


楼主: viva1124

【2008SBS】【家门的荣光】家门的荣光 荣光的家门 楼内诸君 与有荣焉~~~~^^









发表于 2009-1-11 11:17 | 显示全部楼层
弱弱地问一句, 今天的英文翻译还没出来吧?








发表于 2009-1-11 11:52 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2009-1-11 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
终于盼到了虐戏,呵呵,这都什么心态呀 !是啊,为什么喜欢虐戏了?太伤感,与心爱的人分开,的确是件残忍的事。








发表于 2009-1-11 11:57 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-1-11 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wendy16 于 2009-1-11 11:12 发表











发表于 2009-1-11 12:00 | 显示全部楼层











发表于 2009-1-11 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 王京 于 2009-1-10 23:54 发表


丹雅跟江石在車上等日出的時候,兩人好像談到從前在清華洞時的生活,原來當時江石亦曾經在那地方住過,不過當時他們兩人沒 ...

纯子剧评强推机智的监狱生活!韩剧:黑骑士/只是相爱的关系綜藝:RM/拜托冰箱/认识哥哥熊孩子/同床异梦/老罗的所有综艺/团结就是火/混九/金无名/超人回来了/我的外国朋友/无限挑战/master key/








发表于 2009-1-11 12:05 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-1-11 12:07 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-1-11 12:09 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-1-11 12:11 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 王京 于 2009-1-11 12:07 发表



http://nbbs3.sbs.co.kr/index.jsp ... o=138&page_no=1

翻译机结果:The elegance which is crying. Cannot a transformation in river three,(elegance-丹雅 river three-江石,翻译机是奇怪点的)

[ 本帖最后由 greencrystal 于 2009-1-11 12:25 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-11 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 greencrystal 于 2009-1-11 12:11 发表











发表于 2009-1-11 12:25 | 显示全部楼层
this is not an uncommon parenting practice in asia especially one or two generations ago. sometimes they 'ignore' and 'surpress' hoping it will just go away. it's a very different way of raising children, and setting priorities.. and sometimes parents punish their children if they act like they are not ok.

this is one of the struggles for ppl who are bi or multicultural and lingual. it's hard to balance the two dichotomies sometimes.

----------------BY DRAMAOK/soompi

i'm watching and working on today's.. about half finished..



KS: have you ever watched sunrise?
DA: yes. a few times.
KS: which was the most memorable one?
DA: i think it was that time during school study fieldtrip, in kyeongjoo's tohan mountain.. i watched the pink sun covering the whole sky and it was shocking as i felt my heart dropped suddenly. i thought at the moment living was such a joyful awe. ah.. i did think so at the time. and it seems i've been living forgetting that.
KS: i went to kyeongju too for school fieldtrip. [kyeongju is common place to go for overnight fieldtrips. it was korea's capital during silla period.]
DA: you didn't see then? sunrising?
KS: the night before i got in a brawl again with the kids in my class. my father came down to buy the teachers meal and trying to bribe them to make me head of student association in 3rd year.
DA: so did you get elected?
KS: no the day before the announcement for student president i got into another fight and was almost transferred out from the school. thx to that i had to do volunteer work too.
DA: how much fight did you get into!
KS: if i set my mind to it i'm quite good at playing fist. i even got recruited by the mafia.
DA: (laugh) good thing your family is rich. or else you'd be living as a mafia ringleader.
KS: the mafia ringleader isn't so sexy that you'd want him as a lover.
DA: well you don't know that. remember your made a commotion singing dance lover...
KS: hahah.. i've tainted you..hehe.. but it's not because my family's rich that i didn't become a gangster. i didn't want my father to have to hear his son is a mafia bandit when he's already getting sneered as an overnight millionaire. and so there were many times life was suffocating to me. due to my obsessive neurosis... that suffocation that i can't do anything my way.
DA: is that why u fought so hard then?
KS: it was easier to hit then to be hit. when i graduated from highschool i realized no one can defeat me... so i hit all i could when i could!
DA: why..? why are you so cruel to yourself.
KS: this is a first.. everyone in the world says im' so cruel.. but you're asking me why i'm cruel to myself?
DA: you told me this. to value oneself. you should try that too.. then you'd be living less suffocated (frustrated)


KS: (goes out) "do you even know how cruel the deed i'm doing to you is? you dumb woman!"
DA: (watches from inside the car)

KS: (awakes from dozing off; goes outside where DA is standing) what the.. you're so stingy (unsharing)! were you gonna watch sunrise by yourself!
DA: i thought it'd be some time before the sun rise so i left you to sleep a little..
KS: how long did i sleep?
DA: about 3 hours..
KS: and you just stood here like that the whole time?
DA: yes.
KS: you're so severe (tenacious)! gee.. how you're set to unnerve my pride w/ that strange method of yours!
DA: (laugh) the sun's rising


KS: (holds DA hand) you won't believe this either.. but i'll say it anyway.. for being w/ me on the day i watch sun rise for the first time.. thank you. these memories that you've given me.. to me.. to my life.. they are to me brief festivals.
DA: (in her mind) thank you.. for me as well the memories you've given me were festivals. as time goes by they will be sorrows but i will still remember them..


Sam-Wol: our Dan-ah.. is she even eating well... i worry..
Yeong-In: i'd be more at ease if she went out to spend the night w/ a man she's dating instead.
TY: mother your talk is too much.
YI: what?
TY: i'm saying if she were your daughter you wouldnt' say so.
YI: i AM saying this cuz i'm worried about my daughter for real.


KS: if i'm sitting here eating this w/ a woman alone in the morning.. shouldn't it be that something happened overnight?
DA: ?
KS: we should walk out from a hotel and eat this.. so it's more real.
DA: do you know this? whenever the mood is like this you always talk nonsense?
KS: i'm just telling you i'm a male too! why do you say it's nonsense!
DA: Kang-Seok ssi you will do fine. if you treat anyone else the same way you treat me, you can live with a beautiful love. i'm talking about the way you are when you're on the stage as if briefly you're with your acting partner. i hope you live not forgetting who you are. then you wont' live as lonely as you do now.
KS: do you know this? it's the first time you said my name?
DA: i do. i wanted to do that too. i can't shout out your name to say 'Kang Seok ssi I love you' in the street.. but i've wanted to say your name.. even just once.
KS: (!)


KS: you must be tired why do you want to come to school and not home?
DA: it'll be hard to face my family..
KS: your family wouldn't know you spent the night out w/ a man.. you're so strange..
DA: just think of it as i tripped over my own foot.. i'm going in..
KS: i'll come pick you up before lesson time.
HG: (watches the happening looking pissed)


HG: how is it that you're coming out from that person's car when it's not even 8 o clock?
DA: (ignore)
HG: (presses hand on her book) so it's not enough that he comes to pick you up after school now he's giving you rides in the morning too?
DA: isn't that how everyone is when dating? go study instead. didn't you come out early so you can go to the library?
HG: you're determined to see my blood dry aren't you?
DA: i've already told you. i have no reservation to think about you too.
HG: why don't you say it! if it weren't for me you wouldn't be like this w/ him!
DA: if it hadn't been you i would probably still be w/ him.
HG: i'm no stupid! you wouldn't be involved in a guy like him you don't even want to face. so yeah maybe i should thank him, to get that out of you on my account. fine! this is probably more certainly better than u living like a dead.
DA: why do you make me repeat over and over? i don't see you as a man. it's not possible.
HG: and so i said i would wait! from that moment you appeared to be shot by thunder i was already a man to you! it's not because i don't have the strength but it's because i'm waiting for you to come as a woman.
DA: there won't be that day.
HG: don't assert anything. as a man i feel this from that man. that person! isn't someone who can wager everything at a woman, but i have! and i'm the one who is standing by you!

[KS goes home and tells his parents he was out w/ friends]
mom: he's getting strange lately.. he's staying out which he's not done before.. and his face is getting more pale.. what is happening to him?
dad: let's hurry and eat breakfast and play another round.


KS gets HJ a new car.
KS: here you go (key)
HJ: thanks oppa.
KS: i should teach you how to drive but i'm a little busy lately. he (HG) seems to know how to drive, ask him to practice w/ you.


SY: you still haven't finished knitting the muffler (scarf)?
JA: i loosen it again.
SY: will i get it before the winter is over?
JA: i can't even guarantee it'll be done before next winter.
SY: it's so hard to get a muffler.
JA: so i'm thinking maybe i should go catch a rabbit in the mountain instead.
SY: hahaha.. what a tough tease.
YI: (arrives and sees the two laughing)
JA: um.. then director.. i'll go down first. (leaves)

SY: what brought you here..
YI: i was feeling nauseous so i came up to get some fresh air.
SY: i see. then ill go first.
YI: Director Ha!
SY: yes.
YI: i saw you w/ that miss last time too. and i think i saw you run into the bathroom she was in before that time too. i don't think it's right to talk to my son about this but i'm kind of quick on that type of stuff.. it seems you and her have a more complex relationship? did i see wrong?
SY: --
YI: should i act like i didn't see anything?
SY: i'm sorry.. this old guy with a young miss.. i've shown you something i shouldn't have.
YI: that's nothing to be sorry about.
SY: i'll be more careful about my behavior at work.
YI: so there is something to be cautious about?
SY: please disregard it.

JA: did she say something unsavory? since she's your mother.
SY: there isn't such thing so just continue your work.


TY: what?
MS: i'm wondering when you're coming today to collect your money.
TY: next time.
MS: you said you'd come daily to collect.
TY: that's too cumbersome so i'll go back to monthly collection.
MS: why? do you feel wronged that you're paying higher beer tab than the money you're actually collecting?
TY: yeah that too.
MS: but come today anyway. i got paid today. i'll give you 10 minutes so come.
TY: i'll do that next time too.
MS: why? i'm saying i'm paying why are you putting it off and such! i'll buy you jjajjang noodle (fried black bean sauce) for interest today so come.
TY: next time..
MS: but i'm saying i'm giving it to you today even if i die. so come after work no matter what.


KS: i thought you'd be busy w/ the win or lose match today (card game w/ mom) .
dad: i just met with Jeon San-Gil. he's agreed to give us everything he's got.but why didn't you tell me? that it's come pretty far along... so what's the number so far?
KS: it's not a safe number yet.
dad: but together w/ the ones from Mr. Jeon.. it should be more than what President and CEO Ha have.
KS: Yoon sam-wol's shares could cast an issue.
dad: you mean that maid granny?
KS: yes.
dad: what is her share exactly?
KS: 4.8%.
dad: why so much. they're nuts to give that much to the maid. maybe your mom's right about her relationship w/ President Ha.
KS: i don't think so.
dad: then what.. maybe i should go talk to her instead. it's better i try to persuade her instead of you since you're young.
KS: i don't think that'll do.
dad: why not? what can't be done if you throw money at it.
KS: it seems she got it for the merit of slaving in that household all her life. i dont think you can just throw money at it and get it. you should give up on that thought.
dad: but at this rate what if they hear something and it gets all toppled?
KS: i'll take care of it dad.
dad: just don't let it go too long. acquisition things like this.. nothing good comes out from it if you drag it on too long.

[HA home, jukyeong granny and granpa ha]
JJ: give it to me. the land document. it's mine. so i'll take care of it.
GP: tell me the reason.
JJ: i have use for it.
GP: so i'm asking. for what?
JJ: just give it to me.

[samwol granny outside the room]
SW: take my shares and sell it. don't touch that land.
JJ: no. why would i take yours.
SW: i have no use for it even if i hold on to it. i took it because of the president's urnest urging. but i have no use for it. you take it and use the money from it.


ex: i was just gonna leave because i thought it'd be hard to see you first.. but.
JJ: are you in a hurry to go back?
ex: not that. but. me being here just makes it hard on you too..
JJ: wait a little kyeong-seop ssi.
ex: why..
JJ: because your life got ruined because of you. i know very well i'm living better than you so i can't just act blind and do nothing.
ex: what are you thinking.!
JJ: i'm saying.. just wait a little.. k?


KS: did you get any shut-eye?
DA: yes. in the office. and what about you?
KS: i had meeting here and there so didn't get a chance.
DA: then you shouldn't have come you must be exhausted.
KS: we're busy fatigued the same so it's better i come since i'm the man (grin).


DA: i'm severe as you know. i could've take the train..
KS: and what if you doze off and ride the train all the way to its depot?
DA: i'm not that dense (dumb).
KS: really? you're really not that dense?
DA: (glare)
KS: see. you don't even understand what i just said.. and you claim you're not dense.


DA: (asleep)
KS: (about to touch her head but hesitates)
DA: (awake) seeing how i slept not knowning we're already here.. i guess i am dense.
KS: i already told you that. (gets out) wanna play hookie today too?
DA: no it'll become a habit. plus we've already done everything.
KS: do you think we did everything already?
DA: --


KS: i'm asking.. do you think we did everything that there is to do between a man and a woman?
DA: are you talking nonsense again?
KS: cuz i feel cheated! you said we did everything but i feel we didn't get to do anything right and i feel i'm turning inside out (walks away)!
DA: (laugh)


HG: you got a car?
HJ: yes.
HG: it's pretty. but why are you so sweaty?
HJ: because i'm not used to driving i got cold sweat.
HG: did you come from home?
HJ: yes.
HG: where do you live?
HJ: seongbok dong.
HG: how long did it take?
HJ: 5 hours.
HG: what? that's enough to go from seoul to pusan..
HJ: --
HG: you're not used to driving you should just go around in your neighborhood why did you bring it all the way to your work place?
HJ: just because..
HG: don't get into an accident. be careful.


DA explains why wild goose came to be a symbol of marriage... symbol of faithfulness...
mom: since we're on the subject Professor Ha, about your brothers.. why were their wives not present during your father's wedding? i heard they were present for the great-grandfather's funeral, but can they skip such an important event as wedding?
DA: they both divorced not long ago.
mom: what? can you allowed that in noble families too?
KS: let's stop the lesson here today..
[mom goes to wake up dad to tell him about this]


KS: you give straight answers to that kind of quesion? you should've just dodged them.
DA: that is not something you can lie about.
KS: do you never lie?
DA: that's probably not true but i try to live not doing so.
KS: and i'm a punk who says not to believe a word i say, and you're a believer of living w/out lying. if we met properly then we would've caused some headache.
DA: but you wouldn't have said that to me had we met properly. not to believe a word you say.
KS: but do you know this? that you believed what i said, to not believe a word i said. then that means you believed what i said from the start.
DA: (looks down)


YI: please drink it.
JA: thanks.
YI: do you know i'm Director Ha's new (step) mother?
JA: yes. i heard it from the ajooma who is also cleans here.
YI: i'm only a step mom, but a son is a son. my son seems close to someone and i can't pretend not know, that's why i asked for some time.
JA: no! Director Ha and i are not of any special relationship. he's just very kind to all the cleaning staff.
YI: we met in the bathroom last time didn't we when you ran into cry? i disregarded it then. but now i wonder why he went into the bathroom w/ you during work hours..
JA: that is..
YI: are you like this because i might interfere?
JA: there's nothing between us, please believe me.
YI: i was just trying to figure out what's going on but you denying so strongly that it's nothng.. only makes me wonder more.. i'm wondering if you're denying because there really is nothing, or because there is something. director ha is older than you and if other ppl see you together at work there could be weird gossips, isn't it? that's why i want to know clearly.
JA: i'll quit.. so please don't misunderstand director ha.
YI: Oh jinah ssi.. ? your relationship is nothing but you're saying you will quit so he won't be misunderstood? is that what you're saying?
JA: i'll leave now.


MS: hey your son is cute!
TY: (smile) thx.
MS: he resembles you a lot.
TY: that's what my son hates to hear the most. i think his goal in life is 'not to live like dad'... you saw.. how he said i was having affair.
MS: how do you live getting caught by your son too.
TY: i told you i lived like a dog in heat. these days kids who are 7 adn 8 are in puberty and why wouldn't he know about his dad that lives in the same house.. what kind of thing he's made of.
MS: why isn't his mom raising him? isn't it better when kids are raised by their moms? do you see the mom often?
TY: excuse me? give me a bottle of beer.

[SY calls JA]
SY: are you home?
JA: yes.
SY: i'm leaving work. would you like to go eat carp-shaped bread?
JA: no. i'll just stay here. then, bye.

[YI asks dad about SY and TY]
YI: why did director ha and supervisor ha divorce?
dad: um.. i guess personality clash?
YI: but there must be more detailed reason? why you don't want to tell me cuz it seems you're bad-mouthing your sons?
dad: no not that.. but Taeyeong's reason is clear.. but Suyeong i think it's more complicated... they were both quiet.. so there wasn't any big apparent trouble.. but seeing they divorced like that i think they had their reason we didn't realize. my guess is he's too much like me.. probably treated his wife the same way i treated the kids mother.. but just cuz i'm the parent it doesn't mean i can know clearly..
YI: then what about supervisor ha? (TY)
dad: he did.. adultery.
YI: what? adultery?

[Taeyeong and Malsoon.. continue their talk in the chinese restaurant]
TY: he's not a child his mom gave birth too. a jerk like me.. sure did a lotta misdeed against women.. in army.. i met that woman briefly.. army life is especially boring and it was during my more corrupt days. i was just gonna meet her out of boredom while in army.. then suddenly one day she said she was pregnant and i asked how do i know it's mine and we fought big me calling her all kinds of low broad names. maybe because it wasn't love but she just yelled 'you're really a bad guy'.. and she disappeared just like that she even quit her salon (saloon?) and i just assumed she got an abortion and went somewhere else to live well, but then one day i got a call. and she was in the hospital having the baby.and after she had the baby.. she died from it.. and as she was dying..she said.. it is your child, you bad jerk!.. and that is how i am.


YI: you should go somewhere w/ that miss on a day like today. earlier she ran out of my office denying your relationship.. director ha.. i want to disregard it but i don't think it will be so.

[YI then inquires about the rules about head offspring's marriage. does the wife have to be older? do all the elders must approve? etc.]


TY: im' leaving.
MS: when are you coming tomorrow to collect the money?
TY: i said it's too bothersome to collect money so i'm not doing it anymore. so i'll just collect it at once once you have it all ready. just call me then.
MS: i'm gonna pay you daiy.
TY: i said it was bothersome (troublesome).
MS: want to be a bad jerk to me too? a dollar, ten dollars whatever i'm paying it daily so don't say no.
TY: it's not cuz it's bothersome you dummy!
MS: i'm not dumb enough not to know that, you dummy!
TY: (!) you nerv me. (i'm bothered by your existence) you nerv me so i can't stand the humilliation! so many humilliations too!
MS: Ha Tae-Yeong! let's stop being friends! i can't be friends with you anymore! ask me why! ask me why i can't be your friend anymore!
TY: don't you tell me. i told you! i'm a bad jerk! i'm going.
MS: why are you leaving w/out asking me why first! you bad jerk! ask me what i want to be!


[DA has to go back to office to send a document]
KS: do you have to go back to the office?
DA: yes. our dept. lead went to do a seminar in china but he's missing a document. i have to go send an email.
KS: but the other professor seemed to have offered to come out instead why didn't you just let her? you didn't sleep and going back to the office again.. isn't that acting too much like a superhuman?
DA: i like doing that.. cuz then sleep comes easier.
KS: do you have insomnia that you can only sleep when your body's exhausted?
DA: --
KS: how many hours do you sleep a day?
DA: i sleep enough.
KS: but you must get good sleep while i'm dragging you around..
DA: yes.
KS: but why is it that i'm getting insomnia lately..? i've been fatigued too from dragging you around..
DA: when our acting is over your insomnia will probably be over.
KS: then at least you know? that i have insomnia because of this acting?


KS: as if getting the vending machine coffee isn't enough, now i'm even using my hands to make this.
DA: (smile) thank you.
KS: of course you should be thankful! you're the first woman who's getting coffee made by me! (leans in) but if you're really thankful then after you're finished w/ the work let's smack lips together (kiss).
DA: (ignore)
KS: was that a snub?
DA: cuz i'm not thankful enough to do that.
KS: i asked you three four times.. why don't you do it once. at this late hour in this little space.. a man and a woman alone.. if we didn't do it wouldn't that sad?
DA: if you're so bored just have a shut-eye for a little. this might take a little while since i have to search the document then send it.
丹: 假如你那么无聊,就闭眼睡一会。因为我要找一找文件才能送出去,可能要一会儿才会好。
KS: i guess you're fond of my sleeping look.. since you keep trying to put me to sleep.
DA: i'm asking you so i can work quietly.
KS: so you're telling me to shut up and sleep up! lee kang seok.. when did you become so thickskinned. don't you know to be angry when you get this kind of treatment from a woman? (closes eyes)
DA: (smile)


HG: i guess if you drive home it'll take another 5 hours?
HJ: are you going home?
HG: why? then will you give me a ride?
HJ: it might take a while but if you want i can do that.
HG: no it's okay. i don't know maybe cuz i'm in some cripple mode these days i can't go home w/ a sound mind. (sober).. i'll go have a fresh beer. so you go first.
HJ: can i go w/ you.
HG: but you don't even drink.
HJ: but you shouldn't sleep on the street again.. how about if you sleep in my car when you're drunk and when you're sober..
HG: did you buy the car because of me? so i can sleep in it when i'm drunk instead of sleeping on the street?
HJ: well that..
HG: why are you like this really? you said you want to break your fantasy so you got the job too but why are you so nerved by me? will your fantasy break if you did that?
[someone upstairs drops a mannequin and it falls infront of HJ, and HJ faints]


DA: (looks at KS who pretends to be asleep)
KS: i guess you really like it.. my sleeping face.
DA: i finished work.
KS: i never imagined i'd want to do this too but it's not bad. wondering if i'll sleep or not.. as i listen to my lover typing on the keyboard dook dook dook. let's go..
[KS gets a call from HG about HJ]


HG: she just lost consciousness.
DA: what happened?


DA: but it's fortunate you were next to her.
HG: why were you w/ him at this late hour? seeing you got here so quick you were in school still.. why were you w/ him at school at this hour?
DA: are you really curious about that right now?
HG: since i'm a jerk who's nuts over one woman. i'm more angry that you're here w/ him then startled that she fainted!
DA: let's just think of Hye-Joo only today..
HG: there's no space in my mind for her to enter!


KS: did he leave?
DA: he's not leaving.
KS: not because Hye-Joo is here, but because you're here i bet... maybe our acting is helping neither kids.. just putting ourselves in confusion.. you should go with him.
DA: i'll stay here.
KS: (!)
DA: since we are still lovers.


KS: thx.i keep saying thx because of hye-joo.
HG: i'm here right now not because of your sister, but because of that woman in there.
KS: i know.
HG: are you confident you can keep this up for 4 years?
KS: --
HG: why can't you answer?
KS: (arm on his shoulder).. in a fight.. the one that outlasts is the one who wins.
HG: what do you mean by that? are you acknowledging you're doing a show?


KS: "stop lee kang seok.. just live according to your nature.. you keep going a little and a little.. but the ending was already decided wasn't it?"

[DOCTOR suggests getting hypnosis treatment. HJ seems to harbor horror somewhere in her unconscious. KS calls home and says he's taking HJ on a trip to kang-nueng to practice driving. ]
[DA stays out another night]



[HJ won't go for the treatment. DA asks HG to help convince HJ]
HG: get the treatment. you can't keep collasping. do you know how much you startled me yesterday? do you want to keep startling me?


doc: do you go to school?
HJ: yes.
doc: do you have someone you like from the opposite sex?
HJ: yes.
doc: when did you meet him?
HJ: the year before last.

[then nurse brings KS and DA and HG> the nurse says only family can watch]
KS: they are all family

[treatment continues]
HJ: seven...
doc: what do you see?
HJ: ocean.. my brother.. he's laughing holding me...
doc: good job.. then should we keep going? what is the most scary memory?
HJ: --
doc: you needn't be scared. that time already passed and you can wake up whenver you want.. then.. how old are you?
HJ: five..
doc: what do you see? can you tell me?
HJ: our home..
doc: what is Hye-Joo doing?
HJ: oppa.. i'm waiting for him to come home.. it's time oppa comes home from school.
doc: has oppa come?
HJ: no..
doc: what do you see?
HJ: an adult.. a man.. he's holding the child. a girl child about my size. (sob) he's screaming.. save my child.. save my child.. he's screaming.. her foot! that child's foot! dropped! the child's dead! (sob) dad!!!

[HJ does not actualy remember this in real memory it's been pushed back to her other conscious]


dad: (to kangseok) do you remember that?
KS: it happened while i wasn't home.
dad: no not that. but your brother! your older brother who is 5 years older than you who died when you were 4. do you?
KS: yes.
dad: he was such a smart good kid.. your mom and i worked so hard and saved enough to have a rubber sole store for the first time.. and we were so proud of that warehouse.. there was nothing else to envy.. but it went on fire..as if god was against me and he was injured scalded all over by it.. and we needed money to treat him.. so i went to the money guy at the market and begged and begged on knee but he said no because we had no collatoral.. and i begged.. but your brother.. he basically died because we had no money. i made up my mind then to avenge.. and dried up his money.. and who would have known his daughter got that incurable disease.. ! and he brought his dead daughter to our house like that! telling me to save her! but i have no regret about what happened. we simply paid back a grudge w/ a grudge. i lost a child too! tell the world to throw rocks at me calling me a money ghost i have no regret!

[KS goes to drink, while DA thinks about how KS teared up watching HJ crying in the treatment.. ]


KS: try and stop me.. i don't know what i'm doing.. but tell me not to do it..please tell me to stop....

============ done

jjmm, 因为我这里是睡觉时间了,所以可能要请KIT,NEWFACE等帮大家翻译了。。。

[ 本帖最后由 laura1997 于 2009-1-11 16:02 编辑 ]








发表于 2009-1-11 12:43 | 显示全部楼层
终于看到英语脚本了,谢谢 laura1997.








发表于 2009-1-11 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
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