


楼主: viva1124

【2008SBS】【家门的荣光】家门的荣光 荣光的家门 楼内诸君 与有荣焉~~~~^^









发表于 2009-1-26 01:56 | 显示全部楼层

送上 家門的榮光 E32 Ental (656MB)韓語版

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Family Honour.E32.090125.HDTV.XViD.Ental.avi

Family Honour.E32.090125.HDTV.XViD.Ental.avi  

(有效时间到: Monday, 2 February)

[ 本帖最后由 Kit09 于 2009-1-26 02:05 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 01:56 | 显示全部楼层


[ 本帖最后由 孤独的兔子 于 2009-1-26 01:57 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 02:47 | 显示全部楼层

happy 牛 year  

[ 本帖最后由 KELLY2004 于 2009-1-26 02:48 编辑 ]








 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-26 02:51 | 显示全部楼层
大家新年快樂!!! ^___^

看起來比較年輕!!! 心智似乎也跟著年輕喔!!!













发表于 2009-1-26 03:09 | 显示全部楼层

回复 10998# viva1124 的帖子



[ 本帖最后由 孤独的兔子 于 2009-1-26 03:11 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 03:19 | 显示全部楼层


[ 本帖最后由 孤独的兔子 于 2009-1-26 03:24 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 03:24 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-1-26 04:32 | 显示全部楼层
fr sandybabe/soompi


repeats end of ep 31
ks and da walk down

da in her head: oppa.. you must be mad that ive decided to follow this man. thinking how can you do this to me, right? but oppa..more than you who is always in a cold place, i feel sorrier for that man who struggles with his scorpian nature, and wants to live like a human for me. so, im going to bury you in my heart and never take you out again. leaving you even colder than before, don’t forgive me..
da almost falls but ks stops himself from helping her
ks: in front of here, i think not holding your hand is the most courtesy i can give him..

in car
ks: tell me whenever you want to come here. i’m saying don’t try to come here in secret. i know how hard it was for you to decide to be with me. and i also know how sorry you feel towards him. because as sorry as you are, i am sorry too. so tell me whenever you want to come. i went up with you today because i had something i needed to say, but next time you can go up alone. i’ll be waiting in the car.
江: 无论什么时候你要来这里就告诉我。我的意思是说别试着偷偷跑来。我知道对你来说决定要跟我在一起是多么不容易,而且我也知道你觉得有多对不起他,跟你一样,我也同样地觉得对不起他。所以任何时候要来就告诉我。我今天跟你一起上来是因为我有些话要说,但是下次你可以自己上去。我会在车里等着。
da: i have something i need to ask from you.. don’t leave me and die first. then i’ll never disappear..
丹: 有件事情我要求你。。别离开我先死。那么我就永远不会消失。。
ks holds her hand
ks: i’m not sure if a person can promise that, but i will. i won’t go first without you.
江石: 我不确定一个人是否可以答应那种事,但我会答应你,我不会抛下你先走。

ha dad office
sy: it seems the other side are convincing stockholders by promising to sell the resort and golf course for profits
ty: it looks like as a result of ks and ks’s dad, the resort you tried so hard not to lose might become divided and shared. for me grandpa.. more than the new sides coming at us to try and get a piece, im more angry at ks and his dad
grandpa: in this situation, why is it important who is more upsetting/hating. In this situation, I still think rather than president chung, it is better to hand over the company to president lee. That way we can at least protect the resort. I will talk to the stockholders again. Don’t you think the most we can do is talk to the stockholders to join the Lee side? *gets up
dad: ill go to meet stockholders too.

ty: i think its better this way. At least this way, although we lose the resort, Ks and his dad wont get what they want, and it’ll be all for nothing for them.
sy: don’t forget the resort is not something that’s just within our family.
ty: thats why grandpa gave up everything to join sides with ks. then what? this kind of thing still happened
yi: what can you do. grandpa just wants to protect the resort. the employees are going to get even more difficult, so let’s just manage well and watch and see what happens.

ty: stepmother, she doesn’t know. even if she is our family, she can’t be as angry as we are
sy: is that what it looks like?
ty: if not what. how can she possibly say lets just take care of the employees problems in a calm manner?
sy: mother even put up the home she was living in for sale.
ty: what?
sy: in order to purchase even one more stock. she bought and secured them under dad’s name
ty: she put up her house too?
sy: thats why dad is feeling bad. so don’t say things like that in front of her

at coat store
ks: more than that outfit last time, i’ve wanted to buy you a coat. try it on. hurry..
da tries on coat and ks buttons it for her
ks: from now on, even if the winds are chilly, dress warmly. you spent so long being so cold. from now on im going to dress you so warmly, you might be rolling around (cuz its so hot ? O_o)

ring store
da: uhm
ks: why? do you not like them all? its a good thing i didnt just pick any one and bring it. i felt like you would be picky.
da(kinda says it quietly, because i think she feels bad for saying it in front of the saleswoman) : in our household, we don’t have stones(diamonds) on our wedding rings.
ks: huh?then what about last time...uh.. then what?
da: we do plain, round gold rings

ks opens ring box
ks: aren’t the women in your family being too simple?
da: I think they believe it represents the coming together of a couple. My mother and grandmother both had ringslike that
ks: then what about that ring? i thought there was a stone on it..
da: i think he picked one with a stone on purpose when he proposed because he knew i wouldn’t be able to wear one like that when married
ks: do you still have your wedding ring?
da: after i was coming home from the hospital, his mom took it away from me. saying for me to just think of it as our fate had ended.
ks takes the ring out but da interrupts him
da: no.. i want to wear it on that day. i’ll keep yours too.
ks: are you not wearing it because youre afraid were going to become enemies?
da smiles
da: if you want to put that ring on my finger, grit your teeth and fight hard so you wont become enemy-material. although im not too worried because you were born a fighter..
ks: feels like a compliment, and a cursing.. let’s go eat. our stomachs need to be full to fight well.

at rest. ks, da run into the woman ks dah the matchmaking date with
loser: it looks like youre still going on a lot of matchmade dates.
ks: she’s the person im going to marry. you must not be going on dates anymore, seeing as youre hanging out with a woman
loser: i cant go out on any date because i might encounter an awful experience (like last time lol)
ks: thats good thinking. you seem like you would encounter alot of awful dates.
loser: no matter how awful, at least i probably wont meet another jerk who pays only for his meal and leaves. they say similiar people meet similiar people. you seem like you match well.. *storms off

ks to da: how many points did i get deducted?
da: if you were my student, you’d have to repeat/retake

over dinner
ks: eat slowly, youll get indigestion.
da: i wouldnt be in the right state if i were enjoying this meal, when a woman that went on a date with the person im marrying said similiar people mix with similar people.
ks: so? do you have scary expression to show me that youre in the right state of mind and make me feel inadequate/embarassed?
da: do you even get embarasses/feel inadequate?
丹: 你也会难堪吗?
ks: well i feel like im chewing leather, not meat
da: how many matchmaking dates did you even go on? and even if you did, why did you just pay for your own meal.
ks smiles
da: are you trying to pass with over by laughing?
ks: i really feel like youve become my lover/gf now. youre acting jealous properly now
da: its not jealously, im asking about your humanism.
ks: giving an excuse makes it look even morelike jealousy
ks takes a bite
ks: mm.. all of a sudden the meat tastes really tender
da: and. i think i have to know for certain.
ks: what?
da: that day.. that incident at the hotel
ks gulps water
da: youre acting very guilty/embarased
ks: i told you.. i had a situation i couldnt really discuss. i really am nothing with that woman
da: if you werent anything, in the middle of the day..at a hotel... why were you like that with her?
ks looks paniced hahaha drinks water
da: you look very suspicios
ks:cant i even drink water?
da: are you getting mad at me?
ks: why are you copying the way i talk?
da: this is not the time for you to pick at that
ks: that.. it makes the family look bad so i really cant discuss..
da: so do you know it doesmake a family look bad?
ks: .. its really not that.. cant we just skip over this topic
da: if you dont want be nagged for the rest of your life, i suggest confessing and requesting forgiveness
ks: ill just settle for being nagged for my entire life
they both smile
da: are you a little less nervous?
ks looks at her
da: there are a lot of obstacles we need to overcome in the future
ks: during out act, i was constantly frustrated and confused. you looked easy for me to shake, yet i felt weakened and shaken instead. but now im relieved.. becoming weakened in front of her, ill still be comfortable
da: do you think you’ll only be comfortable? that hotel incident, im going to find out the truth..
ks drinks again
da: its fun to make someone shake/afraid
ks chokes

rubberlips: im a little disappointed. i brought that medicine to make sure JJ took it
granny: i know.. but lately jj hasnt been in the right mind to take medicine
rubberlips: thats true.. she had her mind on that golddigger
worker girl: golddigger?
granny: oh, its all warmed up
worker: is this really from a chinese medicine place?
rubberlips: of course
worker: because when i was younger, a person who didnt know what they were doing make me herbal medicine, and since them ive spent my life without my sense of taste. (gets sad) thats where my life went wrong
rubberlips: i feel like its a sad story, but i feel like im watchin a play
granny: thats her life story

rubberlips: wake up! why are you still asleep?
grandaunt: when did you get here
rubberlips: here drink this
grandaunt: what is it
rubberlips: ill tell you after you drink it
grandaunt sips
grandaunt: what is this!? why is it so bitter?
rubberlips:its to help produce many children
grandaunt: what?!?!

at a wedding
ms’s colleague to ms: why did you catch that? someone else was supposed to
ms: what can i do? it was coming at me
colleague: dont you know the saying that if you dont get married in 6 monthes of getting the bouquet, you wont be able to get married for 3 years
ms: is there really?
colleague: do you know how old you will be in 3 years? gosh.. live without thinking
ms: go first!

ms to ty
ty: are you here to make payment? i wouldve gone to you later
ms: im in trouble
ty: why
ms shows bouquet
ty: what kind of girl gives flowers to a man?
ms: no this is a bouquet. i caught the bouquet at a collegeaueswedding. i think im going to have to get married in 6monthes
ty: what?
ms: if i dont get married in 6mon, they say i wont be able to get married in 30 years! (love how 3 turns into 30)
ty: what? 30 years? no way
ms: they said theres a saying like that
ty: thats just a saying
ms: what do i do ha tae young?
ty: what are you trying to say
ms: i think im going to just have to live with you. well icant get married in 30 years!
ty feels her forehead
ty: how come everytime this girl has a fever she says strange things
YI: mister ha
ty: YES?
yi: who?
ty: oh yeah, a police acquaintance. (makes weird excuse) you shouldnt have brought me flowers just because you ticketed me so much. well you said you needed to go somewhere.
ms: yes
ty: yes, i understand you feel bad.. bye.
ms leaves
ty:wow police are quite compassionate nowadays. just because i received a lot of tickets.. i guess she felt bad
yi: you know that doesnt make sense right

in yi office
ty: what did you need to say
yi: sit
ty: i said it wasnt anything..
yi: are you dating her?
ty: dating? no
yi: mister ha
ty: okay, yesh shes a good friend
yi: does a friend come showing up like that with flower bouquets?
ty: that.. that was a bouquet. she said there was a friends wedding near here
yi: mister ha. shouldn you be honest and careful?
ty: ive been minding my work carefully here at work..
yi: thats not what i mean. im talking about your personal life. from what ive heard i heard the reason for your divorce was you..
ty: did our workermaid gossip?
yi: its not important how i know..
ty: i understand what youre saying. ill be careful
yi: dont be upset, im saying this because as dd’s grandma, i want to see him get a good stepmother. you should know that you need to think about your son right
ty walks out,looks moved a bit

yi finds ja in bathroom crumpled over
yi: ja whats wrong
ja: its nothing
yi:it looks like youre in pain. get up.
ja crumples over
yi: oh no, you must be hurting a lot.
calls sy, ja tries to tell her not to
yi: ja doesnt look like shes okay..

they take her to car
yi: theres a hospital i know well. lets go there

yi’s doc friend: it looks like acute appendicitis. surgery will take care of it. its a good thing you came quick;y
yi: she must have a high threshold for pain. she was saying to not call sy
sy: yes, she doesnt say shes hurting easily
doc: who?
yi: oh yeah.. sorry, this is my eldest son
sy: im ha soo young
doc: youre lucky.. you didnt even have labor pains and have such an old son. but.. who’s the woman?
yi: shes someone who might become our eldest daughter-in-law. i said might

ja opens eyes
sy: are you waking up?
ja: im sorry..for worrying you..
sy: why didnt you say you were hurting. it could have been really bad
ja: i felt some pain for a couple days, but i thought it would just go away
yi: you two are very similiar. both foolish/dumb.. you know what that means right
doc comes in
yi: oh this is my frriend.if she doesnt treat you right, tell on her to me right away.
doc: youre quite watchful over her because shes the person that might be your daughter-in-law
yi: while shes here can you do full tests?
ja: no its okay..
yi: im doing it because you dont say youre hurting, so i want to make sure you get full teststo make sure nowhere else has a problem
doc: ok
ja: this room..
yi: this room?
ja: it must be expensive
yi: are you worrying about that?
ja: ill work and pay you back for everything
yi: yourelike sy. ill take care of it. just rest and get better
sy: no mother, ill take care of..
yi: i have the money. ill take care of everything
sy: but i feel bad..
yi: stopsaying that. if you think that way,im going to think youre thinking that bway because im a stepmother and not a real mom

yi and sy walk out
yi: i have something i need to take care of back at work
sy: thank you..
yi: take care
sy: mother.. thankyou for marrying our father
yi: now if only i hear that from ty it’ll be perfect. it’ll probably be hard to hear from him though right?

in front of da house
ks: on a day like this we should stay up all night
da: if you need to fight, you need to get lots of sleep
buttons ks’ coat
ks: thank you again for not making me wait long. i feel like i wont feel tired now even if i dont sleep
da: don’t act tough
ks: i cant say anything. ill call you when i get home
da:i want to do something for the first time for you. *hugs him It’s going to be hard, but promise me one thing
ks: what?
da: acting like a baby to me. i’ll take it all..
ks: ok.. ill act childish/like a baby until you tell me to stop whining

da packs up all her jinha memories..picture, wedding papers, necklace
granny comes in
granny: need anything?
da: no
granny: are you letting him go?
da: yes
granny. yes.. thats good thinking.
da: this person, he probably will be disappointed in me right?
granny: dont say that. what kinda person was jinha. he probably thought why you were holding onto him for so long
da: i never thought that before.. but i wish people who passed away don’t know anything. what people alive are thinking and doing..
granny: if you let him go now, im sure he will be free to be at peace
da: im hope so

ks:what about dad?
mom: he said hes going to be late meeting stockholders
ks: ok
mom: what we were doin wasnt useless was it?
ks: no mom..
mom: im worried sick. your dad did everything to get that resort..if things go wrong..
ks: that wont happen mom. dont worry and go in..

ks cousin gets madadrama ended
mom: in this family situation how can you be watching dramas?
ks cousin: why?

ks to ssahdaegie
arent you glad youre not being beat up every night because of your owner? later on, you better thank your owner

at park hg is drunk and his friends trying to wake him
hj : um.. if you can just move him to my car.
friends take himto apartment
frinds: come in, you came all the way here
hj: itsok.. just give him this
friend: whats this?
hj: its to help wake up from the alcohol
friend : you carry around 3 bottles of it at a time?
hj leaves
friend: hey.. dont you think she likes hg?

ty: what?
ms: i said make a meeting between me , you and dd. like at a pizza shop or something
ty: what are you doing
ms: i said i got the bouquet
ty: you feel sorry for me huh. a single dad, possibly about to lose my job. so you want to take care of me
ms: im not that nice
ty: then why ar eyou doing this
ms: when i see you, i think (ah gwe) is right
ty: whats ah gwe?
ms: it means, when im with you i feel that youre filling my lacking spaces
ty: ms.. please
ms: i dont think ill meet someone like that again
ty: thats because you havent dealt with me enough yet
ms: i can learn as were married/together
ms: ja? whya rent you home yet? i was going to introduce my bf.. what? hospital?

ty: ill just leave for today
ms: just go.. so you can meet her
ty: im not qualified to be introduced as your boyfriend
ms: only i can decide if you are or not. i want to sshow the world youre mine
ty: why are you like this, to a guy like me
ms: they saytheressomething, that when youre in love you want to show the world. thats called unggupjoong. i have no intention of fixing that
ty: why do you want to ruin your life
ms: its my life. whether i ruin it not its my life. and anyways i have the confidence to live with you well. and did you hear me before? saying the person i love.. youre a jerk in that i kissed you first, and had to say i love you first.. but you have to ask me to marry you first. okay?

awkward moment
sy: they say you cant eat until the gas is released
ja: its released
sy: what? i didnt hear it
ja: i wasembarassed,so while you were in the restroom
sy: why didnt you say so sooner? youre hungry right? ill get you porridge.
ja: no its ok

ms comes in
ms: ja... looks st sy.. who?
ja: ill tell yo later
ty: hyung!
sy: you.. what are you doing here
ms: its your brother? hello?
ty: wait.. that girl..i mean that person works at our company..
ja: then the person you said youre dating..
ms: then at the police station...

ty and sy
ty: wait wait lets organize our thoughts. so you and that cleaning girl.. okok youre dating miss oh jinah? no.. it couldnt be. that s not possible.
sy: it doesnt seem possible?
ty: how can someone like you and someone like her thats much younger than da
sy: are you really dating ms?
ty: thats not whats important right now
sy: and what did she mean about the police station?
ty: you dont remember? when we were at the police station, she and i were fighting
sy: oh yeah..
ty: wow how can we meet this way. wait.. i wondered why she looked familiar. that girl was the one who slapped some guy at the police station right?
ty: this doesnt make any sense
sy: why doesnt it make sense
ty: you have to think carefully. im not the eldest son so i can date whomever, but you cant. the person you marry wll become the eldest wife and have so many responsibilities. do you think a woman like her is right for..
sy: im thinking over if i really want to place that burden on her
ty: hyung...then...

ms: ty’s brother .. is divorced.. and so much older than you
ja: stand still and talk
ms: and him.. isnt he kind of strange?
ja: what?
ms: he got on his knees in front of his cheating wife. and thats because they needed to carry out the funeral plans. in a situation where it would have been normal to slap the woman..isnt it weird to get on his knees in that situation? why are u dating someone like that?
ja: unnie.. if you say that i have something to say too
ms: what is it
ja: isnt mister ha an adulterer? and thats why he was at the police station that day. why are you dating someone like that?
ms: that.. besides that hes a good person
ja: how can you forget that?
ms: still hes a kind human
ja: even when he was dragged in because he was cheating
ms: but still! being caught for cheating is better than a guy getting on his knees to his cheating wife!

ty: hey hey i thought you werent going to mention cheating anymore
ms: well she keeps saying that
ja: i only said that because you said our ahjuhshi is a weird person
sy: uh since your friend is here, im going to go home with my brother
ja: ok
sy: ill come by in the morning
ja: no its ok you have to go to work
sy: ill drop by before work for a little
ty: ms, im leaving
ms: ok

yi: you guys are coming in now. i thought you were staying at the hospital (to sy)
sy: someone came to takecare of her
yi: who?
sy: the person shes living with
yi: oh ok.. go in and sleep
ty: how does mother know about ja

sy room
ty: how does mother know about her?
sy: shes been encouraging me (about relationship)
ty: what? then mother is supporting you two to work out?
sy: go sleep
ty: you and mother.. are you guys all going crazy? you guys know how hard it is for the eldest sons. well, ok, mother is alittle weird too.. but you.. youre eldest son to your bones.
sy: before an eldest son, im still a person. the person that made me realize that is ohjina.

ks: congratulate me. we’re going to get married
hj: oppa
ks: she said she will too
hj: really?
ks: kiddo,why would i lie to you
hj: thats great..congratulations for reals
ks:dad must be coming home.. i need to talk to dad first

ks dad comes in
mom: coming in now? it looks like you didnt drink much
dad: i drank a bit, but i have too much on my mind and didnt get drunk.
mom:are things not going well?
dad: everyone is just eyeing the whole situation
ks: dad, i have something to tell you

ks: dad.. morethan anything i want to preserve the resort
dad: well me too.. why do you think ive been meeting with stockholders this late
ks: however at this rate, theres no guarantee another party wont keep trying to interfere and weaken the company
dad: well imtrying to do everything i can to stop it
ks:dad.. what about reconsidering your want for taking over the resort completely?
dad: what do you mean?
ks: how about a different alternative from taking over the company
dad: WHAT?
ks: please calm down and listen to what im saying
dad: how can i calm down when youresaying something like that?
ks: this is the best decision
dad: giving up like this?
ks: no.. officially merging with the ha’s as co-owners
dad: what?
ks: is we combine what we have, and the stock they have, we will have enough power that no one come in to take over easily. if we merge with the ha’s no one will really try to split the company either.
dad: what.. so..what are you saying
ks: i know you wont be able to have it all, but you can be the co-owner of everything
dad: you! to this day i have never been a co-owner to anything. and you should know how dangerous a co-partnership can be. they already know what we were thinking, so how do you know they wont try to do the same to us
ks: they wont do that
dad: i knwo maybe not grandpa ha, but how do you know about the son and grandsons.
after this, they might be just waiting for the opportunity to shove us out. then what are you going to do.
ks: they wont think that way
dad: have you seen whats inside their minds?
ks: ill block everything
dad: you said you would block things last time and this is what happened.
ks: this time is different. i have another way that they will not have other thoughts.. so only you need to decide
dad: i dont know! we did all this work, and now to suggest being co-owners?
ks: please think about it

da looking at ring
ks(text): sleeping?
da(text): starting from today ive decided to not sleep until i get a text that youre sleeping. im loyal arent i?

ks calls her
ks: if this were a club/organization i would want to serve you as a leader
da: you must have been moved
ks: im holding back the tears (joking) but are you serious? that youre not going to sleep until im sleeping
da: i should be able to do that much for someone fightning hard
ks:want to make a bet?
da: huh?
ks: who falls asleep first talking on the phone all night?
da: no...i cant do that
ks: you must not be cut out for it
da: youre someone who gets kind of weird when making a bet. you’ll probably do all sorts of things to make me fall asleep first
ks: what do you think i’ll do?
da: mm.. you might lullabyes all night
ks: then why dont you sing all night too?
da:if i sing lullabyes all night, you wont be able to sleep. so this bet is not advantageous to me..
ks: i.. love you very much. and from now on, im going to love you even more..
da: ill love you like i cant live without you.
ks: it looks like we both met our match(worthy opponent). you and me..we’ll probably fight about that all our lives
da: i hope i will win.. that way, the regret/sorry heart i feel for not having let you into my heart from the beginning can become lessened...

yi: i dont understand how things are working right now. president chung seems to be still meeting with stockholders, while mister lee seems to not be moving at all
ty: im sure theyre scheming of something in the background
yi: they havent even signed papers for the home yet
dad:they called and said they’ll be away for a few days
yi: how can they go on vacation in a time like this
ty: im sure theyre planning something. they might be planning to just take over the house without money too
sy: do you think they’d do something like that.
dad: what do you think about ks?
sy: he’s around doing business, but not moving much
ty: im sure theres something..

ks assisant and ks convo ( didnt get who it was but ks told him to say he’s busy and cant meet him/them)

ty comes in and ks stands up all politely
ks: hello/welcome
ty: whats with you? a lower person comes in and youre standing up.
ks: im going to do that from now on
ty: why? do you feel bad for chasing us out with nothing? but do you know, that makes us feel more like youre playing around with us. so just act like youve been acting..
ks: you dont like me right?
ty: then do you think you would like someone who is trying to take over your family company?
ks: what can i do?
ty: for what?
ks: so that you’ll like me/approve of me
ty looks freaked out hahaha

in hallway
ty: that guys psycho. im talking about leekangseok.
sy: what now
ty: he’s asking me how he can look good to me. real psycho right?
sy: maybe he feels bad
ty: i dont think thats it. til now he’s never gotten up when ive entered the room, but today he got up and greeted me. i think there’s definitely something strange about him
sy: im leaving
ty: already?
sy: ja gets discharged today. do your work

yi and doc
sy: mother, i said id come to get her.. why did you come here
doc: i asked her to come. to tell her something important.
yi: what are we going to do?
doc: her test results came back with some bad news
sy: is something very bad?
doc: that.. im supposed to only say this to the patient.. but since you are talking about getting married..
sy: whats wrong?

sorry i didnt get the exact words but basically she has something where she is infertile and there are no treatment options. other than not being able to have kids, she wont have any problems

sy and yi
yi: you guys were so good together i wanted to do anything to help you guys.. if i knew this,i wouldnt have said anything. i wouldnt have encouraged you to step forward. i feel bad for interfereing.. i know it may hurt, but i think it may be better to take end things right now. youre the eldest son, so you probably dont have a choice. i think ill cry if i saw her right now, so ill leave

sy goes to getja
ja: i know youre busy, why are you here
sy: if i dont come, who will
ja: im fine so i can go by myself
sy: lets go

sy is thinking
ja: oh, this isnt the right way. you must have been thinking about something else. why did you come, you must have a lot on your mind. are things not going well?
sy: no.. things are almost taken care of
ja: but you look so tired today

jas house
ja: ill make you some coffee
sy: no its ok, just rest
ja: but still, youre a guest..
ja: didnt your brother say anything? he probably doesnt like me right?
sy: why do you say that?
ja: hes probably wondering why someone like me is meeting someone like you
sy: no
ja: i can tell that much..
sy: ill go now..
ja: already?
sy: i have to go back to work
ja: sorry for taking your time
sy: dont say that. rest..

sy thinks over the doctors words

professors office
da: i thought i needed to tell you first out of everyone
prof: marry him? youre going to marry him?
da: yes,i want to
prof: what about the company?
da: he will figure that out
prof: if that were the case why did he let things get this way
da: i made it that way. he asked me to help him stop, but at the time i couldnt
prof: so now youre going to be with him?
da: he wants to stop on his own now
prof: da.. im honestlyglad. i dont know if hes right or not, but hes someone you were able to give your heart to. i know you wouldnt open your heart to anyone, so i trust you.
da: thank you
prof: jinha must be able to rest in peace now.. thank you da..

ks comes in
prof stands up
prof: we’ve never been formally introduced. I’m nam young sook
ks: im lee kangseok. sorry, the introduction was late.
prof: take care of da. you probably already know shes a good-hearted person
ks: yes
prof: okay you talk..

da: i told her we’re getting married
ks: she probably didnt think too much of to up to now. ii bet it’ll take some time for her to be approving
da: shes jinah oppa’s older 3rd cousin.. thats why she felt so bad for me.

hj pulls to work
hg: how long does it take nowadays?
hj: it went down to about 3 hours
hg: you brought those huh. all the food and milk.. and there was a plant in front of the door too
hj: they said if you leave it by the window and give it plenty of water it’ll grow well
hg: why didnt you ring the bell
hj: i didnt want to bother you
hg: thank you. i ate the food well, and ill try to take care of the plant
hj: thank you
hg: you did it and youre saying thank you

a kid falls and starts crying
hj looks like shes freaking out a little when hg covers her eyes for her..(sweet)
hg: its just the sound of someone crying.. i want to cover your ears too, but then youmight be able to see.. i thought seeing it and not being able to hear it would make me more afraid
hg: are you scared?
hj: no
hg: then why are crying?
hg: because its so warm..your hand . even though i can hear the crying, im not afraid. it feels like a spring day. a warm spring day..

ks: i asked how i can look good to him, and he looked at me like i was crazy, your second brother
da: i probably would have done the same. a person planning to take over the company, yet telling him they want to look good to them. its strange
ks: the hardest will probably be your second brother
da: it probably wont compare
ks: then who?
da: my mother
ks: what about her?
da: she wants me to meet a really great man and get married
ks: what are you saying right now? are you saying im not a great husband material?
da: to our family, youre probably the worst husband material
ks stands
ks: im leaving!
da: are you mad?
ks: then what kind of person wont get mad hearing that?
ks: was this it? telling me i can act childish, and this is your way of making me feel better?

ks home
ks: youre home?
dad: sit down
ks: what about mom
dad: she was tired and went to bed
ks: did you think about it? you shouldve had plentyof time to think it over
dad: lets do that for now.. before anyone else tries to swoop in, lets merge with them for now.
ks: good thinking dad
dad: but its for now.. after everything settles,letsmake another opportunity

ks calls da
da: yes?
ks: is your whole family home tomorrow?
da: its sunday, so they should be
ks:im going tomorrow.
da: ks..

da home
eberyones cleaning again
ty: our companys having problems and you want us to be doing this right now
yi: moving your body a lot will help you keep from thinking too many things
grandaunt: yeah thats true.. rather than sitting and doing nothing

da is waiting outside for ks
ks: why are you outside?
da: kangseok.. dont rush things. once things at work are settled..
ks: things are already settling. let’s just get it over with/ burst the news

yi: you should leave the men to boil the ras
granny: i gave dd a coupon for that and he decided to use it today
dd: thanks grandma..

ks walks in
grandaunt: what are you doing here?
ks: i needed to tell you something
ty: tell us what?

they go into grandpas room
grandpa: what are you here about today
ks: professor ha..
da: yes?
ks: why don’t you sit
grandpa: sit..
ks: grandfather..
grandpa: talk..
ks: i would like to marry your granddaughter.

[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-1-27 03:28 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 06:31 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Laura:新年快樂呀!我來了,這樣好了,今天我就從後面開始翻起,加油囉!






at park hg is drunk and his friends trying to wake him
hj : um.. if you can just move him to my car.
friends take himto apartment
frinds: come in, you came all the way here
hj: itsok.. just give him this
friend: whats this?
hj: its to help wake up from the alcohol
friend : you carry around 3 bottles of it at a time?
hj leaves
friend: hey.. dont you think she likes hg?

ty: what?
ms: i said make a meeting between me , you and dd. like at a pizza shop or something
ty: what are you doing
ms: i said i got the bouquet
ty: you feel sorry for me huh. a single dad, possibly about to lose my job. so you want to take care of me
ms: im not that nice
ty: then why ar eyou doing this
ms: when i see you, i think (ah gwe) is right
ty: whats ah gwe?
ms: it means, when im with you i feel that youre filling my lacking spaces
ty: ms.. please
ms: i dont think ill meet someone like that again
ty: thats because you havent dealt with me enough yet
ms: i can learn as were married/together
ms: ja? whya rent you home yet? i was going to introduce my bf.. what? hospital?

ty: ill just leave for today
ms: just go.. so you can meet her
ty: im not qualified to be introduced as your boyfriend
ms: only i can decide if you are or not. i want to sshow the world youre mine
ty: why are you like this, to a guy like me
ms: they saytheressomething, that when youre in love you want to show the world. thats called unggupjoong. i have no intention of fixing that
ty: why do you want to ruin your life
ms: its my life. whether i ruin it not its my life. and anyways i have the confidence to live with you well. and did you hear me before? saying the person i love.. youre a jerk in that i kissed you first, and had to say i love you first.. but you have to ask me to marry you first. okay?

awkward moment
sy: they say you cant eat until the gas is released
ja: its released
sy: what? i didnt hear it
ja: i wasembarassed,so while you were in the restroom
sy: why didnt you say so sooner? youre hungry right? ill get you porridge.
ja: no its ok

ms comes in
ms: ja... looks st sy.. who?
ja: ill tell yo later
ty: hyung!
sy: you.. what are you doing here
ms: its your brother? hello?
ty: wait.. that girl..i mean that person works at our company..
ja: then the person you said youre dating..
ms: then at the police station...

ty and sy
ty: wait wait lets organize our thoughts. so you and that cleaning girl.. okok youre dating miss oh jinah? no.. it couldnt be. that s not possible.
sy: it doesnt seem possible?
ty: how can someone like you and someone like her thats much younger than da
sy: are you really dating ms?
ty: thats not whats important right now
sy: and what did she mean about the police station?
ty: you dont remember? when we were at the police station, she and i were fighting
sy: oh yeah..
ty: wow how can we meet this way. wait.. i wondered why she looked familiar. that girl was the one who slapped some guy at the police station right?
ty: this doesnt make any sense
sy: why doesnt it make sense
ty: you have to think carefully. im not the eldest son so i can date whomever, but you cant. the person you marry wll become the eldest wife and have so many responsibilities. do you think a woman like her is right for..
sy: im thinking over if i really want to place that burden on her
ty: hyung...then...

ms: ty’s brother .. is divorced.. and so much older than you
ja: stand still and talk
ms: and him.. isnt he kind of strange?
ja: what?
ms: he got on his knees in front of his cheating wife. and thats because they needed to carry out the funeral plans. in a situation where it would have been normal to slap the woman..isnt it weird to get on his knees in that situation? why are u dating someone like that?
ja: unnie.. if you say that i have something to say too
ms: what is it
ja: isnt mister ha an adulterer? and thats why he was at the police station that day. why are you dating someone like that?
ms: that.. besides that hes a good person
ja: how can you forget that?
ms: still hes a kind human
ja: even when he was dragged in because he was cheating
ms: but still! being caught for cheating is better than a guy getting on his knees to his cheating wife!

ty: hey hey i thought you werent going to mention cheating anymore
ms: well she keeps saying that
ja: i only said that because you said our ahjuhshi is a weird person
sy: uh since your friend is here, im going to go home with my brother
ja: ok
sy: ill come by in the morning
ja: no its ok you have to go to work
sy: ill drop by before work for a little
ty: ms, im leaving
ms: ok

yi: you guys are coming in now. i thought you were staying at the hospital (to sy)
sy: someone came to takecare of her
yi: who?
sy: the person shes living with
yi: oh ok.. go in and sleep
ty: how does mother know about ja

sy room
ty: how does mother know about her?
sy: shes been encouraging me (about relationship)
ty: what? then mother is supporting you two to work out?
sy: go sleep
ty: you and mother.. are you guys all going crazy? you guys know how hard it is for the eldest sons. well, ok, mother is alittle weird too.. but you.. youre eldest son to your bones.
sy: before an eldest son, im still a person. the person that made me realize that is ohjina.

ks: congratulate me. we’re going to get married
hj: oppa
ks: she said she will too
hj: really?
ks: kiddo,why would i lie to you
hj: thats great..congratulations for reals
ks:dad must be coming home.. i need to talk to dad


江石:你該不是怕了吧?(這句不確定是否是此意) you must not be cut out for it
(Oh, so SWEET......)






yi and doc
sy: mother, i said id come to get her.. why did you come here
doc: i asked her to come. to tell her something important.
yi: what are we going to do?
doc: her test results came back with some bad news
sy: is something very bad?
doc: that.. im supposed to only say this to the patient.. but since you are talking about getting married..
sy: whats wrong?

sorry i didnt get the exact words but basically she has something where she is infertile and there are no treatment options. other than not being able to have kids, she wont have any problems

sy and yi
yi: you guys were so good together i wanted to do anything to help you guys.. if i knew this,i wouldnt have said anything. i wouldnt have encouraged you to step forward. i feel bad for interfereing.. i know it may hurt, but i think it may be better to take end things right now. youre the eldest son, so you probably dont have a choice. i think ill cry if i saw her right now, so ill leave

sy goes to getja
ja: i know youre busy, why are you here
sy: if i dont come, who will
ja: im fine so i can go by myself
sy: lets go

sy is thinking
ja: oh, this isnt the right way. you must have been thinking about something else. why did you come, you must have a lot on your mind. are things not going well?
sy: no.. things are almost taken care of
ja: but you look so tired today

jas house
ja: ill make you some coffee
sy: no its ok, just rest
ja: but still, youre a guest..
ja: didnt your brother say anything? he probably doesnt like me right?
sy: why do you say that?
ja: hes probably wondering why someone like me is meeting someone like you
sy: no
ja: i can tell that much..
sy: ill go now..
ja: already?
sy: i have to go back to work
ja: sorry for taking your time
sy: dont say that. rest..

sy thinks over the doctors words












[ 本帖最后由 烏雲追風 于 2009-1-26 10:52 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 06:31 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-1-26 07:15 | 显示全部楼层
11002# 大 中 小 发表于 2009-1-26 04:32  只看该作者
fr sandybabe/soompi


repeats end of ep 31
ks and da walk down

da in her head: oppa.. you must be mad that ive decided to follow this man. thinking how can you do this to me, right? but oppa..more than you who is always in a cold place, i feel sorrier for that man who struggles with his scorpian nature, and wants to live like a human for me. so, im going to bury you in my heart and never take you out again. leaving you even colder than before, don’t forgive me..

da almost falls but ks stops himself from helping her
ks: in front of here, i think not holding your hand is the most courtesy i can give him..

in car
ks: tell me whenever you want to come here. i’m saying don’t try to come here in secret. i know how hard it was for you to decide to be with me. and i also know how sorry you feel towards him. because as sorry as you are, i am sorry too. so tell me whenever you want to come. i went up with you today because i had something i needed to say, but next time you can go up alone. i’ll be waiting in the car.
da: i have something i need to ask from you.. don’t leave me and die first. then i’ll never disappear..
ks holds her hand
ks: i’m not sure if a person can promise that, but i will. i won’t go first without you.

ha dad office
sy: it seems the other side are convincing stockholders by promising to sell the resort and golf course for profits
ty: it looks like as a result of ks and ks’s dad, the resort you tried so hard not to lose might become divided and shared. for me grandpa.. more than the new sides coming at us to try and get a piece, im more angry at ks and his dad
grandpa: in this situation, why is it important who is more upsetting/hating. In this situation, I still think rather than president chung, it is better to hand over the company to president lee. That way we can at least protect the resort. I will talk to the stockholders again. Don’t you think the most we can do is talk to the stockholders to join the Lee side? *gets up
dad: ill go to meet stockholders too.

ty: i think its better this way. At least this way, although we lose the resort, Ks and his dad wont get what they want, and it’ll be all for nothing for them.
sy: don’t forget the resort is not something that’s just within our family.
ty: thats why grandpa gave up everything to join sides with ks. then what? this kind of thing still happened
yi: what can you do. grandpa just wants to protect the resort. the employees are going to get even more difficult, so let’s just manage well and watch and see what happens.

ty: stepmother, she doesn’t know. even if she is our family, she can’t be as angry as we are
sy: is that what it looks like?
ty: if not what. how can she possibly say lets just take care of the employees problems in a calm manner?
sy: mother even put up the home she was living in for sale.
ty: what?
sy: in order to purchase even one more stock. she bought and secured them under dad’s name
ty: she put up her house too?
sy: thats why dad is feeling bad. so don’t say things like that in front of her

at coat store
ks: more than that outfit last time, i’ve wanted to buy you a coat. try it on. hurry..
da tries on coat and ks buttons it for her
ks: from now on, even if the winds are chilly, dress warmly. you spent so long being so cold. from now on im going to dress you so warmly, you might be rolling around (cuz its so hot ? O_o)

ring store
da: uhm
ks: why? do you not like them all? its a good thing i didnt just pick any one and bring it. i felt like you would be picky.
da(kinda says it quietly, because i think she feels bad for saying it in front of the saleswoman) : in our household, we don’t have stones(diamonds) on our wedding rings.
ks: huh?then what about last time...uh.. then what?
da: we do plain, round gold rings

ks opens ring box
ks: aren’t the women in your family being too simple?
da: I think they believe it represents the coming together of a couple. My mother and grandmother both had ringslike that
ks: then what about that ring? i thought there was a stone on it..
da: i think he picked one with a stone on purpose when he proposed because he knew i wouldn’t be able to wear one like that when married
ks: do you still have your wedding ring?
江:你还有那结婚戒指吗?da: after i was coming home from the hospital, his mom took it away from me. saying for me to just think of it as our fate had ended.
ks takes the ring out but da interrupts him
da: no.. i want to wear it on that day. i’ll keep yours too.
ks: are you not wearing it because youre afraid were going to become enemies?
da smiles
da: if you want to put that ring on my finger, grit your teeth and fight hard so you wont become enemy-material. although im not too worried because you were born a fighter..
ks: feels like a compliment, and a cursing.. let’s go eat. our stomachs need to be full to fight well.

at rest. ks, da run into the woman ks dah the matchmaking date with
loser: it looks like youre still going on a lot of matchmade dates.
ks: she’s the person im going to marry. you must not be going on dates anymore, seeing as youre hanging out with a woman
loser: i cant go out on any date because i might encounter an awful experience (like last time lol)
ks: thats good thinking. you seem like you would encounter alot of awful dates.
loser: no matter how awful, at least i probably wont meet another jerk who pays only for his meal and leaves. they say similiar
people meet similiar people. you seem like you match well.. *storms off

ks to da: how many points did i get deducted?
da: if you were my student, you’d have to repeat/retake

over dinner
ks: eat slowly, youll get indigestion.
da: i wouldnt be in the right state if i were enjoying this meal, when a woman that went on a date with the person im marrying said
similiar people mix with similar people.
ks: so? do you have scary expression to show me that youre in the right state of mind and make me feel inadequate/embarassed?
da: do you even get embarasses/feel inadequate?
ks: well i feel like im chewing leather, not meat
da: how many matchmaking dates did you even go on? and even if you did, why did you just pay for your own meal.
ks smiles
da: are you trying to pass with over by laughing?
ks: i really feel like youve become my lover/gf now. youre acting jealous properly now
da: its not jealously, im asking about your humanism.
ks: giving an excuse makes it look even morelike jealousy
ks takes a bite
ks: mm.. all of a sudden the meat tastes really tender
da: and. i think i have to know for certain.
ks: what?
da: that day.. that incident at the hotel
ks gulps water
da: youre acting very guilty/embarased
ks: i told you.. i had a situation i couldnt really discuss. i really am nothing with that woman
da: if you werent anything, in the middle of the day..at a hotel... why were you like that with her?
丹:如果没什么事,为什么 白天 酒店, 你们看起来......
ks looks paniced hahaha drinks water
da: you look very suspicios
ks:cant i even drink water?
da: are you getting mad at me?
ks: why are you copying the way i talk?
da: this is not the time for you to pick at that
ks: that.. it makes the family look bad so i really cant discuss..
da: so do you know it doesmake a family look bad?
ks: .. its really not that.. cant we just skip over this topic
da: if you dont want be nagged for the rest of your life, i suggest confessing and requesting forgiveness
ks: ill just settle for being nagged for my entire life
they both smile
da: are you a little less nervous?
ks looks at her
da: there are a lot of obstacles we need to overcome in the future
ks: during out act, i was constantly frustrated and confused. you looked easy for me to shake, yet i felt weakened and shaken
instead. but now im relieved.. becoming weakened in front of her, ill still be comfortable
da: do you think you’ll only be comfortable? that hotel incident, im going to find out the truth..
ks drinks again
da: its fun to make someone shake/afraid
ks chokes

rubberlips: im a little disappointed. i brought that medicine to make sure JJ took it
granny: i know.. but lately jj hasnt been in the right mind to take medicine
rubberlips: thats true.. she had her mind on that golddigger
worker girl: golddigger?
granny: oh, its all warmed up
worker: is this really from a chinese medicine place?
rubberlips: of course
worker: because when i was younger, a person who didnt know what they were doing make me herbal medicine, and since them ive spent my life without my sense of taste. (gets sad) thats where my life went wrong
rubberlips: i feel like its a sad story, but i feel like im watchin a play
granny: thats her life story

rubberlips: wake up! why are you still asleep?
grandaunt: when did you get here
rubberlips: here drink this
grandaunt: what is it
rubberlips: ill tell you after you drink it
grandaunt sips
grandaunt: what is this!? why is it so bitter?
rubberlips:its to help produce many children
grandaunt: what?!?!

at a wedding
ms’s colleague to ms: why did you catch that? someone else was supposed to
ms: what can i do? it was coming at me
colleague: dont you know the saying that if you dont get married in 6 monthes of getting the bouquet, you wont be able to get married for 3 years
同事:你不知道? 你接到花束6个月里没结婚的话,就在3年里不能结婚了
ms: is there really?
colleague: do you know how old you will be in 3 years? gosh.. live without thinking
ms: go first!

ms to ty
ty: are you here to make payment? i wouldve gone to you later
ms: im in trouble
ty: why
ms shows bouquet
ty: what kind of girl gives flowers to a man?
ms: no this is a bouquet. i caught the bouquet at a collegeaueswedding. i think im going to have to get married in 6monthes
ty: what?
ms: if i dont get married in 6mon, they say i wont be able to get married in 30 years! (love how 3 turns into 30)
ty: what? 30 years? no way
ms: they said theres a saying like that
ty: thats just a saying
ms: what do i do ha tae young?
ty: what are you trying to say
ms: i think im going to just have to live with you. well icant get married in 30 years!
ty feels her forehead
ty: how come everytime this girl has a fever she says strange things
YI: mister ha

ty: YES?
yi: who?
ty: oh yeah, a police acquaintance. (makes weird excuse) you shouldnt have brought me flowers just because you ticketed me so much. well you said you needed to go somewhere.
ms: yes
ty: yes, i understand you feel bad.. bye.
ms leaves
ty:wow police are quite compassionate nowadays. just because i received a lot of tickets.. i guess she felt bad
yi: you know that doesnt make sense right

in yi office
ty: what did you need to say
yi: sit
ty: i said it wasnt anything..
yi: are you dating her?
ty: dating? no
yi: mister ha
ty: okay, yesh shes a good friend
yi: does a friend come showing up like that with flower bouquets?
ty: that.. that was a bouquet. she said there was a friends wedding near here
yi: mister ha. shouldn you be honest and careful?
ty: ive been minding my work carefully here at work..
yi: thats not what i mean. im talking about your personal life. from what ive heard i heard the reason for your divorce was you..
ty: did our workermaid gossip?
yi: its not important how i know..
ty: i understand what youre saying. ill be careful
yi: dont be upset, im saying this because as dd’s grandma, i want to see him get a good stepmother. you should know that you need to think about your son right
ty walks out,looks moved a bit

yi finds ja in bathroom crumpled over
yi: ja whats wrong
ja: its nothing
yi:it looks like youre in pain. get up.
ja crumples over
yi: oh no, you must be hurting a lot.
calls sy, ja tries to tell her not to
yi: ja doesnt look like shes okay..

they take her to car
yi: theres a hospital i know well. lets go there

yi’s doc friend: it looks like acute appendicitis. surgery will take care of it. its a good thing you came quick;y
yi: she must have a high threshold for pain. she was saying to not call sy
sy: yes, she doesnt say shes hurting easily
doc: who?
yi: oh yeah.. sorry, this is my eldest son
sy: im ha soo young
doc: youre lucky.. you didnt even have labor pains and have such an old son. but.. who’s the woman?
yi: shes someone who might become our eldest daughter-in-law. i said might

ja opens eyes
sy: are you waking up?
ja: im sorry..for worrying you..
sy: why didnt you say you were hurting. it could have been really bad
ja: i felt some pain for a couple days, but i thought it would just go away
yi: you two are very similiar. both foolish/dumb.. you know what that means right
doc comes in
yi: oh this is my frriend.if she doesnt treat you right, tell on her to me right away.
doc: youre quite watchful over her because shes the person that might be your daughter-in-law
yi: while shes here can you do full tests?
ja: no its okay..
yi: im doing it because you dont say youre hurting, so i want to make sure you get full teststo make sure nowhere else has a problem
doc: ok
ja: this room..
yi: this room?
ja: it must be expensive
yi: are you worrying about that?
ja: ill work and pay you back for everything
yi: yourelike sy. ill take care of it. just rest and get better
sy: no mother, ill take care of..
yi: i have the money. ill take care of everything
sy: but i feel bad..
yi: stopsaying that. if you think that way,im going to think youre thinking that bway because im a stepmother and not a real mom

yi and sy walk out
yi: i have something i need to take care of back at work
sy: thank you..
yi: take care
sy: mother.. thankyou for marrying our father
yi: now if only i hear that from ty it’ll be perfect. it’ll probably be hard to hear from him though right?

in front of da house
ks: on a day like this we should stay up all night
da: if you need to fight, you need to get lots of sleep
buttons ks’ coat
ks: thank you again for not making me wait long. i feel like i wont feel tired now even if i dont sleep
da: don’t act tough
ks: i cant say anything. ill call you when i get home
da:i want to do something for the first time for you. *hugs him It’s going to be hard, but promise me one thing
ks: what?
da: acting like a baby to me. i’ll take it all..
ks: ok.. ill act childish/like a baby until you tell me to stop whining

da packs up all her jinha memories..picture, wedding papers, necklace
granny comes in
granny: need anything?
da: no
granny: are you letting him go?
da: yes
granny. yes.. thats good thinking.
da: this person, he probably will be disappointed in me right?
granny: dont say that. what kinda person was jinha. he probably thought why you were holding onto him for so long
da: i never thought that before.. but i wish people who passed away don’t know anything. what people alive are thinking and doing..
granny: if you let him go now, im sure he will be free to be at peace
da: im hope so

ks:what about dad?
mom: he said hes going to be late meeting stockholders
ks: ok
mom: what we were doin wasnt useless was it?
ks: no mom..
mom: im worried sick. your dad did everything to get that resort..if things go wrong..
ks: that wont happen mom. dont worry and go in..

ks cousin gets madadrama ended
mom: in this family situation how can you be watching dramas?
ks cousin: why?

ks to ssahdaegie
arent you glad youre not being beat up every night because of your owner? later on, you better thank your owner

at park hg is drunk and his friends trying to wake him
hj : um.. if you can just move him to my car.
friends take himto apartment
frinds: come in, you came all the way here
hj: itsok.. just give him this
friend: whats this?
hj: its to help wake up from the alcohol
friend : you carry around 3 bottles of it at a time?
hj leaves
friend: hey.. dont you think she likes hg?

ty: what?
ms: i said make a meeting between me , you and dd. like at a pizza shop or something
ty: what are you doing
ms: i said i got the bouquet
ty: you feel sorry for me huh. a single dad, possibly about to lose my job. so you want to take care of me
ms: im not that nice
ty: then why ar eyou doing this
ms: when i see you, i think (ah gwe) is right
ty: whats ah gwe?
ms: it means, when im with you i feel that youre filling my lacking spaces
ty: ms.. please
ms: i dont think ill meet someone like that again
ty: thats because you havent dealt with me enough yet
ms: i can learn as were married/together
ms: ja? whya rent you home yet? i was going to introduce my bf.. what? hospital?

ty: ill just leave for today
ms: just go.. so you can meet her
ty: im not qualified to be introduced as your boyfriend
ms: only i can decide if you are or not. i want to sshow the world youre mine
ty: why are you like this, to a guy like me
ms: they saytheressomething, that when youre in love you want to show the world. thats called unggupjoong. i have no intention of fixing that
ty: why do you want to ruin your life
ms: its my life. whether i ruin it not its my life. and anyways i have the confidence to live with you well. and did you hear me before? saying the person i love.. youre a jerk in that i kissed you first, and had to say i love you first.. but you have to ask me to marry you first. okay?

awkward moment
sy: they say you cant eat until the gas is released
ja: its released
sy: what? i didnt hear it
ja: i wasembarassed,so while you were in the restroom
sy: why didnt you say so sooner? youre hungry right? ill get you porridge.
ja: no its ok

ms comes in
ms: ja... looks st sy.. who?
ja: ill tell yo later
ty: hyung!
sy: you.. what are you doing here
ms: its your brother? hello?
ty: wait.. that girl..i mean that person works at our company..
ja: then the person you said youre dating..
ms: then at the police station...

ty and sy
ty: wait wait lets organize our thoughts. so you and that cleaning girl.. okok youre dating miss oh jinah? no.. it couldnt be. that s not possible.
sy: it doesnt seem possible?
ty: how can someone like you and someone like her thats much younger than da
sy: are you really dating ms?
ty: thats not whats important right now
sy: and what did she mean about the police station?
ty: you dont remember? when we were at the police station, she and i were fighting
sy: oh yeah..
ty: wow how can we meet this way. wait.. i wondered why she looked familiar. that girl was the one who slapped some guy at the police station right?
ty: this doesnt make any sense
sy: why doesnt it make sense
ty: you have to think carefully. im not the eldest son so i can date whomever, but you cant. the person you marry wll become the eldest wife and have so many responsibilities. do you think a woman like her is right for..
sy: im thinking over if i really want to place that burden on her
ty: hyung...then...

ms: ty’s brother .. is divorced.. and so much older than you
ja: stand still and talk
ms: and him.. isnt he kind of strange?
ja: what?
ms: he got on his knees in front of his cheating wife. and thats because they needed to carry out the funeral plans. in a situation where it would have been normal to slap the woman..isnt it weird to get on his knees in that situation? why are u dating someone like that?
ja: unnie.. if you say that i have something to say too
ms: what is it
ja: isnt mister ha an adulterer? and thats why he was at the police station that day. why are you dating someone like that?
ms: that.. besides that hes a good person
ja: how can you forget that?
ms: still hes a kind human
ja: even when he was dragged in because he was cheating
ms: but still! being caught for cheating is better than a guy getting on his knees to his cheating wife!

ty: hey hey i thought you werent going to mention cheating anymore
ms: well she keeps saying that
ja: i only said that because you said our ahjuhshi is a weird person
sy: uh since your friend is here, im going to go home with my brother
ja: ok
sy: ill come by in the morning
ja: no its ok you have to go to work
sy: ill drop by before work for a little
ty: ms, im leaving
ms: ok

yi: you guys are coming in now. i thought you were staying at the hospital (to sy)
sy: someone came to takecare of her
yi: who?
sy: the person shes living with
yi: oh ok.. go in and sleep
ty: how does mother know about ja

sy room
ty: how does mother know about her?
sy: shes been encouraging me (about relationship)
ty: what? then mother is supporting you two to work out?
sy: go sleep
ty: you and mother.. are you guys all going crazy? you guys know how hard it is for the eldest sons. well, ok, mother is alittle weird too.. but you.. youre eldest son to your bones.
sy: before an eldest son, im still a person. the person that made me realize that is ohjina.

ks: congratulate me. we’re going to get married
hj: oppa
ks: she said she will too
hj: really?
ks: kiddo,why would i lie to you
hj: thats great..congratulations for reals
ks:dad must be coming home.. i need to talk to dad first

ks dad comes in
mom: coming in now? it looks like you didnt drink much
dad: i drank a bit, but i have too much on my mind and didnt get drunk.
mom:are things not going well?
dad: everyone is just eyeing the whole situation
ks: dad, i have something to tell you

ks: dad.. morethan anything i want to preserve the resort
dad: well me too.. why do you think ive been meeting with stockholders this late
ks: however at this rate, theres no guarantee another party wont keep trying to interfere and weaken the company
dad: well imtrying to do everything i can to stop it
ks:dad.. what about reconsidering your want for taking over the resort completely?
dad: what do you mean?
ks: how about a different alternative from taking over the company
dad: WHAT?
ks: please calm down and listen to what im saying
dad: how can i calm down when youresaying something like that?
ks: this is the best decision
dad: giving up like this?
ks: no.. officially merging with the ha’s as co-owners
dad: what?
ks: is we combine what we have, and the stock they have, we will have enough power that no one come in to take over easily. if we merge with the ha’s no one will really try to split the company either.
dad: what.. so..what are you saying
ks: i know you wont be able to have it all, but you can be the co-owner of everything
dad: you! to this day i have never been a co-owner to anything. and you should know how dangerous a co-partnership can be. they already know what we were thinking, so how do you know they wont try to do the same to us
ks: they wont do that
dad: i knwo maybe not grandpa ha, but how do you know about the son and grandsons.
after this, they might be just waiting for the opportunity to shove us out. then what are you going to do.
ks: they wont think that way
dad: have you seen whats inside their minds?
ks: ill block everything
dad: you said you would block things last time and this is what happened.
ks: this time is different. i have another way that they will not have other thoughts.. so only you need to decide
dad: i dont know! we did all this work, and now to suggest being co-owners?
ks: please think about it

da looking at ring
ks(text): sleeping?
da(text): starting from today ive decided to not sleep until i get a text that youre sleeping. im loyal arent i?

ks calls her
ks: if this were a club/organization i would want to serve you as a leader
da: you must have been moved
ks: im holding back the tears (joking) but are you serious? that youre not going to sleep until im sleeping
da: i should be able to do that much for someone fightning hard
ks:want to make a bet?
da: huh?
ks: who falls asleep first talking on the phone all night?
da: no...i cant do that
ks: you must not be cut out for it
da: youre someone who gets kind of weird when making a bet. you’ll probably do all sorts of things to make me fall asleep first
ks: what do you think i’ll do?
da: mm.. you might lullabyes all night
ks: then why dont you sing all night too?
da:if i sing lullabyes all night, you wont be able to sleep. so this bet is not advantageous to me..
ks: i.. love you very much. and from now on, im going to love you even more..
da: ill love you like i cant live without you.
ks: it looks like we both met our match(worthy opponent). you and me..we’ll probably fight about that all our lives
da: i hope i will win.. that way, the regret/sorry heart i feel for not having let you into my heart from the beginning can become lessened...

yi: i dont understand how things are working right now. president chung seems to be still meeting with stockholders, while mister lee seems to not be moving at all
ty: im sure theyre scheming of something in the background
yi: they havent even signed papers for the home yet
dad:they called and said they’ll be away for a few days
yi: how can they go on vacation in a time like this
ty: im sure theyre planning something. they might be planning to just take over the house without money too
sy: do you think they’d do something like that.
dad: what do you think about ks?
sy: he’s around doing business, but not moving much
ty: im sure theres something..

ks assisant and ks convo ( didnt get who it was but ks told him to say he’s busy and cant meet him/them)

ty comes in and ks stands up all politely
ks: hello/welcome
ty: whats with you? a lower person comes in and youre standing up.
ks: im going to do that from now on
ty: why? do you feel bad for chasing us out with nothing? but do you know, that makes us feel more like youre playing around with us. so just act like youve been acting..
ks: you dont like me right?
ty: then do you think you would like someone who is trying to take over your family company?
ks: what can i do?
ty: for what?
ks: so that you’ll like me/approve of me
ty looks freaked out hahaha

in hallway
ty: that guys psycho. im talking about leekangseok.
sy: what now
ty: he’s asking me how he can look good to me. real psycho right?
sy: maybe he feels bad
ty: i dont think thats it. til now he’s never gotten up when ive entered the room, but today he got up and greeted me. i think there’s definitely something strange about him
sy: im leaving
ty: already?
sy: ja gets discharged today. do your work

yi and doc
sy: mother, i said id come to get her.. why did you come here
doc: i asked her to come. to tell her something important.
yi: what are we going to do?
doc: her test results came back with some bad news
sy: is something very bad?
doc: that.. im supposed to only say this to the patient.. but since you are talking about getting married..
sy: whats wrong?

sorry i didnt get the exact words but basically she has something where she is infertile and there are no treatment options. other than not being able to have kids, she wont have any problems

sy and yi
yi: you guys were so good together i wanted to do anything to help you guys.. if i knew this,i wouldnt have said anything. i wouldnt have encouraged you to step forward. i feel bad for interfereing.. i know it may hurt, but i think it may be better to take end things right now. youre the eldest son, so you probably dont have a choice. i think ill cry if i saw her right now, so ill leave

sy goes to getja
ja: i know youre busy, why are you here
sy: if i dont come, who will
ja: im fine so i can go by myself
sy: lets go

sy is thinking
ja: oh, this isnt the right way. you must have been thinking about something else. why did you come, you must have a lot on your mind. are things not going well?
sy: no.. things are almost taken care of
ja: but you look so tired today

jas house
ja: ill make you some coffee
sy: no its ok, just rest
ja: but still, youre a guest..
ja: didnt your brother say anything? he probably doesnt like me right?
sy: why do you say that?
ja: hes probably wondering why someone like me is meeting someone like you
sy: no
ja: i can tell that much..
sy: ill go now..
ja: already?
sy: i have to go back to work
ja: sorry for taking your time
sy: dont say that. rest..

sy thinks over the doctors words

professors office
da: i thought i needed to tell you first out of everyone
prof: marry him? youre going to marry him?
da: yes,i want to
prof: what about the company?
da: he will figure that out
prof: if that were the case why did he let things get this way
da: i made it that way. he asked me to help him stop, but at the time i couldnt
prof: so now youre going to be with him?
da: he wants to stop on his own now
prof: da.. im honestlyglad. i dont know if hes right or not, but hes someone you were able to give your heart to. i know you wouldnt open your heart to anyone, so i trust you.
da: thank you
prof: jinha must be able to rest in peace now.. thank you da..

ks comes in
prof stands up
prof: we’ve never been formally introduced. I’m nam young sook
ks: im lee kangseok. sorry, the introduction was late.
prof: take care of da. you probably already know shes a good-hearted person
ks: yes
prof: okay you talk..

da: i told her we’re getting married
ks: she probably didnt think too much of to up to now. ii bet it’ll take some time for her to be approving
da: shes jinah oppa’s older 3rd cousin.. thats why she felt so bad for me.

hj pulls to work
hg: how long does it take nowadays?
hj: it went down to about 3 hours
hg: you brought those huh. all the food and milk.. and there was a plant in front of the door too
hj: they said if you leave it by the window and give it plenty of water it’ll grow well
hg: why didnt you ring the bell
hj: i didnt want to bother you
hg: thank you. i ate the food well, and ill try to take care of the plant
hj: thank you
hg: you did it and youre saying thank you

a kid falls and starts crying
hj looks like shes freaking out a little when hg covers her eyes for her..(sweet)
hg: its just the sound of someone crying.. i want to cover your ears too, but then youmight be able to see.. i thought seeing it and not being able to hear it would make me more afraid
hg: are you scared?
hj: no
hg: then why are crying?
hg: because its so warm..your hand . even though i can hear the crying, im not afraid. it feels like a spring day. a warm spring day..

ks: i asked how i can look good to him, and he looked at me like i was crazy, your second brother
da: i probably would have done the same. a person planning to take over the company, yet telling him they want to look good to them. its strange
ks: the hardest will probably be your second brother
da: it probably wont compare
ks: then who?
da: my mother
ks: what about her?
da: she wants me to meet a really great man and get married
ks: what are you saying right now? are you saying im not a great husband material?
da: to our family, youre probably the worst husband material
ks stands
ks: im leaving!
da: are you mad?
ks: then what kind of person wont get mad hearing that?
ks: was this it? telling me i can act childish, and this is your way of making me feel better?

ks home
ks: youre home?
dad: sit down
ks: what about mom
dad: she was tired and went to bed
ks: did you think about it? you shouldve had plentyof time to think it over
dad: lets do that for now.. before anyone else tries to swoop in, lets merge with them for now.
ks: good thinking dad
dad: but its for now.. after everything settles,letsmake another opportunity

ks calls da
da: yes?
ks: is your whole family home tomorrow?
da: its sunday, so they should be
ks:im going tomorrow.
da: ks..

da home
eberyones cleaning again
ty: our companys having problems and you want us to be doing this right now
yi: moving your body a lot will help you keep from thinking too many things
grandaunt: yeah thats true.. rather than sitting and doing nothing

da is waiting outside for ks
ks: why are you outside?
da: kangseok.. dont rush things. once things at work are settled..
ks: things are already settling. let’s just get it over with/ burst the news

yi: you should leave the men to boil the ras
granny: i gave dd a coupon for that and he decided to use it today
dd: thanks grandma..

ks walks in
grandaunt: what are you doing here?
ks: i needed to tell you something
ty: tell us what?

they go into grandpas room
grandpa: what are you here about today
ks: professor ha..
da: yes?
ks: why don’t you sit
grandpa: sit..
ks: grandfather..
grandpa: talk..
ks: i would like to marry your granddaughter.


[ 本帖最后由 hurley 于 2009-1-26 10:11 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 07:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 laura1997 于 2009-1-26 04:32 发表
fr sandybabe/soompi

repeats end of ep 31
ks and da walk down
原帖由 烏雲追風 于 2009-1-26 06:31 发表
Dear Laura:新年快樂呀!我來了,這樣好了,今天我就從後面開始翻起,加油囉!


原帖由 hurley 于 2009-1-26 07:15 发表
11002# 大 中 小 发表于 2009-1-26 04:32  只看该作者
fr sandybabe/soompi



原帖由 烏雲追風 于 2009-1-26 06:31 发表



原帖由 viva1124 于 2009-1-26 02:51 发表
大家新年快樂!!! ^___^

看起來比較年輕!!! 心智似乎也跟著年輕喔!!!


[ 本帖最后由 qhwjw 于 2009-1-26 08:03 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-26 07:47 | 显示全部楼层

































发表于 2009-1-26 07:53 | 显示全部楼层
另一版本。。。FR DAUM




























发表于 2009-1-26 07:56 | 显示全部楼层
祝萬事如意, 心想事成

如果還有親是需要 mu link 下載的話 -
ep32 ental avi

[ 本帖最后由 Kit09 于 2009-1-26 08:02 编辑 ]
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