


楼主: viva1124

【2008SBS】【家门的荣光】家门的荣光 荣光的家门 楼内诸君 与有荣焉~~~~^^









发表于 2009-2-2 01:55 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 laura1997 于 2009-2-2 01:35 发表

ps: 希望不会影响视力。。。(担心中。。)



[ 本帖最后由 天翻地覆 于 2009-2-2 02:36 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-2 02:09 | 显示全部楼层







天堂里再没有悲伤 请一定快乐
这世界 你曾来过 你曾经给予的温暖与贴心








发表于 2009-2-2 02:16 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-2-2 02:19 | 显示全部楼层










天堂里再没有悲伤 请一定快乐
这世界 你曾来过 你曾经给予的温暖与贴心








发表于 2009-2-2 02:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 laura1997 于 2009-2-2 01:35 发表
Park Shi-hoo injured on the job
February 1st, 2009 // by javabeans

Park Shi-hoo, currently acting in the SBS weekend drama Family Honor, was injured on the job on Febru ...









发表于 2009-2-2 02:34 | 显示全部楼层
希望電視台不要硬要正常播出而修改劇情或刪減戲份 ~~ 能維持質量最重要滴

男女主角的戲份到這階段可是很重要滴~~千萬不能刪江石戲份阿 ~~
尤其是偶們期待的粉紅不能少阿 ~~
要完美的粉紅 ~~ 朴GG一定要養好再出來阿 ~~ 贊成停播








发表于 2009-2-2 02:57 | 显示全部楼层
家門的榮光 E34 Ental avi

FTP 下載連結

(有效期到: Monday, 9 February, 2009 2:43)

Foxmail 下載連結

Family Honour.E34.090201.HDTV.XViD.Ental.avi(666.14M) [下載]

(有效期到: Monday, 9 February, 2009 2:43)



[ 本帖最后由 Kit09 于 2009-2-2 07:46 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-2 03:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 crystal_chenyu 于 2009-2-2 01:43 发表


P.S 朴GG的伤MS会影响拍摄,下星期该不会要停播吧?我现在最怕的不是中字出得慢,而是韩国时不时的搞停播这种事~~

演員是公眾人物 如此被攻擊

最近追很兇的 花樣也是


[ 本帖最后由 wormman 于 2009-2-2 03:23 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-2 04:40 | 显示全部楼层
ep 34/by sandybabe

ksdad: what brings you here professor ha?
ks: dad.. mom.. this is the woman im going to marry
ks mom sits
ks mom: hon.. what is ks saying right now
ks dad:you.. what are you doing?
ks: sit down and talk dad. and accept her greeting.
ks dad: you.. receive what greeting?!
ks: dad... please listen to what i have to say
ks dad: listen to what. i have nothing to listen to, so professor ha, just leave.
ks: dad.. why are you like this?
ks mom: professor ha.. how dare you come to our house, saying youre going to marry out ks?
ks: mother.. what do you mean how dare she?
ks mom: then what? how can she possibly come here with her terrible past and say she wants to marry you? professor ha,arent you being shameless? our ks is a bachelor with nothing to lose. so do you think a marriage between you and our son is possible?
ks: i held onto her. i held onto her and begged her to marry me
*slap fromdad*
ks dad: you’re crazy! so..so that’s what it was. i wondered why unlike you,you let business get this way. so what? because of a mere woman, you stop what you were doing? after all that, are you still my son?!
ks: dad.. i didn’t let things get that way because of that, but because i wanted to live like a person. i was sick of doing deeds like that to other people. because i was sick of living like a crazed hunter. if it were this woman, i thought i would be able to live rightly, so i held onto her and begged her..
*slap 2*
ks dad: you foolish.. you might as well spit on your own fathers face!
ks mom: do you see this professor ha? my husband and ks have never had any altercations like this. but look how as soon this marriage talk came up, how things turned this way
ks: mother.. please calm down and listen to me
ks mom: i have nothing to listen to. even if im dead, i dont want a daughter-in-law like that. how can i accept a daughter-in-law that has the fate of ruining her man’s life?
da: im sorry. ill leave for today
da leaves
ks: how can you two do this. how can you make someone feel so wretched and pitiful?
ks leaves
ksmom: you! come back here!
ks dad: that.. that boy is not in his right mind!
ks mom: what do we do hon? our ks seems really tied up by her.

ks catches up with da and hugs her
ks: im sorry. im sorry. im really so sorry. who am i to allow you to endure such cruel mistreatment.

ks mom/dad
ksdad: stop crying! what are you crying about.
ks mom: its because i dont believe it. because i cant believe our ks is acting this way over a girl like that.
ks dad: that guys may be acting this way right now, but he will get back to him right mind soon. our ks can never disobey/leave us.
ks mom: our ks has never been like this before. what if he chooses her over us.
ks dad: then we’ll just disown him as our son
ks mom: but you know what kind of son ks is to us..
ks dad: i said stop crying

da/ks office
ks: no one’s around, so you can cry. you’ve been through something that qualifies for you to cry out loud.
da: no. i dont want to cry. then you will be more sorry to me.
ks: why are you worrying about me right now. its only natural that i feel extremely sorry, so just cry.
da: this is just the beginning. what will i do if i cry out loud from the start . im sure we’ll have to endure a lot more. later on..really later on when it’s too hard to endure, i’ll not think of how you might feel, and cry as much as i want
ks: to be honest i didnt think they would be so extreme. i thought they would be a little shocked, but i thought because youre the person i brought, they would still maintain courteous.
da leans on ks

yi : can you prepare tea for grandpa?
granny: yes
worker: da must not only be there to say hello, but eating dinner as well. seeing as she’s not home yet. do you think she might bring home a wedding date right away?
granny: do you think she will bring home a wedding date right away like that? theyre probably just asking her this and that because theyre curious about the woman their son brought home.
yi: i hope thats it. ks’ mother is a person who says things without thinking, so im a little worried
granny: what kind of things..
yi: there’s just some things

yi brings tea
yi: you were in this room too hon.
dad: oh..yeah
yi: do you want some tea as well?
dad: no im ok
yi: da’s a little late.
grandpa: i know
dad: are you worried father?
grandpa: im sure she’ll do well, but my heart doesnt feel at ease
yi: i sort of wish da wouldnt say that. that she was married before. that mother seemed kind of simple-minded, and im worried that might be a problem. i know mr. lee knows, so if da doesn’t say anything, won’t they able to just move past that?
grandpa: da is not the type of child that will hide that from elders and get married
yi: thats why im more worried father. you said our approval is dependent on that familys, and im worried that will things very hard for da.

ty: you dont think they’ll disapprove do you? honestly someone like da is rare, so why would they disapprove. they should be thankful that this day and age theres a daughter-in-law like her.
sy: i thought you were against da marrying mr.lee
ty: that’s that too, but im just worried if they dont like her she’ll be more hurt
sy: you really change your mind a lot
ty:i dont know i dont know! although i dont want da to marry him, i still get mad worrying if they wont like her, so my mind keeps changing. hyung..
sy: what
ty: do we really have to let da marry into a family like that?
sy: grandpa already made his decision
ty: what if our da struggles becoming a daughter-in-law of a family like that. im sure there are so many differences between the families.

da: i must have been naive. even thinking that if this was the cruel fate the heavens had granted me, that i would just get revenge by just living .. even thinking i would get revenge by just living, if i had really thought that way, it wouldve only made sense that elders would feel that way. even though i myself had trouble believing my unfortunate past, hearing them saying i was a woman to ruin her man’s fate, i felt like i was being hit over the head.
ks: my mother is very blunt with her words. so dont etch those words in your heart
da: i think i might have been more afraid than anyone to face my fate. i think the pride i had to just get revenge by living, was in order to try and avoid my fate. that was my way of dealing..
ks: that was just an accident. just think that you had a bad streak of luck
da: thats why i dont want to feel like it was unfair. as much as it was too much for myself to handle, it mustve been a lot for them. that they must feel just as afraid.
ks: just feel like its unfair, just get angry. just think you were trying to make a person out of that horrible person, and don’t understand why they are giving you a hard time about your past.
da: i want to think of it as punishment for wanting time to pass and for me to become a grandma quickly. you said that to me.. why didnt i consider myself valuable. that accident you say was just bad luck, i think perhaps i thought like the elders that i had a cruel/illfated life. i think i might have tried to consider myself outside of this world for that reason. but since you brought me back to this world, im going to endure things i need to endure. aren’t you assured that i can endure things well?
ks: all the hardships youre enduring, ill repay you one by one as time goes by

outside da house
da: dont go home and argue with your parents too much
ks: i’ll take care of it
da: only time can figure these things out. so just wait until their hearts are calmed down. if we wait patiently, their hearts will slowly open
ks: your family doesnt like me as is. im worried they might withdraw their approval if they find out what happened
da: ill take care of that. go..
ks hugs da
ks: im sorry i cant be a strong windbreaker for you
da: with this scarf alone, i can probably weather any storm,so dont worry

granny: youre coming home now
da: yes
granny: did you do well?
da: yes

yi: how was it
da: i just said hello
ty: thats it
da: then what else is there when i just went to say hello
yi: what did his parents say?
granny: grandpa is in great grandpas room. say hello
da: yes

da: im back grandfather
grandpa: sit
yi: may i come in too?
grandpa: come in
grandpa: what did they say
yi: why, were they unpleasant
da: i think they were a bit shocked. because they had no idea we were dating, and because of the situation with the companies
yi: did you... tell them about having been married?
da: i told them.. its not something that should be hidden
yi: why did you...
grandpa: you did the right thing. that’s not something to hide. they were suprised right?
da: yes
yi: did that mother not say anything to that
da: well first they were just shocked, so they didnt say much. they said they needed to think
grandpa: ok.. go rest

yi: it doesnt looks like things went well
dad: well we didn’t like ks right away either, so they could be the same
yi: why didnt she say later. she mustve told them she was married before
dad: i knew that child would do that
yi: you dont think it would be a problem do you? its not like they got divorced.
dad: who knows what they’ll think

hj gets home and freeloading annoying cousin grabs her
soonjin: heyhey your house is chaos right now. the person your brother brought, i heard something like she’s someone to devour her mate whole or something
hj: what are you saying
soonjin: aunt and uncle were yelling and screaming. i dont think your brother can marry that woman..

ks gets home
ks dad: sit
ks mom: since when? when have you been dating since?
ks dad: what difference does that make, when they started dating
ksmom: how could you hide that from us like that
ks dad: theres not a lot to say. end things.
ks: dad...
ks dad: even if your mother and i died and awoke again, we’ll never approve. so end things now
ks: i cant do that
ksmom: ks...
ks: i love that woman more. it was hard to gt her to agree, and to bring her here. so please change your minds
ks dad: snap out of it! to a man, a woman isn’t that important. especially a woman like her, she can’t be of any help to you. a woman is someone who should quietly attend to her home. isnt the reason you were unable to do the things your father wanted because of her
ks: i dont want to da. ive never once thought i didnt want to do that work. i thought that was the fate i was born into. but i really dont want to do it anymore
ks dad: see! she’s a woman that made you think that way. she’s the one that made you think living in power and sucess is insuficient. im never going to let someone like her be next to us.
ks: im going to get married. with that woman
ks mom: do you want to see us die?! do you want to see your mom and dad die? even when i heard her story, i was trembling with shock, and to bring that into our home? even if i die, i cant allow a woman like that into our home. a widow that didn’t even make it to the first night together. do you even know what that is?

hj and soonjin
soonjin: what does she mean the fate of a widow who didnt even have a first night together?

ksmom: that is the fate of a woman who will devour/ruin her husband.
ks: those are all superstitions mom. it was just an accident
ks mom: superstition or not, i dont want it. even if its just a line in the lineage, i cant accept it. even if it was just a divorcee, i wouldve disapproved, but to bring in that kind of widow into the family.
ks: that doesnt matter to me. she’s the woman i love and want to marry.
ks dad: if you keep coming out this way, im not going to sit back either. even if i have to combine powers with jung man jil( the other man who wanted to overtake the ha company), ill make that family collapse.
ks: dad
ks dad: thats why think about what youre doing. if you want to see the family of the woman you love destroyed, than do what you want
ks: why are you acting like this? don’t you know if you hold hands with jungsahngi, your dreams will be dissolved too
ks dad: if a woman like that comes into our home, my dream disappears anyways. theres nothing more i want to say. go upstairs

ks goes up
soonjin: how did you end up with some weird person like..
ks: go downstairs
soonjin: but shes a widow
ks: i said go downstairs!

hj grabs ks:
hj: what are they saying oppa?
ks: you shouldve heard everything
hj: did something like that really happen to unni? what are you going to do. you can’t disobey dad.
ks: this time is different. im going to marry that woman
hj: it’s going to be so hard for you and unni..
ks: kiddo.. youve grown a lot. worrying for your brother..
hj: oppa, dont let go of her.. no matter how hard it gets
ks: i wont

ks(text) came in and diligently talked with my parents. im a little tired, so i think im going to rest without talking on the phone.
da(text) dont rush. dont forget that as hard as it is for us, it is for them as well. sleepwell

ks calls her
da: i thought you were just going to sleep..
ks: i couldnt, i needed to say this.. i love you. that’s it.. sleep.
da: i love you. and thank you.. for finding me in this world. for finding me, and recognizing me...

at company
yi: that was quicker than expected
sy: an announcement came up under leechungkap’s name. that theyre no longer trying to take over, but requesting support from stockholders for a co-ownership merger
dad: we were just looking at it
ty: doesnt that mean they approved? since this is posted as soon as da went to say formally say hello, isnt this saying we are one family now?
yi: wouldnt it be more of figuring things out with the company first?
dad pages for ks

ks comes in
dad: sit mr. lee. we saw the announcement. because your father made a quick decision, it looks like the company is safe. aside from the personal side, im thanking you as a business colleague.
ks: please speak informally to me father (like inpolite form of korean used to younger people)
dad: im sure a time will come for that. anyways, now that we’re merging, i think your father and your positions should change
ks: what do you mean?
dad: your family has more stocks, so i think you father should take the position of c.e.o, and you should take the position of general manager.
ks: no, my father doesnt wouldnt want that. and i would like to stay in my current position to support you and hyungneen (what he would call da’solder brothers when married)
dad: im thankful for that heart, but isnt that the right thing to do
ks: its what i want father..

sy: its a relief that the company seems to be safe.
ks: talk comfortably to me (casual form of korean)
sy: that will probably take me a while
ty: my dad and brother may be thankful for whats going on, but my thoughts havent changed about you and your father, so im not too thankful.
ks: i am thinking over my errors
ty: as for me i dont have the certainty yet that youre right for da, so for the time being im still going to be rude to you.
ks: im prepared for that, hyungneem

sy: he looks like hes trying to change for da, so dont be too hard on him
ty: even if i were hard that jerk, would that even add up to how he’s been to us?
sy: and fix calling him this jerk and that jerk
ty: once things settle, is our da going to get married right away
sy: seeing as how quickly mr lee is taking care of things, dont you think thats what will happen?
ty: *sigh* if da gets married, how am i going to live because id be so lonely
sy: you would be bored because there would be no one to take your childishness

ms mom in company to cleaning lady
ms mom: so youre saying ha tae young is this company’s ceo’s grandchild?
cleaning lady: yes...
ms mom: then he’s no different from an owner of the company
cleaning lady: but why are you asking thoese things?
ms mom: nothing..

ty: what brings you here
ms mom: oh i was in the area, and wanted to see your face
ty: would you like to get some tea somewhere?
ms mom: nono, youre busy, no need for that.. i was just curious what kind of relationship you were with ms, and wanted to ask you face to face. youre getting married right?
ty: .. we’re not at that stage yet..
ms mom: what? but you were at her home, and making food..and saying youre not sure if youre going to marry her? thats a robber’s attitude
ty: what?
ms mom: if that’s not a robber’s attitude, then what is it. youre getting married right?
ty: uh.. im someone that has a lot of problems
ms mom: what sort of problems?
ty: uh.. ill tell you somewhere quiet
ms mom: okok,lets go

msmom: divorced? and have a child?
ty: yes. ms’s an innocent person, and i think it’s greedy of me to ask someone like that to marry me
ms mom: even if it may be a problem,in this day and age, if the two people are okay with it, shouldnt it be ok?
ty looks shocked
ms mom: im not old-fashioned.. and besides if ms says she likes you thats enough. ok, then youre getting married..
ty: um, i think thats not something that should be decided so quickly.
ms mom: im the type of person who doesnt look back once deciding something. so speaking of which.. its only a matter of time before you become my son in law,so i wanted to discuss some family members..
ty: what?
ms mom: youre a head of a department?
ty: yes..
ms mom: ms has a younger sister, and her husband just recently quit his job. so i wanted to ask you if theres a place in the company for him..

ja: what are you thinking about?
sy: i was thinking about you
ja: no way...
sy: really
ja: whats going on with you?
sy: what?
ja: those words are so unlike you
sy: i told you im tired of being like me. im in the process of thinking how i can live differently.

yi walks up
yi: can we talk a moment?
yi: i have a friend who has a small business. i was thinking maybe ja could work there.
sy: why are you thinking that
yi: if you keep bumping into her at work, it might be harder for you to end things. its not a large office, but it’ll be better than working here.
sy: mother.. i dont want to end things with ja
yi:sy..what are you thinking?

hj thinking at cafe
hg: what are you thinking so hard about that you dont even notice someone coming in.
hj: nothing
hg: is it hard getting treatments?
hj: huh?
hg: isnt today your hospital day?
hj: oh..
hg: you didnt go
hj:i forgot
hg: you shouldnt forget things like that. you should go
hj: the time already passed. i can go next week.
hg: pay attention to your treatment appointments.
hj: i will. im going to stop by school realquick.
hg: why school?
hj: just..
hg: ok..

at museum
hj: unni...
da:oh, youre here hj. did you have something to say to me? what is it?
hj: im sorry. about my mom and dad...
da: you found out too. what are you sorry about?
hj: its because theyrepeople with high expectations of my brother. its not because theyre bad people
da: i know.. is your brother having a hard time
hj: unni..
da: yes?
hj: no matter how hard it gets, don’t break up with my brother. don’t ever break up.. otherwise my brother has to go back to living the sameway as before.
da: even if your brother suggests breaking up,now i wont. i didnt tell your bother because he might become arrogant, but to tell you the truth i like your brother a lot more than he likes me. you know your brother always walks around with his head up high right? if he knew,he’d be even more so, so let’s just keep that as a secret between us two.
KS walks in
ks: what can we do? i already heard..
da: what should we do. it looks like your brother is going to be even more arrogrant.
hj: its a problem.. if you say that, he’ll probably not fear anything and be completely stuck-up
da: i know...
ks: hey you.. you and i are blood-related. dont you think youre leaning more towards her side?
hj: its revenge
ks: what?
hj: revenge for always being in the shadow of a splendid son. unni i hope you guys get married soon. that way i can make more fun of him.
ks: hey, im just born perfect
hj: see..i told you. he needs help
da: ive told him that before too
ks: what is this. teaming up..
hj: im leaving unni
hj leaves
ks: shes someone who rarely says a word. she must be comfortable with you. for her to say that..
da: do you know? to us, hj is the reason. if she hadn’t gotten sick and gone to the hospital, we probably wouldn’t be where we are now. we could have just passed each other by after i hit your face those 3 times. thats why i think.. nothing happens in this world without reason. thats why i think everything we’re going through has a reason. im sure these things are to help us cherish and appreciate each other more.

da: i need to go home before sunset
ks: dont you think too much of what your family thinks. unless you have a disease, needing to always act like a prim/proper lady
da: its a good thing.. we as disease patients of mental problems can help each other get better
ks: it makes me nervous. if i met my soulmate, or my arch enemy
da: do you know that’s why my head hurts? having to think of comeback after comeback so i don’t lose gives me a headache.
ks: let’s eat medicine after dinner. you can’t eat medicine on an empty stomach.

rubberlips: wow.. this scene is really something. a great-great grandson preparing the funeral table by himself.its a great scene
granny: wont people think its bad? having a young child preparethis when there’s many other family members?
grandaunt: no,this is more realistic. the son is out visiting a sick elder,all the other adults are at work, and this young one preparing the table himself. isnt that wonderful?
dd: um..
grandaunt: yeah dd?
dd: arent you guys being too noisy? we need to be devoted. (he says jyung gyun)
rubberlips: dont you mean kyung-gun?
dd: please don’t air that.. you cant let other think that family’s grandson is ill-eduacated

dad: thats good enough. lets leave
sy: ty and i are going to look things over once more
dad:ok, do that
sy: yes go first
dad: work hard

ty:should we call ks too?
sy: he probably already left
ty: exactly.. he’s probably on a date. so let’s ruin their mood
sy:youre not even a sister-in-law,so why are you acting like one?
ty: he’s stealing our da away, so we need to draw a clear line
sy: from someone who kept sayin you dont like him, it seems you aready are on his side
ty: i change my mind a lot by nature. hyung, when things settle down, don’t you think someone needs to take over director kim’s empty spot once he leaves.
sy: why, is there someone you had in mind?

ms: what are you talking about aunt? married? did my mom go there? what?! a rich husband? aunt.. im kind of busy so i have to go.
hangs up phone
ms: im going crazy becasue of my mom!
ja: whats wrong?
ms: my mom went to my aunt/uncles house and gossiped that im marrying a rich man. how do i stop my mom?! what does she mean rich husband!
ja: um... before..you mom came to the company before
ms: what?
ja: i think she went to talk to mister ha
ms: im going to go crazy!
ms mom comes in
ms mom: wow the roads are so jammed.. that must be why its so hard to live here
ms: MOM! what are you doing?!

ms mom: well he’s going to be family soon, so how nice wont it be for him to helpyour hard-working sister too. it’s not like theyre lacking skill, and besides how hard is it to make aspot when he’s the ceo’s grandson..
ms: why are you like this. why are you making me so pathetic?
ms mom: what do you mean pathetic. if you like each other..
ms: leave me alone!
msmom: when did i not leave you alone
ms: go home!
msmom: youre getting married soon so why would i go home?
ms: im not getting married so go home!

ms: go home
msmom: what did i even do wrong!?
ms pushes her mom into a taxi togo home

ks: i took care of business matters today. i made the announcement that instead of taking over, we’re going to merger companies
da: is your father okay with that?
ks:my dad doesnt know yet
da: ks..
ks: if i didnt do that, i thought things would become more complicated. so i took care of things on my own
da: what are you going to do
ks: that’s how ive done things in the past. i need to aggressively push something if i dont want it to become twisted
da: youre saying youre going up against your father right now
ks: if i have to i have to
da: if he finds out you did this on your own, he might be even more enraged
ks: this is still the best way. i cant let the company go into the wrong hands because of my dads anger. if something goes wrong, i wont be able to face your family. i cant let that happen... dont have that worried expression, and tell me im trustworthy. just as i trust you..
da: im sorry you have to handle so much on your own
ks: i said dont be sorry, and think of me as trustable
da: youre trustworthy

hj drives home with hg
hg: 2 and a half hours. wow.. youve cut your time in half
hj: its because youre coaching me well
soonjin walks up
soonjin: hj..
hj: unni..
soonjin: youre something too. the family is in chaos right now, and you bring home your bf.
hj: thats not it unni
soonjin: thats why they say all people are two-sided. your brother is making your parents go crazy because hes saying he’sgoing to marry a widow, and you just mind your own business
hj: go inside unni. leave
soonjin: you didnt bring him to introduce him?
hj: no, please just be quiet.
soonjin: uncles just been drinking all day. do you know how tense it is at home?

hg walks away ( this is actually kind of sad)

ks drive da home
ks: i really dont want to do this!
da: what?
ks: driving you home everyday. people must get married because they dont want to do this. do you know why im rushing things? its so i can keep you by my side, and finally pay attention to work. im only thinking where is this woman? should i go to the musuem?..is this something a man should be doing?

sy/ty car pulls up
ks: are you coming home now?
ty: life is quite unfair huh? we’re working hard, and meanwhile you are out on a date.
ks: please be easy on me. its because im so consumed by your younger sister, and dont have the right mind.
ty: lks.. want to go for a drink.
ks: sure
ty: da you go in.. we men need to have a talk
ks: i like having her by my side hyungneem
ty: i want to talk about (what you call those bar girls). do you want da to be there?

ty: i really dont like you. i dont like that from when we went to that bar (with the families for business) and saw you singing,with girls clinging..
ks: from what i remember i think i saw you kissing one of those girls
ty: see, see, this is why i dont like him. ivelived however i want, but youre different. youre the guy(nom) who wants to marry our da.
sy: stop calling him nom
ty: then what?! is that guy a nyun?( female version)
ks: its okay. ive heard him call me a dog, its not important
ty: see, i dont like it when you act up like that
ks: ill keep my mouth shut
ty: you know what kind of person da is right?
ty: why arent you saying anything? do you not know what kind of girl she is?
ks:i was going to keep my mouth shut
ty: this guy.. he’s still acting up isnt he? our da.. is different from girls these days. she’s classy, upright, a deep thinker...there’s no one elselike her
ks: i know that. thats why i clung onto her like a life or death matter
ty: you clung to her like a life/death matter?
ks: you should know your sister’s stubborness. i thought i was going to go crazy
ty: that’s good to hear. hey ks..
ks: yes!
ty: you look like someone who’s played around a bit
ks: i havent done so
ty: i saw how you were at the bar!
ks: that was just to match the mood
ty: do you want to keep talking back?!
ks: ill shut my mouth again
ty: if you marry da...you can never do that again. im saying even if its for business or not, you cant sit in places like that and drink with girls like that. im saying live as someone that matches da. do you understand what imsaying?
ks: yes! ill remember that
ty: if you make da cry, youre leaving this world that day! im someone who does what he says.
ks: yes
ty: hyung, dont you have anything to say?
sy: because both families have not yet approved completely, i wont talk informally to you yet.
ty: seeing the company like that, isnt it obvious?
sy: mr lee..
ks: you can treat me like your brother
sy: once ty gives his attachment, its done with.. but im someone who has a hard time getting to that point. when you marry da, im sure things will become more comfortable, but thats not so easy yet.
ty: *sigh*.. the unavoidable signs of a model student
sy: da.. is someone with a lot of hurt. because she’s never been able to cry when she’s hurting, to us she’s a even more precious and heartbreaking sister.
ty: you probably don’t know what kind of sister that kid is to us..
sy: i wont ask for anything else. that child has always grown up saying only what she had to say. thats why she must have a lot of things in her heart that she’s been unable to say. i hope you can become someone who can understand even those unspoken things in her heart. thats all i ask.

sy: go home first
ty:where are you going
sy: go in
ty: are you going to meet her at this hour?
sy: yeah..
ty: hyung..
sy: our da is trying to live differently..i want to try that too

ty comes into da’s room
da: did you drink a lot
ty: why, are you worried we drank a lot and beat that guy up?
da: yes
ty: da..
da: what?
ty: do you really want to be with him? really?
da: yes
ty: okay then. although he’s done bad things, and looked bad in our eyes, since you say you love him, im going to like him from now on.
da: thanks oppa
ty: da.. da..
da: yes
ty: please live well. receive a lot of love from him, and live well

sy: i had acouple drinks
sy: i need to say this with a sober mind, but i thought i wouldnt have the courage so i just came when i wanted to say these words. my younger sister is someone who lived her life never doing anything she wanted. seeing that child getting the courage to be with someone so different than her, gave me courage too. ja.. im older than you, ive been married, and i have the burden of being an elder son.. so im sorry to ask you to come into my life, but i will. would you marry me?

sy and ja walk home
ja: ahjuhshee.. i thought i would never hear that. i didnt think you would be able to say those words. im a lot younger, i have no parents or siblings, i dont have anything, or anything well-learned, but i want to go in.. into your life. i want to get married, with you.
sy hugs ja

ks home
ksmom:stop drinking! you havent eaten anything, and have only been drinking all day
ks: im back
ks mom: stop your dad. i dont know how many bottles this hasbeen.
ks: please stop
ks dad: let go! the son that i trusted more than anything is saying we’vebeen living wrong.. how can i possibly swallow food right now?
ks: dad.. we can live differenly too. we can live like people too
ks mom: whats wrong with you? then are you saying we havent lived like people,that we’ve lived like animals til now?
ks: just as ive changed..if you accept her as your daughter-in-law, you can live in life in a less stifling way
ks mom: stifling? how did we ever live like that?
ks: im saying we can live without others coming to yell at us if we’re people, that we’re people that only know money
ks dad: that’s why i dont like that professor ha so much. you.. were a son that said you would help me avenge all my grudges. you were a son that said i was living right.. when i was thinking if it was my fault hj was like that. what did you say then?
ks: i tried to live according to your wishes.even knowing i was wronging her, i tried to clench my teeth and just go. but i can’t. i cant
ks dad: do you want to trade me and that woman?
ks: dad..
ks dad: are you going to sever ties with your own father over a mere woman?
ks mom: what are you saying! how can you sever ties between a child and parent?
ks dad: thats why this kid is trying to do right now!
ks mom: ks.. please say youre wrong. just say you’ll give her up. what are you going to do if something happens to your dad?
ks: why are you thinking so extremely? shes the woman i love. she’s someone precious who grew up in a good home. if it weren’t for the failure of her first marriage, she would be someone i don’t even deserve. can’t you just accept her as the person your son loves?
ks mom: there’s a limit to what can be acceptable. can’t you see by the trouble she’s already causing? she’s not someone whos right for our family.
ks: just a little.. cant you open up your mind a little?
ks dad: lets not talk about this any longer. let’s forget everything about the plans to take over the company. resort? i’ll fold my dreams for that too.. just sever all the contributions and investments we put in, and cut all binds with that family. we can just do that and go back toliving the way we’ve been living.
ks: i cant do that dad
ksmom: are you really going to do this? your dad is saying he’ll give everything up, just to sever ties with that family.. are you going to do this?
ks: we can go a path that’s beneficial to both of us.. why are you choosing a harder way?
ks dad: because i dont like it! i dont to have our son taken away by someone like that! that’s the only reason!

ks mom/dad
ks dad: that kid, he can’t do that to me. what kind of son is he to me. is he going to betray me over a girl?

ks mom/ks
ks mom: i dont like that womanbecause of her ill-fate.. but aside from all that, i don’t like her more because she’s making you waver. because that makes your dad’s life unimportant. even if everyone in the world pointed fingers at us, your dad just relied on the fact that you were proud of him as a father, and lived without paying attention to anyone else. so ks.. please back down. dont fight with your dad. if you fight with you dad, he cant live...

da texts: are you sleeping because you drank a lot with my brothers

ks calls her
ks: your younger brother can drink quite a bit. i’m worn out.
da: im sorry.. i mustve called you when you were about to sleep
ks: but i still feel good. since i dont call, you even text me first
da: my younger brother said he’s going to look at you with favor from now
ks: i kissed up a bit
da: you must be tried from all the flattering, so get some rest
ks: good night
da: dream..of me. i know it’s cheesy, but i have nothing else to comfort someone who’s having a hard time
ks: i will. i think i have to hang up because im a bit drunk.
da: ok

da to herself: i know youre struggling. that’s why i should comfort you more.. but im sorry this is the only thing i can do for you..

ks: i dont have any previous appointments right?
assistant: yes
ks:ok, you can leave
ks calls da, ty comes in
ks(phone): are you at school?
da(phone): yes
ty: sign please
ks(phone): ill go to your school at lunchtime, so buy me some soup
ty: why are you bothering someone at school!
ks(phone): your younger oppa made me drink so much yesterday, my insides hurt. for having a strong drinker for a brother, buy me lunch.
ty yells: ill buy it da! ill buy it!
ks to ty: i dont want that. why would i eat with you when i have my lover?
ty: cant stand it.. DA! tell him you need to study and not to come!
ks(phone): ill go at lunchtime
ty: arent you bothering my sister too much?
ks: i bothered her that much to get her to say she would marry me
ty: our da must’ve had to deal with a lot up to now
lee dad comes in
ks: youre here
ks dad smacks sk
dad: You backstab your own father! over a woman!?


[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-2-2 06:01 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-2 06:24 | 显示全部楼层
ep 34/by sandybabe
ksdad: what brings you here professor ha?
ks: dad.. mom.. this is the woman im going to marry
ks mom sits
ks mom: hon.. what is ks saying right now
ks dad:you.. what are you doing?
ks: sit down and talk dad. and accept her greeting.
ks dad: you.. receive what greeting?!
ks: dad... please listen to what i have to say
ks dad: listen to what. i have nothing to listen to, so professor ha, just leave.
ks: dad.. why are you like this?
ks mom: professor ha.. how dare you come to our house, saying youre going to marry out ks?
ks: mother.. what do you mean how dare she?
ks mom: then what? how can she possibly come here with her terrible past and say she wants to marry you? professor ha,arent you being shameless? our ks is a bachelor with nothing to lose. so do you think a marriage between you and our son is possible?
ks: i held onto her. i held onto her and begged her to marry me
*slap fromdad*
ks dad: you’re crazy! so..so that’s what it was. i wondered why unlike you,you let business get this way. so what? because of a mere woman, you stop what you were doing? after all that, are you still my son?!
ks: dad.. i didn’t let things get that way because of that, but because i wanted to live like a person. i was sick of doing deeds like that to other people. because i was sick of living like a crazed hunter. if it were this woman, i thought i would be able to live rightly, so i held onto her and begged her..
*slap 2*
ks dad: you foolish.. you might as well spit on your own fathers face!
ks mom: do you see this professor ha? my husband and ks have never had any altercations like this. but look how as soon this marriage talk came up, how things turned this way
ks: mother.. please calm down and listen to me
ks mom: i have nothing to listen to. even if im dead, i dont want a daughter-in-law like that. how can i accept a daughter-in-law that has the fate of ruining her man’s life?
da: im sorry. ill leave for today
da leaves
ks: how can you two do this. how can you make someone feel so wretched and pitiful?
ks leaves
ksmom: you! come back here!
ks dad: that.. that boy is not in his right mind!
ks mom: what do we do hon? our ks seems really tied up by her.

ks catches up with da and hugs her
ks: im sorry. im sorry. im really so sorry. who am i to allow you to endure such cruel mistreatment.

ks mom/dad
ksdad: stop crying! what are you crying about.
ks mom: its because i dont believe it. because i cant believe our ks is acting this way over a girl like that.
ks dad: that guys may be acting this way right now, but he will get back to him right mind soon. our ks can never disobey/leave us.
ks mom: our ks has never been like this before. what if he chooses her over us.
ks dad: then we’ll just disown him as our son
ks mom: but you know what kind of son ks is to us..
ks dad: i said stop crying

da/ks office
ks: no one’s around, so you can cry. you’ve been through something that qualifies for you to cry out loud.
da: no. i dont want to cry. then you will be more sorry to me.
ks: why are you worrying about me right now. its only natural that i feel extremely sorry, so just cry.
da: this is just the beginning. what will i do if i cry out loud from the start . im sure we’ll have to endure a lot more. later on..really later on when it’s too hard to endure, i’ll not think of how you might feel, and cry as much as i want
ks: to be honest i didnt think they would be so extreme. i thought they would be a little shocked, but i thought because youre the person i brought, they would still maintain courteous.
da leans on ks


[ 本帖最后由 烏雲追風 于 2009-2-2 07:15 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-2-2 06:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pinstine 于 2009-2-2 01:24 发表
而且我是 ...









发表于 2009-2-2 06:56 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-2-2 07:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Kit09 于 2009-2-2 02:57 发表
家門的榮光 E34 Ental avi

FTP 下載連結


Foxmail 下載連結

Family Honour.E34.090201.HDTV.XViD.Ental.avi(666.14M)  [下載]

(有效期到:  ...

thanks, kit for the ftp link, as usual.








发表于 2009-2-2 07:17 | 显示全部楼层
my current concern is PSH's wellbeing. does anyone have anything futher about his situation?








发表于 2009-2-2 07:18 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 烏雲追風 于 2009-2-2 06:24 发表
ep 34/by sandybabe
ksdad: what brings you here professor ha?
ks: dad.. mom.. this is the woman im going to marry
ks mom si ...

i could help out a bit, laura, where are you at now?(don't want to duplicate what you've already done)
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