本帖最后由 kaolaxiaoniu 于 2014-4-15 22:47 编辑
by Softy
SJ is told by HW’s assistant that he is going to get a new outfit for his performance from president Han and just to accept it so SJ asks if HW knows. while SJ is being fitted for a tux, president Han tells SJ -I said that you should get double eye lid surgery but Manager Oh was against it. she must like your face.
SJ and HW practice together while Joon watches them. when they are done, she asks Joon – how was that. do you want to hear the finale again. Joon says no it’s ok the way it is. he tells SJ how much improved. Joon asks about the music and HW tells him who will be bringing it. Joon tells SJ – see you tm at rehearsal. HW tells him -see you at home. Joon leaves the practice room
when they are alone, HW hands SJ a handkerchief and says you will need it tm. are you trembling/nervous. SJ says a little. she tells him to go home and rest. he says if I cant do well then I feel like I will die- this is a chance/an opportunity you made for me while going through all the dirty work. she reminds him that is my duty.
next day Joon goes through what SJ has to do on stage and to bow to the audience before he performs. HW watches them from above then leaves.
SJ comes out dressed in his new tux and gets compliments from the others.
HW gets a text. SJ asks where are you. she leaves the office
SJ waits and she arrives. he takes out the handkerchief she gave him and wipes his face. Dami comes in and SJ asks why did you come already. she says how she has to leave soon. she compliments him and takes a photo with him kissing his cheek. he tries to pull away. she doesn’t like his hair and wants to put some wax on it but he doesn’t want to. she feels a little bad thinking of his mother. how she would have brought flowers. HW watches them hug and goes back out. Dami runs out and HW walks away without going in. she goes in and speaks with the recorder.
Dami runs out and sees Jang with that girl Dami bullied. Dami tells her how she is friends with Jang and SJ. Dami tells Jang to come to SJ’s home later. the girl leaves mad at Jang.
SJ gets a text so Joon tells him -you should have turned it off. HW texted: I am somewhere I can see you well the most. SJ smiles reading it.
SJ goes out and bows as the audience applauds. his performance begins. SJ looks over to where HW is in between when there is a lull with the orchestra.
HW gets emotional and walks out remembering what SJ texted: if I get an encore – I will play this cuz of the letter you sent so know that.
YW’s boy toy keeps saying stuff about SJ and doesnt want to go to the after party for the performance even though YW tries to get him to go.
Joon gets compliments for SJ. everyone goes to the after party. her assistant asks about HW and is told she will go there.
HW is laying on her sofa when there is a knock. SJ goes in and sees her. she sits up. HW says I thought I would die cuz I couldn’t breathe. SJ says I kept looking for you. she tells him to sit and says let’s watch it again. she brings over the laptop and they watch his performance. SJ laughs as they hold hands watching the video. They sit together relaxed like a couple, leaning in toward each other. she rests her head on his shoulder.
the negative stuff her boy toy said about SJ makes YW asks the other pianists if SJ is any good. but his visual is nice. she asks if HW is here yet. someone says we are waiting too
SJ and HW sit together on her sofa as Joon goes to her office. he opens the door and goes in but they are gone. He goes to the security office and asks to confirm something.
SJ takes her someplace safe – some storage area that is dark. He opens the curtain and says this is the place where I first saw you. back then you weren’t Oh HW and just one person in the world. someone too far away. it seems like a 100 years passed. he leans in and puts his cheek against hers. she closes the curtain.
Joon searches all over for HW and SJ. SJ kisses her and they almost fall out on stage but manage to keep kissing behind the curtain. Joon opens the door and looks for them. They are still making out when SJ knocks over a coil and it makes noise and Joon hears it.
YW is told to text HW and when she looks at her phone she quickly leaves. the assistant is about to leave to go look for HW, but is told not to.
Joon drops his phone and picks it up. YW texted and told him to hurry and find HW and tell her to go to hannamdong cuz he is being investigated. Joon screams out for HW and says to hurry and go to hannamdong cuz CEO Suh is looking for her. please hurry and go. HW and SJ stop kissing and listens. she starts to cry and SJ tells her I will take care of it on my own and helps her get back up. she leaves first and SJ stays behind.
HW goes to her office and gets her bag and checks her incoming calls. she rushes out, but stops at the door and calmly goes back and looks around then gets in her car and drives over to YW’s dad’s place.
SJ walks up the hill to HW’s home and Dami hides and sees the garage door closing when Joon gets home.
SJ hides outside and looks worried for HW
something bad happened to YW’s dad and says he will stay overnight there (not sure what’s going on here cuz I don’t know the words)
after her dad left, YW tells her step mom to stop acting. this is what you wanted. YW gets dragged out of the room.
president han asks why she couldnt reach HW. HW apologizes and says how she fell asleep in the office. she offers to stay with her but president Han says no you have your personal life.
when HW goes home, Joon asks what happened – did you know I went looking for you. HW: I didnt know. Joon: then how did you know to go there. HW: I saw my phone. she leaves the room. Joon throws his glass and shatters it. she stops but resumes climbing the stairs.
SJ sits on his steps at home looking worried.
next day in the office president Han asks the assistant if HW is dating these days.
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I’m not sure if I can keep up these snippets for much longer – watching the two of them sneaking around and cheating is giving me heart attacks cuz they are pretty reckless and could get caught at any moment.
http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/ ... nippets/#more-41917
밀회.140415.E10.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH.torrent (17.9K)[404]
http://torrentlove.net/bbs/board ... ama&wr_id=19135