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“灰姑娘的姐姐” 并不是如童话
"Cinderella" is not quite the fairy tale, says Taecyeon (1)
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk
2010.03.25 23:58
Actress Seo Woo attends a press conference for upcoming KBS TV series "Sister of Cinderella" held at Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on March 24, 2010. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]
Q: You must be quite determined since this is the first drama you're taking on since being discharged from the military.
问: 自部队退伍后的首部作品,你肯定全神投入拍摄
千正明: 在部队时,我曾经对赵寅成说过想拍摄的某一类型的电视剧,而跟灰姑娘的姐姐很相似。所以接到角色时,我就很开心。因为媒体都在报道这是我四年来的首次回归,所以我感觉到压力。目前,我就只专心在演戏
Chun Jung-myung (Chun): While I was in the military, I had mentioned to Zo In-sungthat I would like to take on a certain type of drama and it was similar in certain ways with "Cinderella." So I was happy when I got the part. I do feel pressured because reports have been saying I'm making a comeback for the first time in four years. I'm just focusing on my acting for now.
Q: What was it about "Cinderella" that worked for you?
问 灰姑娘的姐姐有什么地方吸引你
千正明: 其实我想参演出的是电影,但是对赵寅成说也许先拍电视剧会比较好,因为得到的反应比较快。当我决定接拍电视剧时,我考虑很久要选择哪一部作品。我觉得自己还是没有准备好,所以接拍年轻爱情作品会比较好,所以灰姑娘就刚好符合。而且我也很喜欢导演与编剧。与我相熟的演员朋友们如高贤延与赵寅成都演出金编剧的作品。他们说我会很辛苦因为对白都很长,但是也对我说,这是个好机会,我应该感到荣耀能演出金编剧的作品。原本基贤的戏分不多。所以我以为与我演出对手戏的女角色会由新人演出。但是,当我跟编剧谈了越多时,对剧本也做了修改,我的角色也变得更好
Chun: I personally had wanted to do a film but had told Zo that it may be better to do a drama first since the reaction comes faster. After I made up my mind to take on a drama, I thought hard over which I should do. I didn't think I would be ready to take on genres outside youth romance so "Cinderella" worked for me in that aspect too. And more than anything, I liked the producer and scenarist. My close actor friends, such as Ko Hyun-jung and Zo In-sung, had been in dramas by Kim Kyu-wan. They said I'd have a hard time because my lines would be long but they told me it would be great and it would be an honor for me. Gi-hoon wasn't supposed to play such a big part in the drama. That's why I thought a newcomer would play the female role opposite me. But the script got changed the more I talked with the scenarist and my role got better.
Q: What was your first impression of each other Moon Geun-young and Seo Woo, since you two would constantly face each other in the drama?
问: 文根英,徐雨,你们对彼此的第一印象如何? 你们在剧中必须常看到对方
文根英: 我对她很感兴趣因为看了她演出的作品。我很想以影迷的身份跟她见面,因为一直在想 : 怎么有这样的演员” 其实,说老实话,我要跟她一起演出,感到害怕。当我遇见我觉得会比我更加出色的演员时,会感觉害怕,因为我也想演得好。但是在片场跟她见面与聊了很多后,发觉自己有点胡思乱想。我要跟她有默契的一起演出。我很害羞,所以喜欢徐雨这样开朗与热情的性格。我觉得我们合作得很愉快,因为我们这个年纪的演员并不多。
Moon Geung-young (Moon): I did have a lot of interest in her because I had seen the roles she had played. I wanted to meet her as a fan because I had thought, "How could there be an actress like her?" but honestly, I was scared to act with her. There is a fear I feel when I meet an actress who I think may be better than me because I want to be good too. But I realized I had been having silly thoughts after meeting her on set and talking with her a lot. I'm going to have to act in harmony with her anyway. I'm shy so I liked Seo Woo who has a lively and warm personality. I think we're working well together since there aren't many actors our age.
徐雨 : 文根英是大家的国民妹妹而且看起来好年轻。我感觉怪不好意思因为我饰演的是剧中的妹妹。就算初次见面,年 轻的演出比较年长的角色也不会困难,但是我觉得反过来就比较难,所以我叫她当我是比较年轻的。我并不担心因为文根英演戏经验很多。她有特别的魅力,让她完全有能力演出剧中的女主人翁
Seo Woo: Moon is the so-called 'national younger sister' and looks young too but I felt a bit bad because I was playing the younger role in the drama. It's easy for the older person to act the role of the younger person even if you first meet but I thought it would be difficult to do it the other way around so I asked her to treat me as if I was younger. I didn't worry though because Moon has been acting for a long time now. There is a vibe about her which makes her worthy of playing the main character.
Q: You get to wear school uniforms in the drama.
问: 在剧里,你们都要穿校服
文: 我饰演的角色是从初中演出到八年后。以前穿校服并没有什么特别感觉因为已经习惯。但是,这次却很兴奋。毕业了一段时期,所以觉得自己好像长大了
Moon: I portray my character from when she is in tenth grade to eight years later. I didn't feel anything wearing a school uniform in the past because I was used to it but I was excited to get to wear it this time. It's been a while since I've graduated so I thought to myself that I have grown older.
徐雨: 我演出的角色几乎都需要穿校服。但是这次我全力以赴,想着是最后一次穿校服了,因为我觉得观众看到我还在穿校服,也许也会厌倦了。如果明年还要穿,我会觉得不好意思,所以就穿到今年为止
Seo Woo: I've worn a school uniform for almost all the roles I've played so far. I'm doing my very best this time though, thinking that it'll be the last time I wear it because I think even the viewers might cringe at the sight of me still wearing a school uniform. I would feel bad wearing one again next year so I think I'll only do it till this year.
Q: Did you not feel any burden, before shooting the drama, because you were taking on an evil role this time.
问 在拍摄前,有感觉到任何心里负担吗? 因为这次是饰演恶毒的角色
文根英: 我觉得最大的负担就是观众对我的看法。我接了这角色是因为感觉会很好玩,我也没有特别的想法,但是对别人而言,这被看成转变。而且,有些人海说是个非常极端的改变,那时我才觉得压力,现在还觉得,所以我有点担心
Moon: I think I was most burdened by what viewers would think of me. I took on the role thinking that it would be fun and I wasn't expecting anything in particular but to others, this could be considered a change. And some were starting to say it's an extreme change so that's when I started to feel the pressure. I still feel it and I'm worried.
Actor Chun Jung-myung attends a press conference for upcoming KBS TV series "Sister of Cinderella" held at Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on March 24, 2010. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]
Q: But although you say that, there are a lot of actors who consider playing such roles as fun.
问 虽然你是这么说,但是很多演员都觉得演出这类角色是很有意思
文: 我也不确定是不是因为我演出的是恶人,所以很有趣,但是我是觉得很新鲜所以才觉得好玩。我不用正常的交流方式,当我会挥舞拳头时,对自己的对白与表情我也可以很挑剔。所以在表达这个角色时,非常有意思
Moon: I'm not sure if it's fun because I have to be evil but it's fun because it's new. I don't use the normal form of communication -- I can be prickly with my dialogue and reactions while blowing punches so there's a fun I get out of expressing my character.
Q: Seo Woo, in your case, are there any difficulties with having to play the nice character?
问 徐雨,你在演出这么善良的角色时遇到什么困难吗?
Seo Woo: My character Hyo-sun is Cinderella but she's not the Cinderella who gets hated because she's overly nice. She can be quite straightforward and I'm trying to portray her in a way that the viewers will able to empathize with how even someone who is as nice as her could feel the emotions she does. I'm trying to make her into a more humane Cinderella. But at the same time, not stray too far from the original story which has been loved by so many people.
Moon, you're probably the most experienced when it comes to acting. Do you think you're playing a role as having that experience?
问: 文根英,论演戏,也许你是当中最有经验的。你觉得有运用到那些经验,演出这角色吗?
文 : 当你开始演戏时,年龄并不是因素之一。你不能单凭这个人的经验,就评论他是好或差。其实我并不知道我可以怎么帮忙,因为你可以从新人身上学习,也可以从前辈们学习。每个人都有我没有的东西,所以我在学习中,也一直领悟到很多。但是,在TAECYEON面前,我就觉得我装得很有经验。其实,也许是第一次,在剧组中我不是最年轻的一个,所以觉得要那样对待Taecyeon。有时,我会问他为什么迟到了。
Moon: Age isn't really a factor once you start acting. You can't judge whether someone is good or bad from their years of experience. I actually don't know how I've helped because you could learn from a newcomer or a senior actor. Everyone has things that I don't have so I'm learning and realizing a lot. I do think I act like I'm more experienced around Taecyeon though. It's actually probably the first time I'm not the youngest on set so I sometimes feel like giving the treatment to Taecyeon. I ask him why he's late sometimes.
Seo Woo: She does that to me and Chun too. (laugh)
徐雨 : 她对我跟千正明也是那样!(笑)
Q: Does your character Eun-jo change over time?
问 恩朱的性格会有改变吗?
文 : 她有颗冰冷的心,但是很难把她完全归类为恶毒的人。小时候,她很愤世嫉俗,但是长大了就变得比较理性,并且有了觉悟。她不是典型的恶人。在这剧里,很难去分辨哪一个角色是善或恶,所以我觉得这是灰姑娘的姐姐其中的吸引力。
Moon: It would be hard to define her as a villian from start to finish but she's not a warm-hearted person either. She was cynical when she was young but becomes a bit more rational as she matures and makes new realizations. She's not the typical villain though. It's actually quite hard to define which characters are good or bad in the drama overall, so I think that will be the appeal about "Sister of Cinderella."
Reporter : Yoonina, TV Critic
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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