


楼主: kittymimi










发表于 2005-6-5 10:04 | 显示全部楼层


All the President's Men: The President's Last Bang ( by Nick North from firecraker magazine )

In Autumn, 1979, heavy countrywide student protests against the repressive authoritarian regime of South Korean President Park Chung Hee began to escalate, sending the country into crisis and precipitating measures such as the declaration of martial law in the city of Pusan. On the night of October 26th, the President gathered with senior government figures - among them strongarm Presidential Security Chief Ch’a Chi-ch’ol and KCIA (Korean Central Intelligence Agency) Director Kim Chae-gyu - at a KCIA safe house restaurant to discuss how to deal with the deteriorating situation. During the dinner, as differences of opinion were voiced and deep-seated resentments bubbled to the surface, Kim shot Ch’a and the President, at once ending a Park's long regime and sending the country spiralling into a new and altogether different crisis.

Director Im Sang-soo, who broke through in the west with the selection of his previous film A Good Lawyer’s Wife in Venice in 2003, loosely reconstructs the astonishing events of this tumultuous night in a blackly humorous film that has already made waves in Korea, where such an overt attempt to dramatise still-contentious occurences has got people talking. For those of us to whom the story is new, on the other hand, The President’s Last Bang acts as an eye-opening version of hitherto unfamiliar historical events, and a rare glimpse into South Korea’s recent and scarcely-documented (in the West at least) political past

As with all such films, reconstruction of controversial events engenders its own controversy, and Im’s depiction of the main players, and the decision to focus largely on the assassins, may encounter Korean dissenters. One thing that remains certain, however, is that all are memorably realised by a uniformly excellent cast, from Jeong Won-joong as the brutal hawk Ch’a, played as a pig-headed thug, to Han Seok-gyu, oozing cool as the gum-chewing KCIA Chief Ju, and Baek Yoon-sik as Director Kim - the assassin himself - a model of professionalism on the one hand, but allowing his pent up frustrations and anger to bubble up and explode as his fury gets the better of him and he makes the final murderous decision to take matters beyond the pale. Then of course, there’s the President himself (Song Jae-ho), seemingly hopelessly out-of-touch with his people and unwilling to seriously address the crisis his country is embroiled in, who ends up dozing the dinner away, drunkenly resting his head in the lap of a hostess.

The first half of the film is where it stakes its claim. Once we are introduced to the characters, and half-way through the boorish mealtime conversation of the most powerful men in the country where resentments and jealousies are barely concealed, the film's intrigue has already been spun into motion. There then ensues a sweaty, drawn-out build up of momentum - to an insistently itchy soundtrack - which ratchets up a gear from the point the furious Kim exits the meal to inform his closest KCIA compatriots of his intentions and to seal their complicity. From this moment, the inevitable is held at arm’s length, as we follow the intricacies of the hastily-arranged assassination, and watch as more KCIA employees are dragged into the scheme, not fully consenting or aware of the nature of what they are involved in. When Kim comes good on his word, and his fellow conspirators are forced to come good on their support by taking out the bevy of guards stationed in the building, it triggers a further chain of events as Kim and Ju attempt to deal with the aftermath, despite having only really planned the assassination itself. What follows frequently veers further into the darkly comic, making good on the thread of black humour which runs through the film from the start. There are real echoes of Dr Strangelove in the believable unbelievability surrounding the absurd situation as the political cognoscenti and army bigwigs flounder to deal with the political vacuum they suddenly face, and hints of farce in KCIA director Kim's poorly-fabricated attempts to explain what happened to the President and his misplaced confidence that he will escape punishment. Similarly, the attempts of the KCIA staff to clean up the murder site venture into the realms of the comic, agents without the full picture still not realising why they were just ordered to gun down presidential bodyguards.

It is in this latter section however that the film threatens to unravel, as the gripping tension which combined so well with an unsettling comic undertone in the build up is jettisoned and the pace of the film allowed to slacken. A telescoping of the post-assassination events might have maintained the momentum of the opening hour into the more farcical events that follow. Still, The President’s Last Bang packs a hefty sweaty-fisted political punch, and largely treads a line between historical reconstruction, intrigue, sensationalism and wicked humour with deftness, and a great deal of cool directorial panache. Contoversy may yet dog its footsteps, but international acclaim and the concomitant exposure would be fully merited.








发表于 2005-6-5 10:09 | 显示全部楼层


Next up is a film I'm head-over-heels in love with after watching it a couple nights ago, I've actually watched it like three times now and I've had it only around a week. This film is called The President's Last Bang, with that title it could have been anything from soft-core porn to a monica lewinsky documentary. It's got kinda wacky title-art too, here's the website so you can see for yourself, with the title and poster I was sure I was about to watch some stupid wacky action buddy comedy you know something where Chris Tucker squeals "Kracker Ass Whitey" while break-dancing with his 9mm hanging off his palm. Fortunately it's a subtle dry black comedy/satire/historical drama profiling the real assassination of Korean president Park Chun-hee, who ruled South Korea with almost dictatorial power from 1961-1979, well at least thats what the opening sub-titles tell me.

The film is set in a 24 hour period, starting early the day of the assassination leading all the way to the frenzied hours post-assassination. Stupendously awkward is the phrase I think best describes the tone and intent of this movie, it's paced like a political thriller and if you weren't paying attention you just might walk out feeling that you just saw a damn good. The film is seriously executed, but there's a bit of dry, satirical wit that is hysterical and very much present for the entire film. Imagine a slightly toned-down peter-sellers-less Dr. Strangelove and you'll sort of an idea of what you are in store for in The President's Last Bang. It's almost like a exceptionally produced subtle black comic remake of JFK, except of a foreign leader that ignorant people like me know nothing about.

Every lead of the film is dead-on perfect casting, it's a very much an ensemble of the best of Korean talents today, with leads veterans of such Korean hits like Memories of Murder and Save the Green Planet. As well it is eloquently shot by the cinematographer of Resurrection of the Little Match Girl, with a serene score that masterfully aids the dramatic intensity of post-assassination sequences of the film. This is a perfectly made film from director Im Sang-Soo (A Good Lawyer's Wife) and the producer of My Sassy Girl. It's a film with exceptional ensemble character work, it's juggling perhaps 8 different lead characters, but everyone has moments where you feel for them and are able to identify with them. There's subtle funny moments, wacky moments, brutal moments that are more intense than most action thrillers today, a group of beautiful korean girls topless splashing in a pool, and great drama, this movie's got it all!

I somewhat hope that someone becomes inspired by this film and decides to do a satirical comedy on some dead serious american subject, it would be interesting to see how it would play here. Though it'll probably never happen, as the film didn't even get out of Korea un-scathed, the family of president Chun-Hee sued to block the release of the film in Korea. They didn't get it banned, but it did get about 10 minutes censored out of the film, as well as the courts removed documentary footage that book-ended the beginning and end of the film. If you have the chance to see this next week in Cannes in 35mm, you are a very lucky panda-bear. Otherwise, buy a mult-region player and order the Korean DVD!  ( by ray )








发表于 2005-6-8 21:26 | 显示全部楼层


All the President's Men (and Women)

http://www.filmbrain.com/photos/ ... dents_last_bang.jpg

Regular readers of this site might recall how Im Sang-soo's last film, 2003's A Good Lawyer's Wife, reduced Filmbrain to a bowl of quivering, whimpering jelly. It's an incredibly powerful film that still manages to leave him weak in the knees, even after multiple viewings (and there have been many!) Naturally then, it was with great anticipation that Filmbrain awaited Im's follow-up. Well, it's arrived, and has turned out to be one of the most controversial films out of South Korea in some time -- a political satire that easily ranks among the best of the genre.

The President's Last Bang is an unabashedly leftist take on a dark period in Korea's history. Set (almost) entirely on the day of President Park Chung Hee's assassination in 1979, the film is an out and out attack on his regime, and paints the former president as a drunken lech with an unhealthy obsession with the Japanese. A (very) brief bit of history: the eighteen years of Parks's military dictatorship was a period where the rich got richer (especially corporations) and human rights violations soared. Torture was not uncommon, and it was all done in the name of fighting communism. Horrible labor laws were enacted that resulted in a large percentage of the population earning sub-standard wages, and corruption abounded in all areas of the regime. In 1979, Kim Jae-kyu, the head of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), assassinated President Park in order to "restore liberal democracy without any self-interest or desire to seize power." (Quote taken from his trial.)

The film was somewhat of a scandal in Korea, and in an unprecedented move (in recent years, at least) Im was forced by the courts to remove documentary footage that bookended the film, with their rationale being that people might not be able to discern truth from fiction. (Park's son was instrumental in having the footage removed.) It was responsible for opening up old debates and arguments between the right wing, who view Park as a hero who successfully fought Communism and created an economic miracle, and the left who cite the nearly endless civil- and human-rights violations that took place while he was in power.

Yet if you put politics aside for a moment and consider The President's Last Bang simply as film qua film, you're left with an almost flawless work -- one where every element comes together in a cinematic harmony that is all too rare. From Kim Woo-hyeong's cinematography, with its warm brown tones and breathtaking tracking shots, to Kim Hong-jib's lush score, which sounds like a cross between Astor Piazzolla and Ryuichi Sakamoto, the film is a feast for the eyes and ears. Im once again proves that he is a tremendous director of actors, and the performance by Baek Yun-shik as KCIA Director Kim (recently seen as the abducted and tortured businessman in Save the Green Planet) is every bit as remarkable as Moon So-ri's in A Good Lawyer's Wife. Told primarily from his perspective, we sense his weariness from the opening moments, but Im portrays him neither as hero nor brilliant political strategist -- his decision to kill Park is a spur-of-the-moment decision (and one of the film's funnier moments) and his slow burn up to that point is a wonder to behold. One memorable scene has Kim sitting in the garden of the President's pleasure palace at sunset, quietly having tea as he hears of a plan to raze the universities in order to quell the student uprisings. The beauty and serenity of the scene contrasted with the flippancy of the minister who champions the idea is the kind of absurdity found throughout the film.

Im's magnificent screenplay also includes some richly developed supporting characters, including a tough-talking, gum-chewing KCIA agent (Shiri's Han Suk-gyu, in perhaps his best performance), a thug for a security chief, and the iconic ever-present, all-seeing and knowing butler. Not simply comic relief or filler, they are all essential elements in re-creating the mad world of the Park regime.

The humor is decidedly black, and razor-sharp throughout, but is distributed in very controlled doses, and often arrives at unexpected moments -- during a lengthy tracking shot of people being held in prison cells we see a man being tortured for owning a Picasso (he was a communist after all); or a shot of high-school students wondering if they are allowed to cross the street while the national anthem is playing. However, the controversy surrounding the film has less to do with the humor than it does with the scathing portrayal of Park and his henchmen as degenerates who have nothing but contempt for the average Korean citizen. Most offensive to some was Im's emphasis on Park's adoration of Japan, but there's a great deal of truth to it. Park, who began his military career in the Japanese army, often spoke Japanese, and fancied himself a modern-day samurai. He worshiped the Meiji era, and on the night of the assassination, he is shown getting drunk with a few of his ministers and two young actresses, one of whom specializes in singing Japanese enka. Im skillfully frames most of this sequence like something out of a period Kurosawa film -- plenty of low angles and wide, centered shots through doorways.

The second half of the film concerns the events that take place after the assassination, and it is here that the film begins to resemble a more classic political satire, though it's no less perfect than everything that comes before it. Amidst the chaos of those first few hours after the assassination, the focus still remains on Kim, though Im isn't interested in romanticizing the character, nor does he pour on the adulation. (Kim had plenty of blood on his hands even before the assassination.) Instead, he becomes a somewhat tragic anti-hero, and the film's rather abrupt ending avoids any attempt at interpretation. At the same time, the farcical nature of the film provides Im with a certain distance from the actual events.

One of the few films to already grace Filmbrain's "Best of 2005" list, The President's Last Bang is a triumph of acting and directing that allows Im Sang-soo to rub shoulders with the likes of Kubrick, Mamet and Altman, and a cutting satire that works even if one is limited to a rudimentary understanding of the events portrayed. Filmbrain can only pray that this finds US distribution, but it seems unlikely.








发表于 2005-6-8 21:33 | 显示全部楼层

一篇林常树的访谈(ZT : KOREANFILM.ORG )

An Interview with Im Sang-soo
           by Paolo Bertolin


After majoring in Sociology at Yonsei University, Im Sang-soo (Seoul, 1962) attended the Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA) for one year and then worked as assistant director to Park Chong-won and Im Kwon-taek (on The General's Son, episodes I and II). In 1998, he unveiled his directorial debut with Girls' Night Out, registering a solid success among Korean audiences. In 2001, his sophomore outing Tears failed to raise equal interest, but in 2003 his third and most refined picture, A Good Lawyer's Wife, a mature and convincing drama on the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, intelligently bashing the institution of the traditional family, topped the local box office for three weeks and was invited to the Venice Film Festival's competition.

Surrounded by major controversy for its depiction of President Park Chung-hee's assassination in October 1979, and still in the courts due to Park's son's reproaches of defamation against his father, Im's fourth film, The President's Last Bang (Keuttae Keusaramdeul) had its international premiere at Cannes' Quinzaine des Realisateurs (Directors' Fortnight). The following interview took place in Cannes the day after the first screening of the film.

I was surprised to see that the version of the film screened in Cannes was the same that was approved for release in Korea. I was hoping that for the international release of the film, the documentary scenes ruled out by a Seoul court would be reintegrated.

For the moment, this is the definitive version of the film. But, of course, if the French distributor opens the film in January next year, perhaps then, if we have a positive result in the courtroom, the version with the cut scenes would be restored.

I keep saying the uncut version, but actually in Korea there was only one premiere and very few people saw the film with the documentary scenes. The definitive version of the movie thus would be the cut version, also because all the international buyers are seeing this version and it was this version that was selected for Cannes.

The original title of the film, "Keuttae keusaramdeul" (The people of those days), refers to a song by singer Shim Su-bong, who was at the private party the night of the assassination. Why did you choose this title?

"Keuttae keusaram" is a very popular song in Korea. In my film, singer Shim sings Japanese enka at the private party, but according to the official versions, it is said that she was singing the song "Keuttae keusaram". For this very reason this song is very popular with Korean people, because they are familiar with the fact it was sung in that context. Hearing the title of the song immediately makes a bell ring for Korean people, as they know what is the issue under discussion: Park Chung-hee's assassination. The title "Keuttae keusaramdeul" thus is meant to immediately bring people back to the night of Park Chung-hee's murder.  [note: the song's original title is "The Person of Those Days," and Im's title is modified to read "The People of Those Days." --ed.]

It seems people in Korea know quite a lot about Park's assassination.

Yes, everybody knows about the assassination case. When the President of a country is murdered by the secret service, that is undeniably a very important and shocking event. In Korea we have a lot of archives and documents about the murder case, but in order to write the film we needed to find details and had to reinvestigate the facts in detail. The problem is that in Korea the investigation was done very quickly, and people just forgot all the details because they were regarded as "not important". Everything was very fast and very vague: the investigation was very fast, the trial was very fast, and even the executions were very fast. (in English) They buried the truth.

Was there a long or particularly difficult process of documentation in order to reconstruct the happenings of that night?

(in English) It was very fun to me.


The judge's sentence that eventually allowed the release of the film stated that it is clear that the film is fiction, that it is a satire. I was wondering how much of the plot is faithful to what documentation has proven, and how much is a satirical or grotesque rendition of the events?

You can see an insert before the opening credits of the film saying, "This film is a work of fiction"; that is the point of view of my producer, because, as far as I am concerned, this is the truth. Even if no one knows the real truth, except the gods! There are only three people who survived the event: the two girls -- the singer and the starlet -- and Secretary Yang who are still alive, and we really cannot confirm that what they are saying about that night is the truth, because what is the truth? Truth is when you have a lot of details and lots of explanations about facts and who was there, from a lot of different people. Here instead we just have three people. I would then say that this is the Im Sang-soo version of what was going on that night. I would not say that this is a satire, or a work fiction or a grotesque rendition of reality. I just say that, as far as I am concerned, this is the truth and that it is my version of it.

How would you describe your style, especially in comparison to other films dealing with the historical trauma of assassinations of a head of state, such as Oliver Stone's JFK?

I would not say my style is this or that, because I think this should not be my concern. I just shoot my film and it happens to have some kind of style, but that is something that comes out naturally to me as a director. Thus, regarding the style of the film, it is more up to you to know how my style is, according to what you find in it.

I think JFK is quite different from my film because the aim of that film was to discover the mystery behind that assassination, while my movie is "just observation" (in English) of what happened then. More than trying to discover something that nobody knew behind the surface of events, with my film I was just trying to deal with the issue of corrupted power.


To Park Chung-hee's son, who tried to block the release of the film, one of the seemingly most contentious aspects is the depiction of President Park as infatuated with Japanese culture. In the film he speaks Japanese fluently and loves to listen to enka, traditional Japanese songs. KCIA Director Kim often resorts to speaking Japanese as well. Are these details faithful to the historical truth?

(in English) Yes. My father who is same age as Park Chung-hee or Kim speaks Japanese fluently because during the occupation [by] Japan everybody was forced to learn and speak Japanese. That is quite natural. About the Japanese enka, according to the official records, singer Shim never sang Japanese enka that night. Back in those days, though, she was an underground singer famous for enka songs. She was often invited at such big power men's parties and sang enka, and all the power men who adored Japanese culture applauded her enka. So, I still believe she did sing enka, even though the singer herself denied it, the investigators denied it and nobody acknowledged that. Still, there is a big possibility she really sang enka.

But what about Director Kim and his frequent use of Japanese quotes?

(in English) For a person of his age it is natural. He can speak Japanese. That's natural, realistic in cinema, but symbolically... (switches to Korean) those people, President Park and Director Kim, during the Japanese occupation used to be army generals who were in charge of capturing Koreans in the resistence movement who were fighting for independence. They were collaborators repressing the struggle for Koreans' independence. After Korea's independence, they became President and Director of the KCIA, and I think this fact represents the biggest tragedy in contemporary Korean history, and I wanted to symbolize it through their use of Japanese and fondness for Japanese culture.

Of course, this all has to do with the role of the US, because the US preferred to have in government people who had been working for the Japanese Army, who were compromised and corrupted, because it was much easier to manipulate them than people who had fought for independence.


What brought you to this controversial project? What pushed you into engaging in such contentious issues?

Well, there is a basic, practical reason, because my high school was very close to the place of the murder. Anyway, I think that as a director I wanted to make this controversial issue into a filmic adaptation and it just came as a natural instinct for me to do so.

Why did you focus only on the very last night of Park Chung-hee and the events following his murder?

Yes, the film only deals with that night, and not the whole night, but just a few hours of that night. I think this is a very effective cinematic presentation, as I wanted to put in a one-hundred minute film not only the few hours of that night, but the whole eighteen years of Park Chung-hee's regime. That's why I resorted to all these symbols, the enka songs and the Japanese language: my ambition as a director was to represent those eighteen years through just one night and in one hundred minutes.

Paolo Bertolin, CANNES May 2005









发表于 2005-6-19 23:51 | 显示全部楼层





























发表于 2005-6-23 03:04 | 显示全部楼层











[ Last edited by 蔷花嬖人 on 2005-6-23 at 03:43 AM ]

[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-7-18 at 06:17 PM ]








发表于 2005-6-23 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
扭逼们意见总是不一致,不团结,有时还起内讧。傻逼虽然傻,却是同一种傻法,还喜欢互相欣赏。 为了活下去,但不想沦落为傻逼的,就做一个沉默的扭逼。








发表于 2005-6-23 13:14 | 显示全部楼层



[ Last edited by feizi on 2005-6-23 at 01:17 PM ]
扭逼们意见总是不一致,不团结,有时还起内讧。傻逼虽然傻,却是同一种傻法,还喜欢互相欣赏。 为了活下去,但不想沦落为傻逼的,就做一个沉默的扭逼。








发表于 2005-6-23 13:22 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2005-6-23 13:28 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2005-6-23 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by feizi at 2005-6-23 11:59 AM:




Originally posted by feizi at 2005-6-23 01:14 PM:
名字音译应该是奉太圭吧,长得亦庄亦谐,我觉得挺可爱的,可塑性强 ...


[ Last edited by 阿韩 on 2005-6-23 at 01:41 PM ]








发表于 2005-6-23 13:44 | 显示全部楼层











发表于 2005-6-23 13:48 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2005-6-23 13:55 | 显示全部楼层












发表于 2005-6-23 14:41 | 显示全部楼层



[ Last edited by feizi on 2005-6-23 at 02:44 PM ]
扭逼们意见总是不一致,不团结,有时还起内讧。傻逼虽然傻,却是同一种傻法,还喜欢互相欣赏。 为了活下去,但不想沦落为傻逼的,就做一个沉默的扭逼。
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