1) 왕마리아 - Wang Maria (Wang mo's grandma)
2) 지영선 - Ji Young-sun (Wang mo's stepmom & Ja-kyung's birth mom)
3) 김배득 - Kim Bae-deuk (Ja-kyung's adopted/step mom(?))
4) 김미향 - Kim Mi-hyang (Bae-deuk's elder sister/Ja-kyung's adopted/step aunt/Ye-ri's mom)
5) 강동춘 - Kang Dong-choon (Mi-hyang's husband/Ye-ri's father)
6) 구슬아 - Gu Seul-ah (Wang-mo's sister/Young-sun's daughter/Ja-kyung's step sister - same mother different dad)
7) 구왕모 - Gu Wang-mo (Young-sun's stepson)
8) 이자경 - Lee Ja-kyung (Young-sun's illegitimate daughter)
9) 김청하 - Kim Chung-ha (Mi-hyang & Bae-deuk's youngest brother)
10) 강예리 - Kang Ye-ri (Mi-hyang & Dong-choon's twin daughter/Seul-ah's friend/Ja-kyung's step/adopted-cousin)
11) 모란실 - Mo Ran-shil (Possibly Ja-kyung's grandma (her birth father's mom)/Wang Maria's newly found friend/the old lady with the daughter-in-law problem)
12) 이홍파 - Lee Hong-pa (Possibly Ja-kyung's birth father/Young-sun's first love)
13) 봉은지 - Bong Eun-ji (Ja-kyung's birth father's wife so possibly step mother)
14) 강이리 - Kang Lee-ri (Ye-ri's twin brother/Ja-kyung's favourite step/adopted cousin/possibly gay(?)/possible Seul-ah's love interest(?))
WangMo comes back from the mountains and goes to see JahKyung. They go out to eat a meal together. However, WangMo still feels ackward and hard to talk with JahKyung...after a deep thought he asks JahKyung what kind of guy she likes. She replies by saying that she likes a guy who would care and love her a lot. WangMo tells JahKyung that YoungSun told him to take care of JahKyung and treat her like a sister. Right then, JahKyung tells WangMo that she thought he was a playboy when she first saw him...which makes WangMo laugh.
She goes back to the hair salon and either she or youngsun text message to whom ever messaging that they should go up to the mountains together. They feel happy and YoungSun decides to make seaweed rice wrap and prepares all sorts of things. At the mountains, YoungSun tells JahKyung some stuff she needs to know in order to live life well.
JahKyung and YoungSun who were going up the mountain sits down and rests. YoungSun takes out the wrapped seaweed rice and eats it with JahKyung. While eating, JahKyung thinks about her childhood years where her friends would bring wrapped seaweed to picnics...JahKyung tells YoungSun that she always envied those friends...this makes YoungSun hurt/sad. After this, they take pictures together and put their arms around each other. Meanwhile, WangMo goes to a theme park with YehLi and SeulAh. He turns his back on YehLi who was coming towards him and he thinks about the good times he had with JahKyung. But he gets upset when he finds out that JahKyung went to the mountains with YoungSun. So he sets up a time to meet up with YehLi. JahKyung goes out to hang out with her old friends. While singing a song, she flashes back to when she went to Spain with ChungHa...and how she met WangMo...
YoungSun goes to the hair salon that JahKyung works at to give her the pictures that she got developed. YoungSun tells JahKyung that they should go to the mountains again together. JahKyung agrees...JahKyung gets touched when YoungSun brings Sushi for her. JahKyung goes to put make-up on WangMo. JahKyung works on his face gently and WangMo feels her breathe/touch. After, WangMo comes out of the studio and tells JahKyung to not misunderstand the day when he took YehLi home. And randomly...he asks her if she has any feelings for him. JahKyung tells him that she feels comfortable when she's talking with him on the phone or when she's with him. I think she asks WangMo if she can call him comfortably... |