knods his head no.)
E: Let go of it.
Y: No. (Hold on tighter)
E: (takes his hands off her waist.) Hey, am I your wife? Am I your mom? It’s digusting, what is wrong with you?
Y: What? What did you just say? Am I digusting?
E: Yah. You’re digusting.
Y: I’m sad song eunchae! I’m really sad! I’m not going to the photo shoot!
E: I don’t care if you go or not. (goes out the gate)
Y: Did she take pills?
E: (outside of yoon’s house.) Ah, I better immigrate. I should go and live for ten years and come back.
(Eunchae turns her head and see’s moonhyuk.)
E: Ah, am I really that sick? Concentrate, concentrate. Song Eunchae Concentrate (repeat x) Whoo oh~(she gets closer to where moonhyuk is. Moonhyuk is listening to music with his ear phones. Eunchae pokes him. Moonhyuk takes off his ear phones.)
M: Why did you poke me?
E: Hey, you are the guy.
M: Why did you poke me?
E: Oh um well i. I thought I was imagining something so I wanted to make sure.
M: Do you like me too?
E: No.
M: Than why did you poke me when I’m just standing still. You like me right? You poked me because you like me.
E: No.
M: Your face doesn’t look well. Are you sick?
E: No.
M: You look sick though.
E: No.
M: Your face is pale.
E: No!
M: Is ‘no’ the only thing you can say?
E: No.
M: You hate me?
E: NO!
(he smiles. She walks off. Flashback. Goes back to moonhyuk.)

E: Hey~(takes off his ear phones.) HEY~I warned you. If I see you again I told you I was going to kill you. I warned you! When I say I will, I do it. If I say I’m going to kill someone, I kill them.
M: Then kill.
E: Hey.
M: Then kill.
E: Are you crazy?
M: Yup.
E: Are you gay?
M: Yup.
E: Go. Hurry and go. Go to your country. Go to your country! Go to Australiaˇgo to Australia!! Go go. I hate you. You’re really not my type. I really hate you and don’t want to think about you. Go go.
Y: What are you doing Song Eunchae? Who are you to say to my brother whether to go or not?
M: Did you sleep well?
Y: Did you sleep well too? When did you come?
M: An hour ago.
Y: Today I’m going to go with my mom for the shoot. Let’s go when my mom comes out.
M: Okay.
E: This man. The new manager is this man?
Y: Yah, why?
E: Are you nuts? Are you crazy? How can you higher this kind of dude?!?
Y: How can you say it like that! This kind of dude? This brother is way older than you. And he’sˇ Did you take pills today?
M: From today, I’m not going to be your coordinator. Go hire someone else.
(mom comes out.)
Mom: Oh sorry sorry. We are late because of me.
Y: Mom, Eunchae said that she is not going to be my coordinator.
Mom: Uh, why?
Y: I don’t know. She said to hire someone else.
Mom: Why eunchae? Did yoon do something wrong to you again? Ah, how can we hire someone else? Except you, there is no one that can handle yoon. We have to find someone from a different planet.
E: It’s not that.
Mom: Our yoon. I’ll scorn him later. Lets go right now, we’re late. Lets go.
(Moonhyuk gives a bow to his mom.)
Mom: Oh, youˇ
Y: From yesterday, he became my manager, mom. You know moonhyuk right?

(In the van.)

Y: Mom, it must be that day for Eunchae.
Mom: Yoon.
Y: She’s weird. She told me that I was disgusting. And awhile ago, she swore at moonhyuk. That girl is random.
Y: She is a grown up womanˇdon’t call her a girl. That person, Eunchae did you get him to work?
E: No. No.
Y: Eunchae, isn’t that your boyfriend?
E: No. It’s nothing like that Ms.
Y: Song Eunchae. Later, when you ask me who I will choose between moonhyuk and you, I’m going to choose moonhyuk! Got that! Why? Because moonhyuk brother is cool! He’s not a snob like you.
Mom: Son.
Y: If anyone talks badly about moonhyuk brother, I going to harm them. Alright!

(Yoon and his mom getting ready for the shoot. Eunchae puts powder on yoon’s face.)

Y: I am mean huh? If I’m a celebrity, I’m a celebrity. I’m mean, dirty, and disgusting right?
(eunchae silent.)
Y: Why aren’t you saying anything?
E: Yoon.
Y: What?
E: Let’s break away with no hard feelings.
Y: What?
E: It’s our last day, so I want to end it nicely.
Y: Are you really going to quit?
E: Yah.
Y: Hey.
E: I’m going to quit. Today is my last day.
Mom: Eunchae, you finish it off.
Y: Mom, eunchae is really going to quit today.
Mom: Son, if you someday ask me who I’m going to choose between eunchae and that moonhyuk guy are whateverˇI’m up for eunchae all the way.
Y: Oh jeezˇwhat is wrong with everyone!
Mom: I don’t like him either.
Y: Why? What don’t you like about him?
Mom: Just. I don’t like him. So you should stop your stubborness.
Y: Arghˇthat brother is really cool. You guys just don’t know.
Mom: Eunchae, whatever happensˇI’m going to fire him. So you always be with yoon, okay?

(yoon and mom taking pictures together. Eunchae searches for moonhyuk.)

E: Hey. Hey. Hey. Gay Man. (repeat x) (Eunchae finds moonhyuk. Looks at him and begins to leave.)
M: The sky doesn’t look all that great. The sky in Australia looks beautiful.
E: The sky in our country is beautiful too!
M: The sky in Australia is better.
E: Then go to Australia. If it’s that pretty, go to your country and live happily.
M: How would it feel to go up there? Would it be much better and cool than from watching it from here?
E: If you want to know, why don’t you just go?
M: I’m going to go soon. Just in awhile, I’m going to go soon.
(phone rings.)
E: Yes Ms. It’s over? Okay. I’m somewhere near by, I’ll be there soon. Okay. (hangs up.) There eating after the photo shoot. Food Food! Aren’t you going to eat?
(Eunchae stops talking after looking at moonhyuk’s sad expression on his face. They both walk.)
E: Do you have money to buy an airplane ticket? Should I buy you an airplane ticket? Yoon is going to fire you. He decided to do that. I guess that’s goodˇinstead of worning yourself out, it’s better to not start on something that wasn’t meant to happen. (Moonhyuk walks and leave eunchae behind. Eunchae is practically talking to herself without knowing that moonhyuk left.) So, that isˇI’m not saying that it’s happened to me before. Just from my experience, before getting to close with each other and the feelings get deeperˇyou should just end it quickly so that you’ll get less hurt and forget about it. Heyˇheyˇ~(runs to catch up with moonhyuk.)

(At a small restaurant.)

Owner: Hello.
Guy: This is the only place that’s opened. Let’s just eat here and I’ll buy you something nice when we go back to Seoul.
Mom: Ah..heheˇoh well.
Guy: Come sit here.
(decides on what they are going to eat.)
Y: Excuse me.
Owner: So what are you guyz going to order?
Mom: I’ll have Galbi Soup.
Y: I’ll have Gong Soup.
Owner: Our place has Soondae and Soondae soup. Would soondae please you guyz?
Guy: Oh yea yea. Just give those then.
Mom: Hahˇthan why ask for our orders.
Y: Ah, my stomache. Mom I’ll go to the bathroom and come back.
Mom: Okay.
(many chaeyoon girl fans scream and gather around yoon as he goes to the bathroom. Moonhyuk tries to chase the girls away and helps him to find the bathroom.)
M: MoveˇMove. Lady, where is the bathroom?
Owner: Just go straightˇand than go straight againˇand from there turn aroundˇand go straight and there it is.
(they walk.)
Y: Brother, what did the lady say?
M: I don’t know.

(Inside the restaurant. They get their orders.)

Mom: What the. How can the lady put her finger in the soup and serve it.
E: Hehe, just eat it Ms. Mmmˇit’s pretty good.
Mom: Oh gawd..digusting and dirty. How can you eat this? Oh, what the heck is this? That’s Cow Blood right? I can’t eat those things.
E: Hehˇjust don’t think about anything and try eating it. It’s really good.
Mom: AhˇI lost my appetite. I can’t eat this. These are for (some type of people/thing). You eat all of it.
(The owner throws a whole dish of soondae at the mom.)
E: Ah, lady!
Owner: That’s right, this is not for people to eat, but for spilling it on to peopleˇwhy don’t you bathe with the rice soup today.
Mom: Ah, eunchaeˇour yoonˇour yoon. Call Yoon!

(moonhyuk standing by the bathroom trying to chase the girls away.)

M: Go home. Be quiet!! Be quiet!!! (looks at their name tags..but says it wrong.) Yang Hae Sook. Kim Gah Woonˇyou guyz be quiet! (girl fans are gone.)
Y: Ah, it stinks. Whoo~I don’t think I can stay in here. (phone rings.) Hello? What? What happened to mom?

(back to the disaster.)

Mom: Don’t do it Eunchae. I have to show all of this to Yoon.
E: Msˇplease just calm down.
Mom: NO! I can’t calm down! Hey you, you messed with the wrong person. Just know that your rice soup place is going to be the end for you, lady! When my son comes, I’m going tell him to tear down this place and build a building!
Owner: What the heck is she blabbing about. Let Go!! Let Go!!!
Y: Mom!
Mom: Yoon. Oh Yoon.
Y: What’s wrongˇwhat’s wrong your face.
Mom: That ladyˇshe poured that hot boiling rice soup on me. YoonˇI burned my face..ah..
Y: Why? What did you do mom?
Mom: What do you mean what did I do? I told them that I can’t eat the food because it wasn’t my styleˇand she made me look like this. Look at her nowˇshe’s trying to pour that hot soup again on me.
Owner: I won’t do anything, just let goˇjust let go!
Mom: This kind of things has never happened to me before as long as I lived. I think I’m going to die Yoon.
Owner: Look at herˇher mouth is still alive and look at her talk.
(flash back. Moonhyuk grabs the bowl of soup that the lady tries to pour and throws in at the wall. Moonhyuk gets angered and pretty much destroys the place.)
(everyone shocked)
E: Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you. Get away from it and stop. Just stop it!!!

(All of them ready to head back home.)

E: Go ahead and go first.
Mom: Why? What about you?
E: I need to stop by somewhere.
Y: Stop by where? You don’t know anywhere here.
E: My friend’s house is here. Just go.
Y: What friend. There’s no friend that I don’t know of that you have.
E: There is. I’ll see you at Seoul. Bye.
(Moonhyuk and Eunchae both stare at each other. Eunchae leaves. Scene-at the orphanage.)

Lady: If they were adopted at that timeˇit should be these babies.
(Eunchae’s dad looks at the photo of two babies: moonhyuk and his sister. Flashbook.)
E’s Dad: Can you photo copy one for me?

(Eunchae’s dad goes to the grandma’s houseˇwhere galchi and his mom lives.)

E’s Dad: Excuse me?
Grandpa: Yes, how may I help you?
E’s Dad: I just have some questions to ask. Perhaps, is there someone by the name of Yoon Suh Kyung that lives here?
Grandpa: Yoon Suh Kyung?
E’s Dad: YesˇYoon Suh Kyung.
Grandpa: Oh that girl. She lived here for quite a while..but she moved a few months ago.
E’s Dad: Moved?
Grandpa: Yes. Why, what’s the reason for finding her?
E’s Dad: Oh, it’s nothing. Thank You.
(Galchi and Suh Kyung comes out.)

SK: Grandpaˇuh what’s the difference between Jjangoo and Octapus. (something like that.)
Grandpa: Jjangoo and Octapus? I don’t knowˇwhat’s the difference?
SK: Hmm..Jjangoo is. Well Jjangoo is.
Galchi: Jjangoo can’t be dried while Octapus can be. (?!?!? Confused, lol.)
Grandpa: Oh, heheˇreally.
SK: Yup..right right.

(In the van.)

Y: You didn’t have to do all that brother. Brother, you were a bit overreacting.
Mom: That’s why we payed them for the damage.
Y: Money is not all that matters. Ah, I know now why Eunchae stayed behind.
Mom: Why?
Y: The rice soup place. She probably went to the rice soup lady.
Mom: What?
Y: She probably went there. I’m positive.

(Eunchae goes back to the Rice Soup Place and see’s the owner cleaning up the place. Seeing that the lady’s back was hurting, Eunchae goes to the nearest pharmacy and buys medicine for the lady.)

E: Ladyˇjust sit down. I’ll clean this place up for you. Just sit down.
Owner: Oh, what are you doing?
E: Turn around. Awhile ago I think you hurt your back. I’ll put a patch on it. No, would you rather go to the hospital with me?

(in the van.)

Y: AhˇI’m tired. Mom, I’m going to sleep. (puts his head on his mom’s lap.)
Mom: Okay. Go to sleep my son. You were shocked a lot. Sorry, just because of me.
Y: It’s alright. Sing me a lullaby~
Mom: Okay. (she singsˇ)
(As the mom sings, moonhyuk’s eyes get all watery.)

(Minjoo in the car. On the phone with yoon’s mom.)

MJ: Yes. I’m at the front of the house right now.
Mom: We will be arriving very soon. Our Yoon is sleeping. Okay..see you later. (Hangs up the phone.) Yoon, wake up. Son, wake up we’re almost there.

(gets out of the car.)

Mom: Oh hey Minjoo. (hugs her)
MJ: Did you go safely.
Y: MinjooˇI missed you so much, I thought I was going to die. (hugs her.)
MJ: Me too! Did you go safely?
Y: Yah.
Mom: Oh, you can go home now. Good Job.
Y: I’ll call you brother. Let’s go in.

(moonhyuk bows to his mother and leaves.)

MJ: Is that the new manager?
Y: Yah. But I have to tell him not to come from tomorrow.
Mom: I don’t think you have to do that Yoon.
Y: Huh?
Mom: UhˇI want to just keep him for now. Like what you said, he might turn out to be a cool person. Okay? I’ll try to assure Eunchae about it. Ah, I’m hungry. Son, make me something good.
(flashback to the restaurant scene. Moonhyuk gets worried and goes to where eunchae is. He see’s eunchae cleaning and working hard.)

(train station.)

E: Did the seoul train leave?
Lady: It left.

(Eunchae searches for a place to stay at. Moonhyuk follows her.)

M: Lady.
Lady: What?
M: Where’s my wife?
Lady: (the lady points at the door.) In there.

(Moonhyuk opens the door and see’s eunchae. Knowing that she is very sickˇhe runs to the nearest pharmacy. Yoon is worried sick about eunchae as well. He calls eunchae on her cell phone.)

Y: (she doesn’t pick up.) Ah, where the heck is she at?

(Moonhyuk feeds eunchae medicine and wipes her sweat so that the fever goes down. Moonhyuk leaves early in the morning so that eunchae doesn’t know. Eunchae wakes up and see’s that someone was taking care of her all night.)

(Minjoo is riding her bicycle. Moonhyuk disguised again is jogging. Minjoo see’s moonhyuk and falls off her bike. Next scene-At the elevator.)

MJ: Do you live here? We’ve met before right? (ignores her and goes inside the elevator.) You must be the new guy that moved in downstairs. The world is very small, huh? Oh good, that day was a bit crazyˇif it’s alright with you, I would like to buy you a new dog.
(Minjoo tries to grab the newspaper. Moonhyuk blocks her.)
M: What do you think you’re doing? Are you trying to toy with me? But, you got the wrong person lady. (gets off the elevator.)
MJ: Heyˇwhat kind of person is that!
(he takes off his disguise and goes into Galchi’s room. Galchi is sleeping on the floor. He picks galchi up and lays him on the bed. Moonhyuk than goes into his sister’s room who is also on the floor.)
M: Sisterˇwhy are you sleeping here? Why aren’t you using the bed and sleeping on the floor. Sleep on the bed comfortably. (picks her up and lay her on bed. She goes back down again.) I told you to sleep on the bed!!
(His sister starts crying in shock and cries out for mom.)
SK: MomˇMomˇ(criesˇ)
M: How long are you going to live like that? Until deathˇdo you want to just live wrapping yourself up in a small area like that forever? Now you can live happily. Sleep on a nice bed, wear nice clothes, and eat good food! Iˇyour brother is making you live like thatˇbut why are you driving me nuts!
SK: MomˇMom.
M: Shut UpˇBe Quiet!!! What did mom do for you to call out mom. Where is mom at for you? Where is mom at for us!
SK: MomˇMom.
M: Shut UpˇBe Quiet you Stupid!
Galchi: (he enters) My mom is not stupid!
SK: (crawls to him.) Galchiˇ
Galchi: Mom..
SK: GalchiˇGalchiˇ
Galchi: (looks at moonhyuk.) Did you hit my mom?
SK: Galchiˇlets go to our house. Lets go to our house Galchiˇ
Galchi: Okayˇokayˇlets go to our house. Lets go to our house mom.
(Before galchi leavesˇhe goes up to moonhyuk and bites his hand leaving teeth marks on moonhyuk’s hand.)
Galchi: Lets go mom.

(Scene-Yoon and Eunchae.)

E: (thinkingˇ) Who was it. Was it Yoon?
Y: Girlˇwhy don’t just you kill me! Dry up my blood and kill me! Friendsˇwhatever. You went to the rice soup place right? I just know it. I mean, moonhyuk was the one who made all the damage, but why did you settle things down?!? Do you have that much strength? You feel like you’re going to tip over if I just poke you with a tooth pick. Look at youˇlooking all yellow.
E: Yoonˇ
Y: Because of you, I stayed up all night. Do you know!
E: I know..
Y: What do you mean you know!
E: I was thinking that it was you.
Y: What?
E: I knew that you were the one who took care of me all night.
Y: What are you talking about~
E: Thank you Yoon. I am very very thankful. If it wasn’t for youˇI..I..(starts to cry) I would have died!ˇWahhh~! Thank you for saving my life Yoon.
Y: Hey, why are you crying all of a sudden?
E: I’m sorry for not knowing how you feel and how I was mad at you Yoon. I am very very sorry for acting mean to you and making you sad Yoon.
Y: Noˇto you the truth I should be more sorry. I’m sorry Eunchae.
E: I won’t do it againˇI won’t do it again. (hugs him.)
Y: Me tooˇI want do it again Eunchae.
E: I won’t do it againˇI won’t do it again.
(Moonhyuk was watching them the whole time. Moonhyuk takes out his camera and puts them on the spotlight~.)

(The episode ends.)
大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
I hate weepy & crying drama......

but I love this one....
its super-depressing but I like it.....
Moo Hyuk & Eunchae is so cute together....^^








发表于 2004-11-25 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by hanju2004 at 2004-11-25 04:51 PM:
原文见 http://home.comcast.net/~purpletiger86/Episode5.html
“Sorry, I Love You” : Episode Five
::Word for Word Translation (Script)::
(The episode starts off with Eunchae’s big sis ...


匿名  发表于 2004-11-25 17:09








发表于 2004-11-25 17:18 | 显示全部楼层
[IMG]http://www.guobiao.net/pic/upload/20051131359245118472.gif[/IMG] [b]笔笔的小跟班![/b]








发表于 2004-11-25 17:41 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 可心 at 2004-11-25 17:18:

以上这段话是剧情简介中关于他妈妈的介绍  提到了她的过去 她的本色  允的身世 从这里隐隐感到 一切似乎都是伏笔 希望编剧编的完满 让人信服
大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 17:46 | 显示全部楼层


感觉分析的让人耳目一新 转过来和大家分享
大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 18:01 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-25 18:06 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-25 18:13 | 显示全部楼层


大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 18:15 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2004-11-25 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 18:46 | 显示全部楼层
2004年11月15日至2004年11月21日 收視率

節目名稱 電視台 收視率 演員

1 <第二次求婚> KBS2 37.3 吳娟秀, 金英浩

2 <我的寶貝子女> KBS1 25.5 洪秀賢, 南宮民

3 <花王仙女> MBC 24.8 金政太, 李多海

4 <最後請我共舞> SBS 24 Eugene, 池城

5 <小婦人> SBS 23.3 朴藝珍, 金造真

6 <父母見上書> KBS2 20.4 金喜愛, 許峻豪

7 <漢江水民歌> MBC 20.2 金惠秀, 金石勳

8 <不滅的李舜臣> KBS1 19.6 李在龍, 金明敏

9 <對不起 我愛妳> KBS2 18.5 蘇志燮, 林秀晶——————该剧

10 <老婆的判亂> SBS 17.3 卞貞秀, 趙敏基

大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆








发表于 2004-11-25 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
權相宇  3.17%
264 票
趙仁成  12.17%
1013 票
李東健  18.94%
1576 票
蘇志燮  13.77%
1146 票
其他  51.95%
4324 票
大爱city hall 大爱☆未来※祖国☆
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