So HJH goes to SDW's house and he's talking about how he wanted to continue this dream of his even though it was wrong and I think he's going to tell her the truth but HJH says she doesn't want to listen to it and leaves. SDW offers to drive her home since he promised he wouldn't make her drive in the dark from now on but she sort of snaps at him and leaves.
KJH saw IJE outside and invited her for tea. IJE told KJH that she told HJH the truth.
The next morning HJH's expression is calm and IJE wonders how she can be like that. Then she wonders if HJH really loves SDW for himself and not because he's a doctor. HJH and SDW confront in a hallway place (as seen in the preview) HJH just walks by him.
Later SDW calls HJH and asks her to have lunch together but she says she has an appointment (even though she just got back from talking to IJE - I can't for the life of me remember what they said to each other ) and she's walking around when she sees SDW sitting and she's about to turn around but he talks to her and she says to get up so they can have lunch but he says he has to appetite and she says ok fine and walks away. SDW looks after her with a shocked expression.
Then later SDW's at IJE's mom's restaurant and he says to please help him turn IJE's feelings around. Then he and IJE are sitting on the swings and he says they're like soulmates and they're really close and should look out for each other.
HJH meets the nurse lady from the island and they have lunch (dinner?) together and she finds out from the nurse that SDW didn't go to Japan because the nurse slipped the secret (although it's not a secret anymore).
I don't understand what SDW has planned for the cyber knife center thing. He was supposed to incorporate it with a hyper knife center (I think I have the names wrong..) but he put something else instead and KJH first saw it and was like freaking out. Then in the end of the ep HJH saw it and freaked out.
HJH runs to SDW's place and sees him outside then she yells at him and aks if he was just using her and he says yes. T_T
[ 本帖最后由 stephy 于 2006-10-31 14:04 编辑 ] |