


楼主: viva1124

【2008SBS】【家门的荣光】家门的荣光 荣光的家门 楼内诸君 与有荣焉~~~~^^









 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-1 00:59 | 显示全部楼层






慧珠會在你身邊~~~我也會守著你嚕!!! 愛你滴VIVA喔~~~~~~~呵~~~~~~~~









发表于 2009-2-1 01:20 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2009-2-1 01:39 | 显示全部楼层
preview for ep 34/34预告/by sandybabe

dad: you must be crazy!you might as well spit on your own father's face.
ksmom: Our ks is a bachelor with nothing to lose.
dad: even if i die and wake again, i will never approve, so end things here.
ks: i can't do that. she's the woman i love and want to marry.
ks: I'm sorry..who am I to make you receive and endure such insult/heartbreak.
ms mom: is there any way you can make some room in the company for our family members?
ms: why are you making me look so pitiful.
soonjin: you're something too. your brother turned your parents minds upside down, saying he's going to marry a widow .
ty: you probably don't know what kind of sister she is to us.
ty: receive a lot of apology/sorry heart from that guy (this part translates kinda funny..), and live well..
sy: even our da wants to try to live differently, and i want to try to live differently too.
sy: ja.. will you marry me?

repost fr anne/soompi


[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-2-1 03:50 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-1 01:50 | 显示全部楼层
家門的榮光 E33 Ental (688MB)


Foxmail 和 Megaupload 下載連結要稍等一下








发表于 2009-2-1 02:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Kit09 于 2009-2-1 01:50 发表
家門的榮光 E33 Ental (688MB)


Foxmail 和 Megaupload 下載連結要稍等一下









 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-1 02:39 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2009-2-1 03:04 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2009-2-1 03:05 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2009-2-1 03:06 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2009-2-1 03:17 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2009-2-1 03:47 | 显示全部楼层
thanx for the on-location pics.  i found this thread last week & has been browsing through the 700+ pages though I've only made it only through the first 100 =D

this is the best family honor's thread for pics & videos!!  








发表于 2009-2-1 03:54 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2009-2-1 04:25 | 显示全部楼层









发表于 2009-2-1 04:50 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 天翻地覆 于 2009-2-1 03:17 发表



[ 本帖最后由 meier369 于 2009-2-1 05:17 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-1 05:13 | 显示全部楼层
e33/fr sandybabe

ks: grandfather
grandpa: talk
ks: i would like to marry your granddaughter

ty: what, what did that guy just say?
worker girl: didnt he just say he wants to marry da
ty: isn’t that guy really psycho?

ks: from everything ive shown you up to now, i know you don’t like me for da’s match. however ill try to change. as your granddaughter’s match, as a member of this family, as this woman’s husband, i’ll try to live differently grandafather.
grandpa: da..
da: yes grandfather
grandpa: have you been dating this whole time?

grandaunt: did da just say yes?
worker: they say the calm cat is the first to climb the tree.why would da date someone like that?
ty: dad.. go inside and firmly say no. why does da have to marry someone like that?

gr: is this your decision as well?
da: yes grandfather
gr: mr lee..
ks: please call me by name grandfather
gr: i don’t think it is the right time for that yet. whether you two have made a decision to marry or not, i feel that way. in our family that decision is not wholy dependent on the individuals. that is something important that ties two families together. as you yourself should know, aren’t our family and yours currently mixed unpleasantly because of business matters. in that situation, just seeing what you two want, i dont think i have any confidence in the situation.
ks: i will figure out the business side
grandpa: figure it out how?
ks: my father and i have already decided to fold the plans to take over. as for other parties swooping in to try to take advantage of the situation, even if i had ten mouths, i’d have nothing to say. I will figure it out.
gr: da..
da: yes grandfather
gr: answer honestly... is your decision to marry mr lee, have anything to do with the current business situation? what i’m asking is, were you trying to find an alternative by marrying mr lee because you didn’t want to see my life’s work and dreams crumble?
da: no grandfather. as your granddaughter, i wanted to do something to help, but i didnt think that was the right way. I didn’t think that was how people should treat people, so even when this man began taking over the business, i was unable to do anything.
gra: then ill ask you again. why did you decide to marry mr lee.
da: I was sure that he and i would be people to have true compassion for each other.
gra: mr lee.. do you know that this child has a painful past?
ks: yes i know
gr: that past might become a big obstacle for your family.
ks: to be with this person, im prepared to face any upcoming challenges. please trust me.
gra: mr.lee
ks: yes
gr: i know both your hearts, but i dont think i can answer you at this time. this child is a very special grandchild of mine... because she has been through many painful things, she is more so. that is why, my earnest wish is that she can live the rest of her life comfortably. but im nervous about your character. the words you said when we first met that you were a vicious fighter by nature still weighs on my heart. i dont have the confidence to give my precious grandchild to someone like that.
ks: i understand your worries. however, to be with this person, i’ll try my best to change into someone that you want. i’m also understanding that this woman’s attitude that people should be treated like people is something that i need more in my life. please watch over us.
gr: for today, let’s end this conversation, knowing how you two feel. this kind of matter is not something i alone can decide. i will talk with her parents, brothers and family, so you can leave for today.
ks: okay grandfather.. i will come see you again.

grandaunt: wow.. da.. you really shock people.
da:im sorry grandaunt.
grandaunt: mr lee..
ks: yes..
grandaunt: if you wanted to marry our da, don’t you think you shouldn’t have let things get to this point?
ks: im sorry. i was wrong
yi: mr.lee
ks: yes
yi: as da’s parents, i think we need to talk

granny brings in tea
yi: we were just going to talk a little then send him home. why are you bringing tea trays.
granny: he’s still a guest in our home..
yi: dear..
da dad: yes..
yi: what do you think of ks’ marriage proposal?
ks: im sorry. i know that you must not approve of me.
yi: i may be a stepmother, but as someone who thinks of da as their own daughter, i think i have to say something. i think for our da’s match, you are not the best person.

different room: grandaunt, da and ty
grandaunt: since when have you been dating?
ty: da
da: yes
ty: (i didnt get the phrase exactly but says it seems you jumped into this because of what’s been going on but...)
da: its not like that oppa
ty: then? then do you think he is right for you? he’s the type of person you dislike most in the whole world. someone who looks down on people, has no respect, and thinks money can solveeverything.. it doesnt even make sense.
da: that person.. is very different than what he seems
grandaunt: wow... she must really love him.
worker girl charges in
workergirl: mother says there’s no way
grandaunt: what?
workergirl: as da’s mother, she said he has too many problems to be her match
ty: that’s right. for once mother and my hearts are on the same page.
grandaunt: what are you going to do da? it doesnt look like this marriage will be easy..

da dad: first of all, thank you for caring for our daughter. seeing as our daughter is saying she wants to marry you, she must have seen something in you as well. however mr. lee
ks: yes father
yi: mr lee.. arent you being too forward? no one has approved yet
ks: as soon as i knew i was going to marry that woman, you became my father and mother too.
da dad: mr lee.. that kind of personality kind of bothers me. from everything we’ve seen, havent you been someone that pushes things until you get your way. perhaps that may be why da was moved by you because you were so different from you.. however couldn’t that be just the beginning stages of a relationship (rose-tinted glasses syndrome) ? that is why i think that could be a problem, and my opinion is like that of my wifes.
ks: im not asking for your approval right away. knowing everything i’ve done, i didnt expect you to approve right away. i just thought it was proper to let you know that my heart and hers are the same.
dad: just leave for today...

granny: are you leaving?
ks: yes
granny: da,your guest is leaving

they come out of da’s room
grandaunt: so what? did it go well?
ks: they say because of everything i’ve done wrong, it’ll be hard for them to accept me
ty: mr lee
ks: yes
ty: im sure you heard from our grandfather, but in our family just because you date, doesn’t mean you can get married because you want.
grandaunt: hey hey.. you dated and got married without approval too
ty: are da and i alike? an idiot like me and da..
grandaunt: stop making yourself look bad and calm down.
ks: to da: do you think you can go out for a moment?
ty:what? no! dont go out. you stay home. in this situation with nobody approving,youre not supposed to go hang out with him.
da: wait outside a moment. i’ll change and go out..
ty: da whats wrong with you. this is really unlike you.
ks: ill wait outside. then, ill be on my way

da goes into room and ty follows
ty: no you cant go out.you can’t get married. even if the elders approve, i’m going to put my life on the line and disapprove.. so if you want to see me die.. (da pushes him out)
da: i have to change
ty(outside): i said dont go out. why are you like this. i said dont go out! ill never give you to get married to someone like that!
granny: leave her be
ty: whats with you too?
granny:he allowed her to forget jinha. isnt that enough?
ty: granny!
granny: just let her do what she wants.

ks waiting outside.. so cute haha
they get in car and he grabs her hand
da: why is your all covered in sweat?
ks:i thought i was going to die of nervousness. today is the first time ive ever acted without a plan/on impulse.
da: but you still said everything you needed to say
ks: if i get caught trembling, they’ll all say that. “what kind of man is he.. we can’t give our da to someone like that” that’s what they wouldve said..
da: you worked hard to not show your nervousness.. what do want me to do for you?
ks: lets’ go..

ty: why aren’t you getting involved? da went with that guy. i think da is becoming strange. when jinha used to come to our house, has she ever followed him out? she would just say bye and send him home.
sy: da was just a high school student then.. even if she wanted to, she was probably too shy to follow him out.
ty: no matter what, he’s not right for her. she needs to meet someone sincere and warm like jinha.
sy: da says shesgoing to marry him
ty: are you on that guys side? do you really approve of him as da’s husband? after everything we’ve seen of him?
sy: i think da’s heart is the most important.
ty: our da.. even if she’s like this right now, if everyone disappoves she will back down.
do you think she will go against our grandfather and parents?
sy: i think da has changed. didnt you hear? when grandfather asked if this was to try to save the family, she said no. doesnt that mean she really loves that person?

dd: grandfather
grandpa: what is it
dd: isnt that man a bad person? isnt he trying to make our company fail? then why does he want to marry our aunt? isn’t that strange? is he trying to make us beggars, and take only da to become rich? is that it?
grandpa: thats not it..
dd: but he’s still a bad person

in office
ks: why did you want to come here
ks: there’s no one here. ca you hug me? . i’m still trembling! maybe its because it’s my first marriage proposal, but i didn’t know it was something so nerve-wrecking..
da: i’m sure it’ll get better after a couple times
ks: what?!
da: my sense of humor is great right?
ks: be careful.. (sorry i didnt get this part)
da: sit.. you worked hard today, so i’ll make you a cup of coffee filled with love.
ks: are you trying to pass it off with just a cup of coffee?
da: then?
ks: do you think i suggested coming where nobody else was for no reason? are you only going to give me a hug?
HAHA he goes in for a smooch but gets rejected!
da: this is where i study.. don’t make the atmosphere weird and just sit.
ks: wow.. it makes me wonder if i should really marry someone who tells me to not make the mood weird when i ask for a kiss..
da: if you keep acting up, i might make your coffee poisonous (or super strong)
ks: so because i’m yours, is that it.. this is why i should have stalled.
da: with every word you say, just know another scoop of coffee is going in.
ks: wow.. now i can’t even say whatever i want

grandfathers room
grandpa: rather than my, sy, or ty’s thoughts.. i think your opinion as parents are the most important. what do you two think?
dad: i told mr. lee how i feel.
yi: this person and i both feel he is not the right match for da.
grandpa: is that so?
dad: yes dad.. right now he may say he will change because his feelings are getting ahead of himself, but it’s not easy to change one’s nature. i’m nervous about mr lee’s temperament and nature. i don’t think he’s someone who can fully appreciate and be thankful for da.
yi: i feel the same way. it’s wonderful da was able to forget her past person, and start new.. but i think that’s why it’s even more not right. it doesn’t make me comfortable to think she had to start seeing someone like him, seeing as how hard it took her to get to that point.

ks/da office
ks: getting approvals probably won’t be easy right?
da: are you worried?
ks: i’m really nervous. and i’m also re-assessing how i’ve been living my life wrong up to now.
da: would it be a comfort to you, if i said i feel the same way? more than my family elders, you parent’s opposition should be greater.
ks: my parents are simple and innocent-hearted. even if they oppose at first, if i keep persisting they’ll stand aside. but your elders are much more tougher. i can’t even make excuses to them.
da: that might not be true. because they are so simple and innocent, it might be even harder for them to permit.
ks: if that is the case, are you going to waver?are you going to wonder why you have to endure this kind of opposition to be with this guy, and waver because of your pride.
da: i don’t have that kind of pride. you can’t have pride in love.
ks reaches out for her hand
ks: it may not be quick, but im going to try and become more like you. and one day, you won’t be able to tell if i’m you, or you’re me. and that’s going to become the reason why i live.
da holds his hands
da: more than hearing you love me, those words make my heart tremble more. that there will be a day that you and i will be the same. if i can grow old with you, and that day can come, i will do everything. even if we have to wait a long time because of parent’s opposition, im not going to be impatient, but wait. because i’m you, and you’re me.. and you can’t separate the whole.
sooooo sweet <3

sy in room with greatgrandpas pic
yi: why are you in here?
sy: i just had some things i needed to think over
yi: i feel bad saying this when i know the situation is already weird because of da but..
i think i know why youre here. the burden you must feel as the eldest son. but sy..
sy: yes mother
yi: wouldn’t a problem regarding children be anyone’s problem? that is everyone’s heart.. to want to have your own children someday. even if you may love each other, don’t you think that may make each other sadder? i know it may be hard, but i wonder if it might be better to end things with ja before it gets any deeper...

sy in car rethinks conversation with ja
ja: do you know what was my biggest dream when i was younger?
sy: what was it?
ja: mom.

ja gets phone call from sy
ja: yes? ok, i’ll go
ms: are you really going to continue dating him?
ja: why are you saying that. im more worried about you
ms: what about me?
ja: ahjuhshee’s brother got divorced because he was cheating.
ms: what about your guy? isnt he someone who made his wife cheat?
ja: you know youre being trivial right?
ms: how is that being trivial? how must he have been for his own wife to cheat? how must he have been with her for that to happen.
ja: do you really want to argue it out?
ms: what
ja: is a cheater worse, or a person with a cheater for their spouse worse?
ms: our ty, he’s regretting living his life that way.. but your guy.. i saw him at the police stattion, but how two-faced is he. he knealt in front of his cheating wife because they had to set up the funeral plans. does that make sense?
ja: unni
ms: what
ja: i said i was on your side
ms: im just worried
ja: even if youre worried, shouldnt you be on my side? even without that, a lot of people look down on us. i know what people would think if an older man is holding hands with a young girl like me, so we cant even date like regular people. but even you..
ms: im not like this because of your age difference.. im just worried you might marry someone as stuffy and two-faced as..
ja: ahjuhshee.. won’t be able to get that kind of courage. hes not someone who will be able to ask a young girl llike me to get married. is that kind of person two-faced?

ja: where did you want to go
sy: just.. i felt stuffy so i wanted to get someair
ja: why, are you worried about your company?
sy: yes.. i feel worried about the company. are you okay from the surgery?
ja: itsall healed
sy: thats a relief
ja:will it take a lot more time for your work problems to be resolved? your face looks really tired..
sy: its probably because im getting old
ja: is it.. did your brother tell you not to see me anymore?
sy: why do you say something like that
ja: even when i made a mistake cleaning, i felt his personality was like that.. i would think he wouldnt like someone as young as me
sy: i dont pay attention to him
ja: but i must be right when i think he doesnt like me

ty and grandaunt
ty: whether you know it or now, im worried because you seem like the sappy type
grandaunt: it’s da’s life.. what would it matter if i rattle on about it. besides our family has a bad habit of making other people’s lives miserable. i really hate that.
ty: but this is for da. youre on the same boat as grandpa, so talk to him well
grandaunt: i said i dont know!
ty phone rings
ty: what?
ms: your brother called out ja for a date, but what are you doing
ty: what? when did hyung leave, when our family is chaotic right now. what? date? he’s really doing whatever he wants
ms: did something happen at home?did the company go bust?
ty: no theres something that happened
ms: come over
ty: what?
ms: i have so much to study but i cant think straight. i think its because im hungry, so grab some food and visit me.

ms: THAT jerk?!
ty: thats what im saying. thats why things are crazy at my house right now.
ms: whats with your sister?
ty: thats what im saying
ms: there are so many men in the world, and out of all them..
ty: exactly
ms: thats why i think you and i are the only normal couple
ty: couple?!
ms: you and i are a couple, arent we honey?
ty: i said dont say that
ms: tell me honestly. what kind of person is your brother? is he really thinking about marrying ja?
ty: i think its true he must like her. seeing as he went to go see her even when things arelike this
ms: im saying do you think they’ll get married
ty: i think it’ll be impossible for him to get married again
ms: why
ty: hes the eldest son
ms: what about the eldest son
ty: eldest sons have to marry people that are from good families and lineage. what do you think about ja is like that.
ms: whats jong-son and jong-boo?(eldest son; servant-like attendant)
ty: theres something like that
ms: then imokay right?
ty: for what?
ms: youre not the eldest son, so it doesnt matter if im not the jongboo type.
ty: why do you keep talking like that.

sy: will you tell me. “if it weren’t for you, the world would be too lonely to live in.”
ja: even if i dont say, you already know..
sy: would you still say it to me
ja: whats going on?
sy: i think i must be a person too, seeing as i want to hear those things
ja: you would feel pressured/burdened if i said that..
sy: im asking you to put a little pressure on me. that way i can escape for the foolish way ive been living up to now. i feel stuffy inside
ja: for me ahjuhshee.. i dont have parents, or any siblings.. thats why to me youre my parents, my siblings, and my loved one. thats why even if nothing were to change, its okay.. even we were to continue going on this way, it’s okay. if i can just see you from this close, i think i can live without ever feeling lonely.
sy grabs her hand
sy: that’s enough. i really wanted to hear those words
ja leans on him.

at cafe
da/ks come in
ks: hj, will you go outside for a moment and talk with professor ha. i need to talk to this friend.
da: hj..
hj: yes..
hj and da go out
ks: lets sit. we decided to get married.
hg: i heard from hj
ks: i still felt i needed to tell you directly. its the courtesy i can give for coming to me that day and confessing on her behalf.
hg: congratualtions
ks: thank you. i know im being cruel to you, but i still want to thank you.
hg: she looked good.. at school
ks: if it weren’t for you, i might not have been in my right mind yet, and have been making her miserable. im really thankful that you shortened that period of time.
hg: thanks. im thankful as someone who loved her at one time. it would have been nice if she loved me, but its still a relief.. thats its no longer that previous person. that she’s no longer like an artifact at the museum, waiting for time to pass. since she’s changed, i’m sure i will change too
ks: im sorry i was cruel to you
hg: she’s someone precious that someone gave up their life to save. and another person loved them with his all. please continue to treat her preciously
ks: ill remember that. you and i.. im still hoping this isn’t the end of our fate. but that’s probably too much for me to want right?

ks leaves

hj: im so happy that it seems like my brother has returned to that warm person as before.
it’s all thanks to you professor..
da holds hj’s hand
da: hj..
hj: yes professor
da: from now on.. won’t you call me unni? is that too soon?
ks: do you think you’ll be much longer? i can wait in the car..
hj: no oppa.. just go prof.. i mean unni
ks: unni?
hj: thats what im supposed to call her. go oppa. go unni
hj leaves

ks: that kiddo’s suprising. even calling you unni..looks like you’ve won over a sister-in-law properly

hg watchesks/da walk away
hj: why are you outside
hg: it’s probably self-torture. keep seeing your brother with her will help me accept it as reality faster.
hj: i cant cover your eyes right? i know youre hurting as youre watching them walk away, ao i want to cover your eyes like you did for me last time.. but i cant do that right?
hg: im going to go drink later.. instead of being outside, will you sit in front of me? youre always waiting outside of whichever bar im at shivering in the cold, waiting to bring me medicine when im drunk.
hj: can i do that? sitting in front of you when you drink?
hg: does that make you that happy?
hj: yea..

ks: i said ill bring you home after dinner, why don’t you listen?
da: because of what others will think
ks: what will others think?
da: everyone knows i went out with you, so if i come home too late...
ks: then what? i have to bring you home before the sun sets every night?
da: it wont be as hard as right now
da: you should have told me earlier.. that now sunset is your curfew. then i wouldnt have rushed to break the news.
da: youre being like a simple child.
ks: please. i dont want to bring you home before sunset every night, so im asking you to compromise. even if the family sees, show that you’re dating and that’s how its going to be.
da: you know im a timid person
ks: did you already forget what i said earlier? like i’m you and you’re me.. i don’t think about trivial things, so just follow what i do.
da: stop acting childish and go home. at this rate the sun will set..
ks: ill call you
da: that too..
ks: then go under the covers and get it.

da comes home
yi: i thought you’d come home soon, but you took a while.
da: yes
yi: we need to talk
yi: your dad and i have already discussed our thoughts. even if ks says he will figure out the business matters, that’s that and this is this. if business matters work out well and we let you marry him, we would feel like thats even more of a condition. honestly, it alsofeels like we’reselling you off to save the company.
da: why do you feel like that mother..
yi: i just feel that way. since you probably just met with him by yourselves, there may be sides of him you don’t know yet. do you know how he is at work? because of company employees, he’s even gotten into it with your father and brothers. that person thinks of people under him like objects and not people.
da: because of that, that person is unhappy as well. he’s trying hard to slowly change. so if you could open up your mind just a little..
yi: da..
da: yes
yi: i know about that. your dad already knows, but the 3rd man i married and i were from very different environments. we couldnt even find personality attributes that were similiar. but for some time, i overlooked everything with the one reason that i loved him. however as time went on, we were unable to work out and he left. i dont regret marrying him, but it’s true that the result is we failed. i dont want that to happen to you
da: that person and i are going to try hard. we may be very different, but we’re going to try to become more like each other.

yi/ da dad
yi: da’s home. i think da really loves ks. what do we do?

ks home
soonjin and ks dad watching tv again
ks comes home
ks mom:its so noisy i cant even talk on the phone!
ks dad and cousin shut up
ks mom: youre home early
ks: yes. dad, can you acknowledge im home.
dad: oh son.. nice to see you
ksmom: ks.. that girl’s back. the daughter of that publishing company.. shes back from her business trip. you gave her number one on the waiting list, so now you should meet her
ks: i have someone ive been seeing
ks mom: what? who? what kind of girl? then you should have brought her home to say hello.
ks: her family doesn’t approve of me completely yet. i was going to bring her once they approve.
ks mom: what is this? why wouldn’t they approve of you. whay are you meeting someone like that?
ks: then what can i do? im more hung up on her (ok seriously! how hot is he?! he’s admitting hes 10000x more in love with da to his parents. goooo ks! haha ok anyyyways~ ) . im going upstairs
ks mom: ks ks!
ks dad: can you be quiet so i can watch this?
ks mom: KS says he has a woman!
dad: what?

ks room
dad and mom burst in
dad: son son, what is this? i hear you have a woman.
ks: yes, i do
ks mom: i said the woman’s family doesn’t approve of our ks.
ks dad: what does that mean. what’s wrong with you for them to disapprove?
ks: theyre kind of a picky family
ks dad: what kinda great family is it to disapporve of a catch like you
ks mom: you don’t need to meet someone like that. what are you lacking to receive that kind of mistreatment.
ks dad: thats true son.. i dont know about that
ks:the fact that i dont think of it as mistreatment is the problem. i feel that if its for this woman, this is nothing at all.

ksmom: he.. is that really our ks?
ks dad:this guy.. he must be really into her
ks mom: does that even make sense? why wouldnt they like our ks.
freeloading annoying cousin: she must be from an extremely impressive family
ks mom: how impressive must they be to not approve of our ks?
freeloading annoying cousin: from what i think.. they must be from a jaebol (korean elite wealthy class) family, or apolitical family. to be honest, you dont have anything but money going for you uncle. then dont you think it would be normal for an impressive family like that to kind of disappove about giving away their daughter?

ks mom: that’s true isnt it? what do we do hon?
ks dad: about what?
ks mom: ks isnt someone that would just meet anyone.
ks dad: for someone to meet his expectations, she must really be a great great family’s daughter
ks mom: then we would have to lower ourselves from the beginning. ks is already thinking about what theyre thinking, do we really have to be like that?
ks dad: wow kid.. what kind of great girl did he get his hands on.

at ha home
da gets text
ks(text) just returned home. wondering what to do on this still-early night. if no call, might go back to your house.
da smiles and workersees
da leaves but worker grabs her
worker: its him huh
she goes to her room
worker to granny: da really must be dating. did you see how red she just got?
granny: then what? do you think he came to ask to get married without dating first?

da calls ks
da: you’re really over-doing it
ks: then why did you send me home when it’s still light out
da: the suns going to set soon. i cant talk long. i was in the process of making dinner. and i have to prepare the funeral ceremony table.
ks: i told my parents i have a girl. I need to clue them in. That way the shock will be less.
da: just because you informed them, doesn’t mean the shock will be any less.
ks: then what can i do. they were telling me to go on a set-up date with the girl that had the number one spot. then should i have gone out to that?
da: if you do, there’s a chance you might die.
ks: thats right! you reacted properly this time.
da: i have to hang up. i cant talk long because im afraid of what others will think
ks: call me later
da: okay
ks: why arent you hanging up
da: you dont like that. hang up first
ks: i dont want to
da: why not. i really have to go back outside.
ks: if i dont hang up, are you really not going to hang up?
da: *sigh* i lost. (hangs up)
ks looks at phone.
ks: and i was thinking she was matching my mood.
to ssahdaegi: am i funny ? yeah im in the palm of her hand. ok?! htis ssahdaegi

ms: i told you we can eat whatever
ty: how can i let someone working hard to eat whatever
ms: you say i dont like “jahgi” and yet youre more considerate and loving.
ty: i said to not say jahgi!
ms’ mom comes in
ms” mom!
ty stands up
ty: mom?!

ms mom: what kind of girl uses that kind of language. who are you?
ty: hello
ms mom: who are you to be in a place where a woman lives alone
ms: what are you doing here mom
mom: what do you mean. why do you think im here. you dont pick up your phone, if i call the station they say youre out.. i came to see if youre dead or alive. but really, who are you?

ms mom: is this the person youre dating? why are you quiet?
ms: he just someone.. ok yes we’re datin
mom hits her: this is why i get upset with you! youre living here with someone and you dont even tell us?
ms: living together?! who’s living together?!
ms mom: well i come here and he’s making food.. who are you trying to fool
ms: thats not it
ms mom: you..
ty: yes
ms mom: name?
ty: oh im sorry, the introduction is late. my name is ha tae young.
ms mom: ah youre a ha last name. so when are you planning to get married?
ty: uh.. we’re not at that stage yet
ms mom: seeing you guys react the same makes you seem like youre meant to be
ty: no were really not that kind of relationship yet
ms mom: do you work?
ty: yes of course
ms mom: then can i have a business card?
ty: oh yes..
hands her business card
ms mom : youre the head of your department?
ty: yes
ms mom: is the company large?
ty: oh well..
ms: why? why are you asking?
ms mom: im the most curious about that.
ms kicks ty out
ms mom: hey i want to see him more!
ty: goodbye!
ms: bye! .. MOM!

ty outside
ty: haha the mom is quite lively
ty sees brothers car drive up

sy: go in
ja: yes
ty: hyung.. where are you coming from?
sy: you.. ja is saying hello
ty half bows is head lol
ty: our familys crazy and you want to do this?
sy: then what are you doing coming out of there?
ty: are you staying?
sy: go in ja. see you tomorrow
ja: ok.. leave

ty/sy room
ty: what are you really going to do?
sy: about what
ty: to that person who calls you “ahjuhsheeahjuhshee”
sy: you..
ty: what are you going to do with that “woman” who calls you “ahjuhsheeahjuhshee”
sy: have i ever said anything about you dating namalsoon?
ty: are you and i alike? youre the eldest sont
sy: from birth ive only lived as the eldest son. being the eldest son before being a human being is why i got divorced too. do you want me to continue to live like that?
ty: then hyung are you and ja...

granny: may i sit down for a moment
grandpa: sit.
granny: i understand your thoughts about that young man. you once said, you had met a strange young man. he was someone that seemed like a hunter slowly circling its prey. that person was the man that came today right?
grandpa: thats correct
granny: i dont feel like it’ll just be okay to allow someone like that as da’s match. however grandpa.. he’s someone who is helping DA forget jinha. a couple days ago i saw her putting jinha’s picture, and wedding papers into a chest. my heart was relieved because it seemed she was really ready to let him go. if it weren’t for that young man, da would have spent all her life holding onto jinha’s picture
grandpa: will you call da for me?

da (ks phone): i told you im worried what others will think. later when everyone is asleep, i’ll call you. Covered with my blanket.
ks: i dont want to. the nights too long and im bored
da: then why dont you do some work.
ks: dont you think someone who works at home on a sunday is like a workaholic?
da: it wont.. so please (door opens)
hahaha hangs up on ks AGAIN
granny: da..
da: yes grandma
granny: your grandpa is calling you

ks looking at ssahdaegi
ks: this family.. why do they never sleep, and always bother your owner?

grandpa: da..
da: yes grandfather
grandfather: your parents and i don’t feel the confidence that that young man is the right person for you. so im asking.. what will you do if we oppose?answer..
da: grandfather..
grandpa: yes, talk
da: i have never disobeyed the family from when i was little
grandpa: i know that
da: because elders are older, their thoughts must be deeper, and ive lived always following what you requested.
grandpa: then will you follow our wishes this time as well
da: im sorry grandpa. if you dont approve, there wont be a situation where we get married on our own. i dont have that kind of courage. but i’ll wait.. until you approve
grandpa: do you have some kind of certainty that it has to be that young man
da: yes.. if it’s not him, i know for certain it cannot be anyone else.
grandpa: okay..go rest

da room
sees texts
ks(text) do people in that family never sleep?
ks(text) so bored my bodys all tortured
ks(text)are you ignoring my texts
ks(text)what are you doing
ks(text) im going to call you!

da calls ks
da: you have a diesease right?
ks: they say love is a mental disease.
da: how is it that an impatient person like yourself lived without dating.
ks: they say those that learn something later, are those that become more crazed about it. go under your covers. im going to really start talking.

late at night
da and ks fell asleep on the phone... haha sooo cute
ks wakes up and looks at the clock
ks: hey..hello
da: yes?
ks: you were sleeping right?
da: i think you were sleeping too
ks: we suceeded!
da: what?
ks: falling asleep on the phone together.. we did it! aren’t we praiseworthy?
da: yes.. were praiseworthy..

at company
ks’ assistant comes in
assistant: it’s elder ha’s call
ks: what line?
assistant: 1
ks: yes grandfather

da’s house

grandpa to da’s dad: its not that i dont know your hearts as parents. however i have decided in this matter, the two individuals opinions is the most important.
grandaunt: wow~ our brother is really weak to da. *gets stared down* ok, ill keep my mouth shut
grandpa: thats why, ive decided to say this in front of everyone. young man..
ks: please call me by name
grandpa: i cant do that yet.. you should know you guys have many obstacles ahead of you. that is why i have come to the decision, that once you receive the approval of your parents, we too will then give our full-hearted approval.

da dad/yi/ty
ty: whats with grandpa? is he being like this because this is the girl’s side?why does our approval have to be dependent on ks’s family’s approval?
dad: it looks like he wants to do things in proper oder
ty: how is that the right order? letting da marry a guy like him..
yi: even if we may not approve, it looks like da’s thoughts are more important.
ty: its because da is too innocent. she doesnt know the world, or men..
yi: what can we do . grandpa said so.. who can disagree
ty: we cant really let da get married into a family like that
yi: do wereally have to let da go into a family like that
dad: if the other side approves we have to.. my father is coming out like this..
yi: im sure they’ll approve.. do you think he wouldve come without their approval. and also, if its someone like da, they should be the ones who are thankful.

ks: i wont make you stay up tonight. you cant let your face look tired tomorrow.
da: do i have to meet the tomorrow?
ks: are you scared? don’t be.. you know my parents like you.
da: but.. they might get shocked when they hear i was married.
ks: they actually already know
da: did you tell them?
ks: my mom heard it coincidentally in a gathering.
da looks worried
ks: why do you look so worried.
da: go..
ks: ill just send a text when i get home, so dont call and just go to bed.
da: ok

da in room, granny comes in
granny: why arent you sleeping yet?
da: im not sleepy yet..
granny: when are you going to meet the parents?
da: tomorrow
granny: our da finally met someone and is going to get married
da: im a little scared grandma
granny: why are you worried? youre going to live so well.. have children, and live so wonderfully..

ks home
ks mom: your necktie is crooked
ks dad fixes it
soonjin comes out.
ks mom: why are you coming out
soonjin: she’s going to family so i should see her too
ks mom: stop stepping out of place, and go back into your room.
soonjin: what do you mean!
ks dad: yeah soonjin.. can you excuse us
soonjin gets upset and goes

door rings
ks mom: should i have done my hair differntly?
ks dad: it looks fine
ks mom: do you think my clothes are too plain?
ks dad: i said its fine. i wonder why im so nervous.
ks mom: what if she really is from an impressive family, and we get embarased?
ks dad: well seeing ks bringing her, it means the other side alreay said yes.

ks holds da’s hand and brings her in front of them..

ks’s dad is about to say hello and sees da..

ks dad: oh.. what are you doing here professor ha?
ks: dad.. mom.. this is the person im going to marry.

-the end


[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-2-1 07:30 编辑 ]
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